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Everything posted by swissie

  1. Can't heat my appartement with "culture".
  2. The west boring? Hang around for a couple of months. Especially in Europe. Recession coming, Ukraine conflict swapping over to "mainland Europe" (one way or the other). This in combination with a harsh winter will eliminate any feelings of boredom. Countries and societies, where "survival of the fittest" has become the norm will not allow for boredom anymore. Quite the opposite: We would be living "in highly interesting times". A case in point: Nobody would oppose the fact, that Germany is a so called "rich" country. (Export champion, Europes economic locomotive etc etc). But it is this very (rich) country where governement programs must be implemented so that 1/4 of the population will be able to heat AND eat in the coming winter. How will the "poorer" European countries fare, I wonder. Bored in Europe? Be careful what you wish for.
  3. Have lived in Thailand on and off since 1995. Regardless where I lived, I kept in contact with a number of Farangs and a number of Thai Lady friends. My last aquaintance has died 2 days ago. The last Mohikan. All others have died before. Remarkable: None of them lived past 74. At first, I thought that I must spread "the kiss of death" somehow. But further investigation shows, that practically all of them died (prematurely) because the funds for proper medical treatement in Thailand were simply not at their disposal anymore. Note: Not anymore as opposed to "before". Refusing to leave their accumulated non-movable assets in Thailand unattended, in favor of possible free medical treatement in their home country. Excluding that, I am sure, most of them could still be alive today. Not my day. It's like closing the last page of a well liked book, with no inclination to go back to page 1 ever again.
  4. Some Farangs have come to like it "when the twain rarely meets". It makes for a laid back lifestyle. IMO, the only "plan" a Farang has to persue, is to make sure that the monthly pension money arrives on time. Everything else resembles "the plans of men and mice". - All in stark contrast to European "Career-Families". Even planning their weekend activities to the minute. (Optimising their life. Young career folks constructing a "life-plan"). Needing to "re-calibrate" their life-plan with the help of some psychiatrists frequently. Instead I recommend: When all the "life-planning" starts to overwhelm you, spend 3 months in a small Isaan village. Watch live go by in slow motion. Realise, that the water flow or the meanderings of the nearby river can not be "planned". I always felt quite comfortable among Thais that were not burdened by any "plans". They seemed happier than the "life-optimisers" in the West. May it last, at least in the Thai sticks.
  5. Hi. I am the OP. Here a little follow-up. I had the Prostate "Water Vapor Surgery" on August 24. (A low invasive procedure, I was told). THE AFTERMATH: Excrutiating pain while urinating for 2 weeks. My "noises" while urinating was cause enough for my next door neighbors to offer to call medical emergency services. Henceforth, I used a pillow to muffle my "noises" while urinating. Experiencing the "pain of my life". This is not an exaggeration! Somewhat better now, I don't need my pillow-muffler anymore while urinating. I therefore urge anyone considering this "Low Invasive procedure" to do the following: - Ask the clinic/hospital for contacts of patients that have undergone this procedure before. Ask those people how they fared after this "Low Invasive Procedure". If hospital is not willing or able to provide opinions of former patients, do not let them "perform" on you! Do some homework before. If I would have known before, I would not have undergone this "Low Invasive Procedure", so far giving me only "the pain of my life". Possible positive effects only to be noticed 2 to 3 months after surgery. If at all.
  6. Not give it much thought. A pompous elitarian "nuveau riche" from the US, having found his kingdom in a Thai village, far away from home.
  7. Lot's of Farangs have settled in the Isan over the years. A few of them might be called "high rollers". Clearly, the descripton of your lifestyle and your truly Royal wedding, would easily qualify you as a premier "high roller" in the Isan. Fine, no crime. But still leaving the impression, that thanks to your massive "financial muscle" (surely causing a veritable financial Tsunami in the village), the wife plus family found themselves in a position of "an offer that can't possibly be refused", them knowing well that something like this is only happening once in a lifetime? Out of curiosity: Do such thoughts ever cross your mind? In the same situation, I myself would be pragmatic: "I paid the band and as long as the band plays, I will keep on dancing".
  8. Yes Sir. A lot of grief could be avoided during a 2 year "no comittement" phase. Some actresses/chameleons may be able to fake their character for 2 months, but not for 2 years.
  9. Tiger, tiger lurking in the dark.......... Negative news increasing by the day. Globally. But the "markets" still signalling "it won't be so bad". Still massive liquitity looking for a home. The home was the share markets. Who want's to leave a cosy home? Still, I remain: Tiger, tiger lurking in the dark..........
  10. Once more and testing: After 10 minutes of self imposed keyboard/clicking strict "inactivity", I was automatically logged-out from ASEAN NOW once again.. As usual. To post this short message, I had to log-in again.
  11. Not sure if this belongs here or not. A brand new post: "How does Thailand rank on the price of sex index"? According to "webfact" 17 hours old. But wasn't visible 2 hours ago on ASEAN NOW. How does the "importation" or"exportation" of threads work on ASEAN NOW? Not the first time I noticed this "phenomenon". Old threads from "somewhere", appearing as a new thread here. I am confident, that the "Mod-Team" will deliver a satisfactory reply to this re-occurring "phenomenum". Especially as this inquiry can not be classified as "critisising moderation". ????
  12. Drilling in my nose with only 1 hand is only half the fun. I will train my dog to hit the keyboard every 9 1/2 minutes. My dog will learn faster than me trying to find out what "dark internet forces" control my computer.
  13. Even if I stay in the forum, without clicking or typing, after about 10 min I get logged out without any prior message/warning. I suspect my VPN is the culprit.
  14. Jep, thats exactly the case. I use a laptop. I have no "timing-function" installed whatsoever. Could it be that my VPN has a log off function? For security reasons?
  15. I have noticed, that while "keyboard inactivity" is punished by an automatic "logout", after about 10 minutes here. Completey disregarding the fact, that drilling in ones nose can take longer than 10 minutes. A toilet-session, including contemplations about "god and the world" can easily take longer than 10 minutes. To receive a Pizza's or Gold-Bars from Dubai at the door can easily take longer than 10 minutes. Can't see how a Brithish National can prepare a decent cup of tea in less than 10 minutes. PS: Not such a bad concept, I find. Imagine if every Fake-News producer on social-media had to automatically log-in every 5 minutes, disclosing all his personal data everytime, including his hat-size. The global disease of "misinformation" would be greatly reduced.
  16. Assuming "spark" has his roots in Australia. Why not mining? As I gather, driving a "mine-truck" for any of the many mining companies in Australia, will pay over 100K per year. 3 months 30K. Why not? Rinse and repeat.
  17. Update: Long COVID or "chronic fatigue syndrome". In case it's the latter, a lot of guesswork and diagnostic hokus-pokus coming my way. Cheers.
  18. How fast or slow can anyone physically age? 70 years old. 3 Months ago, I could walk 1 km. Today, it's 300 meters. Now, getting out of bed and making first steps is a physical challenge. After that, every muscle and bone hurts for the rest of my "active day". Only stopping when I lay motionless in my bed. Medical Examinations show that "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you". How can it be, that a person is dying in a "fast forward" motion, while "There is nothing wrong with you"'? Mildly invasive Prostate operation coming up. Pre-Operative "check-up's" will probably disclose once again "That there is absulutely nothing wrong with you". It's very comforting to know, that lying on your death bead, surrounded by medical wizards, them all whispering in your ear: "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you". Doesn't get any better, or does it?
  19. Most comments here, disturb me deeply. In my younger years, I visited England often. One might say I turned into an Anglophile. Rural England was very much to my liking. The landscape, the history and the people. Some years before, England had to give up most of their colonies. At this time I remember my fathers words: "After 300 years, the British will have to work for themselves for the first time as nobody else will not work for them for free no more". Is that the root of it all? Empires come and go. Is the US the next empire to go, replaced by the Empire of China?
  20. Most accurate "small village" life description I have read so far. Congrats. No village beauty (with no connection to prior Tourist hotspots) will get involved with a Farang unless firm prior commitment(s) were forthcoming by the Farang. = "Loss of face" is still a big thing in a small Thai village. Any "pick-up" happens in Tourist hotspots, but certainly not in a small Thai village.
  21. As long as living in the village, they resemble Mother Theresa. When going to work in a Tourist hotspot, they undergo a frightening change of character, as soon as they step off the bus. I observed this "metamorphosis" numerous times. Not sure if I should call them naturally born "chameleons" or they all simply deserve an "Oscar" for best performing actresses.
  22. Buri Ram is not just a city, it's an entire Province and quite a large one at that. One of the poorer provinces but fortunately not too far away from Pattaya. No surprise, that a very large number of Hostesses come from the province of Buri Ram.
  23. I hear you Bro. As soon as I arrived in the sticks, the villagers wanted to give me a Thai name. Intensive consultations among the villagers ensued. But "the westerner" wasn't fat or thin, not rich not poor, not loud not silent, not frivolous not monk like, just a "bland", scandal free westener. Due to the lack of any physical or mental peculiarities of mine, the overall consensus was to call me FARANG-U. ("U" is the first letter of my first name). Coming to know the first name of my Thai neighbors over time, I adressed them with "Hello Thai -A. (or whatever their first letter of their first name was). Lot's of giggles locally. Even made it to a very local newspaper. More giggles. Fond memories.
  24. All Thais speak basic English in Tourist Hot spots. Not so in the "Isaan*. A mixture of Thai and Khmer. No Farang has ever mastered this mix of languages satisfactory. Therefore, the Swiss Embassy employs "Thai-Speakers" and "Khmer-Speakers" when it comes to any legal translation matters. After your "bus-trip", covering rural-Thailand, you will probably end up in Pattaya. As the reward/expense ratio is unsurpassed within the Kingdom of Thailand.
  25. You willl like rural Thailand for at least for 6 months. If not attached to a promising young Thai Female, you will return to semi-civilisation. = Pattaya. Because without learning one of the most diffficult languages, you will never be part of "rural Thailand". Unless your wallet helps you to "bridge-over" cultural differences. Focus on Pattaya.
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