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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. 29 minutes ago, elviajero said:

    @Caldera is quite happy to describe them a criminal. Just not brave enough to name one.

    I'm not sure what amuses me more, your inept attempts at baiting me or your lack of understanding how Thailand works after having spent a princely 23 years (t)here.


    Reports on here don't allow any of us to make the call if a particular rejection was legal or illegal. I stick to that, you don't. Go ahead defending Thai immigration, if you must - I think their reputation is well deserved and speaks for itself.

    • Thanks 2
  2. I'd stay nearby the river. If you stay for 6-7 days, distance to the consulate is of secondary concern - you only need to go there twice, after all. Personally, I've always walked to the consulate, but it's a bit of a hike and the heat at this time of the year won't help.


    Maybe you should consider traveling somewhere else while waiting for the appointment. You clearly don't like Vientiane, why stay there for a whole week when you could visit another place for 3-4 days?

    • Like 2
  3. Outside my local district office in Bangkok, a poster with all the relevant figures (votes for each party, numbers of valid and invalid ballots as well as eligible voters) has been up since shortly after the election. Surely that's the case throughout Thailand, so someone who collects all the data would have had a good overview early on.


    That the turnout seems to have jumped from about 65% to about 75% looks very suspicious. I'm curious what the explanation might be.

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  4. 4 hours ago, jonclark said:

    b) how will this requirement be enforced when entering Thailand? Are they going to deny plane loads of probably Chinese tourist entry as they are the largest and most frequent visitors to Thailand if they have no insurance.

    They could install vending machines at the airports for those who screwed up. Or add the insurance premium to the VOA / tourist visa fee.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, pr9spk said:

    Genuine tourists do not enter a country multiple times a year for months on end! When will people realise this?

    That depends on your definition of tourism. I like the following from Wikipedia:


    Tourism means people traveling for fun. It includes activities such as sightseeing and camping. People who travel for fun are called "tourist".

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