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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. 5 hours ago, elviajero said:

    On queue, and still in denial.

    Forum muppets have been telling me the same since 2006, when I started "living in Thailand on tourist visa". As you know, they had started "tightening" a bit earlier and introduced their inept 90/180 VE rule implementation later that very year. They've been "tightening" and "cracking down" ever since; each new or resurrected measure has been discussed here ad nauseum ever since as well. Obviously you know all that.


    Personally, I have yet to be questioned, challenged or denied by an actual (!) Thai official. You know, the ones I love to ridicule on here. You've got to realize that you aren't a member of that group, and will never be.


    So, what will happen on the day my luck will eventually run out? Not very much! I've always had a "Plan B"; I have many options, both inside Thailand and out.


    Sadly, the group you should really worry about are those who have built a life in Thailand on a "proper visa" and who haven't been able to go beyond their yearly extension non-immigrant status (by progressing to either PR or citizenship). It's called non-immigrant for a reason. There are many of them out there, and they are just one divorce, one dismissal or one failed money transfer away from losing their "proper visa" status. No matter what they've contributed to this fairy kingdom over years or even decades, it could be gone come yearly extension time. My heart goes out to them, and so should yours.

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  2. 4 hours ago, elviajero said:

    Unfortunately there are people that can't accept the simple fact that visitors are not meant to use Tourist Visas to 'live' in the country

    True, that group of people exists. You may count in all the consular officials who have issued tourist visa and all the immigration officers who have stamped me in and extended my stays. Without the active help from countless Thai officials, I couldn't have done it. You really crack me up.

    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Not really, they are finally catching up to the rest of the world to make sure no convicted or blacklisted people come back or be caught if on the run

    Very well, but the OP has mentioned that his fingerprints were already taken at the airport when he last entered the country.


    To use that technology to secure the borders makes sense. To require the OP to go to a police station to feed another DB instead of integrating them properly doesn't make sense.

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    I'm confused with this op. Where does date of birth appear on a visa. Perhaps I'm confused by my many visas on arrival to Vietnam. The visa itself obviously includes name and pp #.

    Vietnamese visa only have the date of birth in the machine readable zone at the bottom of the visa. Thai visa stickers, on the other hand, also have a date of birth field further up, where the other personal details are listed.

    • Thanks 1
  5. "She didn't know the full details about her husband's drug dealing and was not sure what drugs were involved. He had been secretive about that, she said because he did not want to worry her."


    That and he's not a child molester, he just happened to try to make an honest living from peddling child porn. What she needs is a reality check; I do realize that critical thinking isn't a strong suit of many Thais, but this is a bit much.

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  6. I once got a Thai tourist visa issued in Phnom Penh that stated that my nationality is Khmer. That was good for a laugh, but didn't cause any issues when entering the country. I'd go as far as saying that the IO probably didn't even notice it, and as long as they don't scan the machine readable data on the visa and let the computer compare that to your passport details (that they do scan), such a birthday mismatch shouldn't matter either.

    • Thanks 1
  7. I've said it before and I'll say it again: No matter which code ends up in the book, can you really trust immigration to accept these transfers? They might in some cases and might not in others, are you really willing to gamble your extension on that for a relatively small saving in transfer fees?


    The way TW operates, it's clear that the individual transfers to the recipient accounts in Thailand are domestic. Sure, if the code is shown as "FTT", that might be enough to fool immigration, but just looking at this latest "hiccup" and TW's response to it reinforces my belief that it would be foolish to rely on this method.

  8. "After sneaking back into the country, he married a Thai woman and took up residence in the quiet northeastern village, only to be discovered by chance after his photo went viral."


    I guess by "married a Thai woman" they mean the traditional marriage ceremony only, not an official wedding at a district office. I cannot imagine that someone who sneaks into the country by boat and who has an Interpol red notice in his name can get the paperwork done to get legally married here.

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