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Everything posted by swissie

  1. Us "Westerners" will have a heavy burden to carry. (because nobody else will). We will have to pay for: - Now, with rising interest rates, we will have to "save" a good number of 3 rd world countries. - We will have to pay for expensive wheat, so half of Africa dosn't starve. - We will have to take over the "heating-bill" for 20% of low income Europeans, come winter. - We will have to rebuild our armies. - We will have to rebuild the Ukraine. - We will have to pay for implementing "green energy" (the big one). - Demografics will bankrupt our social-security-systems. (need outside funding). The list is by far not complete. I wonder, where all this money will come from, in a world that is already overburdened with dept, like never before. Once all those financial liabilities are added up and conveyed to the ignorant public, I wonder how the credit/stock markets will react. And the taxpayers.
  2. Nah. When introducing a new religion (leading straight to Nirvana) or offering someone a unexpected "windfall" profit you will soon have more followers (friends) that you can shake a stick at. Not happening with my Farang friends in Thailand. They don't look for Nirvana nor windfall profits. They want their pensions to arrive on time.
  3. Not wanting to go into details. You must have gathered your "facts" from Facebook or british tabloid papers. There is a fly in the ointment: The "inferior" Russian Army is winning the war. To call the second most powerful army of the world "inferior", resembles "military blasphemy". Or simply western based wishful thingking. Instead of falling prey to the 2 sided war propaganda, we should pay attention to what Putin said: "We haven't even started yet". I have not forgotten where Hitler was defeated. Stalingrad, Leningrad, Charkow, Smolensk, Sevastapol, Moscow. All on Russian soil. All done by an "inferior" Russian army. Long before the first allied soldier set foot on the beaches of Normandie. Lets just hope that the "inferior" Russian army stops at the Hungarian border. Otherwise our hedonistic i-phone soldiers (with not enough military hardware and with not enough ammo) will never have to face the "inferior" Russian army.
  4. Quite the opposite. Ever since I introduced them into international money laundering, tax evasion, human trafficking, drug trafficking all the ponzi schemes known to humans, they are always thrilled to talk to me.
  5. All well and good. But there are a few things that must be considered as well, above and beyound (western) statistics: While the West has "demilitarised" for the last 30 years, the Russians have increased their military capabilities. The Russian Military Apparatus and the basic Russian economy is autark, needs no imports. Except for some western (unnecessary) luxury goods. Western high-tech, they have stolen from us a long time ago. Or we have given it to them voluntarily a long time ago. Russians are uncompromising patriots. When "mother Russia" is in distress, they will rally behind their leaders. The ability to suffer and endure personal hardship by Russians is legendary. Rivalled only by the North Vietnames at the time. Something like this will not be found in Western hedonistic societies. We must face the music. The Russians can live without the "Gas-Money" from Europe for 3 months. But Europe can not live without Gas from Russia in the winter months without ending up in a massive economical recession. Who holds the better set of cards in this game over the next 1 to 2 years?
  6. I would think, that the above mentioned points are the reasons that an increasing number of Farangs have lost their sense of humor. No wonder.
  7. Yes, I myself have somber thaughts, but they are not Thailand related.
  8. Possibly, the Farangs with "somber thaughts" don't really want to comment on the subject here. As it would only confirm and increase their somber thaughts.
  9. As a matter of routine, I always kept in touch with my Farang friends in Thailand. Mostly by way of "Skype". Some have died, some are still alive and kicking. But, over the years, I have noticed an increasing "somber" undertone, while talking to my Farang Friends back in Thailand. They preferrably talk about "problems". Left and right. Mostly "financially related", as I gather. Worse: They seem to have lost all sense of "European-Humor" over time. Be it "black british humor" all the way to scandinavian and continental european and boisterous US humor. What happened? To make a verbal joke, one must say that this was meant as a joke. To send a written joke, one must send a "smiley" along with it, to be understood as a joke. What happened to Farangs in paradise? The fact, that Thais find the most laughter when it comes to the Misfortune of others, can not possibly be the reason for a Farang to abandon harmless "european-humor" (benevolant). In exchange for the maglignant Thai Humor. Or is it?
  10. Fantastic. Also makes sense to Farang/Thai relationships. If nearing 33% above 2 year average, you may want to look for another lady (sell your stocks). If nearing 33% below 2 year average, you may want to start showering her with gifts, so she may stay. (buy some stocks). It's all "same same", if you have time enough to implement this universal blissful strategy. If that does not work, we are back to basics: "Life goes from zero to zero. We all dust". William Shakespeare, alias Sparktrader. ????
  11. Makes perfect sense. A good overall approach. Works best as a long term strategy. I would recommend it to my grandchildren (if I had any). But, most posters here are more or less "old geezers". That makes certain "long term strategies" less practical for obvious reasons. What remains? Start frantic day trading and lose your money within 1 year. OR: Sell your Thai Family into slavery in Saudi Arabia. I was told, that the yield is somewhat higher than the yield of US Treasury Bonds.????
  12. Sometimes it is helpful to take a look at industrial metals. While stocks are trying to stage a rally, industrial metals send a clear message: Recession coming! But, as I said earlier, it's the honorable Mr. Putin that will decide what the economical faith of Europe will be (short to mid-term).
  13. Yes, implementing sanctions, without considering "what counter measures" Mr. Putin has at his disposal was a fatal mistake in the first place. The cost of those "sanctions" are already higher for the "West" than for Russia. Our western polit-clowns should not sit down for a game of chess with any Russian leaders. Russians are excellent chess players. They can think fife moves ahead. Something our polit-clowns simply can't do.
  14. Quote: "Last I heard is that it has changed, and that now 2 doctors have to certify that you are suffering from a health condition that can not be cured". Unfortunately this is true. Nowadays, a terminal illness will have to be confirmed by 2 doctors. All other reasons will not be considered anymore. My lifetime membership at "Exit" cost me the lump sum of CHF 1000. But I am very dissappointed by the new ruling. You would practically already have to be in your "dying-bed", flushed with morphine. = Therefore, your capability to make concious decisions can be questioned. It's a setback for the Assisted Suicide idea. What remains? Eating 5 kilos of Thai-Chily within 1 hour?????
  15. I have known many elderly Farangs in Thailand over the years. 2 of them committed suicide, because they didn't want to financially ruin their Family, due to foreseeable overwhelming hospital bills. Thus keeping their Thai Family financially "intact". As I gather, those Thai Families considerd this (as best as I can translate it) as an act of modern day "Chivallery", very much appreciated by traditional Thai-Folks. Mirroring the same situation, as a Farang with a rather slim wallet, having the grim reaper knocking at your door? What would you do? = Addressing Farangs with a long history of "Thai Family Ties" only. Well understood.
  16. A micro analysis. We will have to deal with macro economics soon. Unfortunately.
  17. Could I secure copyrights for the term "Trumpistification" or is it already part of the common language in the US?
  18. Everybody please forget about Kamala. Why don't the Democrats start to build up a credible candidate for the next presidential elections????????????????????????? If not, a final "Trumpistification" of the US will be the result.
  19. Who would have ever thought that Mr. Putin would ever decide over the economical future of Europe (short to mid-term). The combination of no gas from Russia with a resurgence of COVID can induce a apocalyptical downward spiral in Europe come fall/winter. It's frightening. It's not what western politicians say, it's what "Vladimir" will do that will be the deciding factor. In such a situation, to be short the DAX would be a good place to be.
  20. Hello, I am the OP. For better of for worse. As expected, most "Isaan Dwellers" are quite happy to live in rural Thailand. I too would still be living in Rural Thailand, if it wasn't for arising health issues. If I would have stayed in Thailand, the medical bills would have financially wiped me out. And I wasn't "a poor Farang". The issue remains. Without strong financial backing or a "good" health insurance, the Thai Dream can turn into a nightmare. I have known many elderly Farangs in Thailand over the years. 2 of them committed suicide, because they didn't want to ruin their Family, due to foreseeable overwhelming hospital bills. An act of modern day "Chivallery" some may find. What are your thoughts? What would you do in a similar situation?
  21. This can only happen, if a non native English speaker tries to type faster than he can think without proof reading. Will never happen again. Self flagellation will put me on the right track again
  22. As an "English-Teacher" I suppose. If you are young and a *pretty Farang", be on your guard, Use condoms at all times. The salary of a english teacher will not support a large Thai Family.
  23. The big thinker from Switzerland has stayed in rural Thailand for 5 years. In an aerea whwere the english language was unknown.
  24. Hail to all the (modest) Farang Isaan-Dwellers. Living in a corner of the wold that (was) is forgotten by the rest of the world. Now, that the world is discussing "limited nuclear warfare" on European soil, how good is it to know that the Isaan of Thailand has no strategic value to nobody. Of course the Nuclear "fallout" will eventually also reach the Isaan. But, as opposed to Europe, still leaving plenty of time "to party". Plenty of time to eat Somtam. Plenty of time to strangulate family members, you never liked. PS: If nothing of the above should happen, no problem. Living in a corner of the world that is forgotten by the world is a privilege these days I find. (Unless the Thai Family gives you a hard time, of course).
  25. Your thread concerning this very issue is still alive and well. Why respond hesitantly to old existing threads. Opening a new thread basically concerning the same issue?
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