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Everything posted by swissie

  1. Me, suffering from COPD can not recommend asphyxiation. It sucks.
  2. Some bad news. Switzerland had a very liberal "Assisted Suicide" legislation. Not anymore. Now 2 Doctors must confirm, that one suffers from a 100% incurable illness. No other reasons will allow for a Assisted Suicide anymore. - So, it's back to shooting oneself in the head and leaving a bloody mess behind, or swinging from a tree, scaring schoolchildren.
  3. Eureka! This is it! I want in. (I have already considered selling my ex-girlfriends to Saudi Arabia into slavery as an income booster).
  4. Well Spark, I can tell "you have been around the block". Your approach makes sense. But still, (the fly in the ointment) it's the Warren Buffets, the George Soroses, the Andre Kostolany's that make money, not "Chart-Technicians". No wonder. My trading platform must disclose the 78% of their "retail-investors" lose money. Rats!
  5. Your father was a wise man. If you kept this up you should have no financial worries.
  6. Change any of those parameters by 10% and you will get different results. A 7 year moving iaverage s too slow. Missing entry and exit points by months.
  7. All interconnected. Who is the hen, who is the egg? Everything "pricy". How and where to apply "buy low, sell high" anymore? Any ideas?
  8. Agreed. But those are all industrial metals. Demand (long-term) increasing. But for now they are pricewise following the stock markets. Economical trend down: Stocks down as well as industrial metals. Stocks and industrial metals are twin brothers. But longer term OK. But as the average age of the posters here is around 105 years, they may not reap the benefits of this long-term investement. Rats! Their grandchildren will.
  9. Assuming most posters here have grandchildren. Stop buying them useless gadgets. Set up a monthly investment plan for them instead. (Stocks). Funded by you and their parents. Because in the not so far distance, social security systems may become "unfinanciable". Plus the new world religion called "neo-liberalism" that propagates the US social security system: "Let them eat <deleted> and let them die". A strict monthly investment plan over 40 years may be the only means to prevent "old age impoverishement". Your grand children will thank you for it.
  10. Higher interest rates are not supportive for Gold. Another mostly overlooked factor comes into play. - There are a zillion of investment funds. Most have a fixed percentage of Gold as a "hedge" in their portfolio. Fund managers are rather "lightening-up" on stocks at this time. That means, that in order to keep the percentage of Gold constant, they would also have to "lighten-up" on Gold. Of course, Funds that allow for flexibility in their asset-allocation may feel comfortable when the percentage of Gold in the portfolio actually increases (in times of crisis etc etc). This is strictly useless information, as I haven't found any statistics as to how many Funds worldwide are chained to fixed asset allocation rules versus "sexy-flexy-funds".
  11. Amen! The Gods gave us Hamburgers and Grass (wheat) and Gold. (Not necessarily in that order). The Gods never ment Gold to be a "a get rich fast scheme". Rather as a means to perserve "buying-power" Gold is slow by nature. Like a Tiger waiting pationly for the right time to pounce. Then the Tiger will leap foreward 5 meters. And Gold can leap upwards 1000$ in no time at all, rivalling the leap of the Tiger. Making up for his period of observant "dormancy". Only keeping pace with the devaluation of paper currencies. Nothing magic. Actually quite boring an predictable. Not a get rich scheme.
  12. The greatest chicken Farmer that ever lived was a guy called Warren Buffet. He only bought quality-chickens capable of producing quality eggs. (long term growth with reliable dividends).
  13. For heavens sake Spark! If you would tell a youngster how much a £ was worth in 1900 or mainly before, you would be arrested for practising "mental cruelty against children" these days.
  14. Most mentioned places above, I remember. I guess it helps if a place has been "Family-Owned" for ages. No mortgages to pay etc etc. Can outlast economical downturns better than others. Of course, if an economical downturn never stops, then.....
  15. Haven't been in Kanchanabury for 6 years. There used to be a road (sorry forgot the name), with many Guest-Houses and Bars, catering mostly to Farang Visitors. (some used to call it "little Pattaya" in the "old days". What's left of it?
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