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Everything posted by swissie

  1. The old trading by "chart-technique" doesn't work as it used to. "False breakouts" etc etc becoming the rule. No wonder. It is known where the "stops /buy-sell" orders are placed these days. A new segment of traders have evolved = "running the stops", resulting in "false breakouts", also known as Bull/Bear traps. Needless to say, that often times, your own broker/trading house bets successfully against their own customers. The future? 77 different AI systems doing the trading. Short term pricing and especially volatility going thru the roof.
  2. Stock picking is hard enough as it is. Now comes the "Trump-Factor" into place. The deisions of this 1 man can decide the faith of entire economic sectors and whole countries and world trade overall. Welcome to the roulette table in 2025.
  3. The US had to introduce "food-stamps" not because of a "war situation". That's the difference.
  4. JUST AS A REMINDER: The richest country of this world (the US) must issue food-stamps to keep a few million of their citizens from starvation. This since decades.
  5. In other words: The "state " give me everything" and I give nothing back, The richer I am, the less I give back to society. Things are looking good, don't they?
  6. Not to forget my dear friends. John Maynard Keynes developped a truly remarkable economic system to keep "economic growth" in balance over time. - During economic downturns, the state will borrow money to "soften" downturns. Once the (inevitable) recovery takes place, the borrowed funds will be repaid. A brilliant concept. Unfortunately: During economical upswings, the borrowed monies were never paid back. Under these circumstances, Keynes model of long-term economical equilibrium never had a chance.
  7. In a former post, I recommended that Walker88 posts should be part of any high school curriculum in the US. Now I would augment my request: Everyone contemplating studying "economy" must read Walker88 comments first. As economic "inner workings" of complicated constellations are explained here by Walker88 in terms, that even a young person, starting his career at McDonalds is capable of understanding. Priceless.
  8. Above text raises some serious questions. After 9 years, the lady finally realises "that something happened" below her belt while being drugged. After 9 years!!! At least at some time (in the beginning) the lady may have shown signs of "co-opperation". Now, having found out that "outing" herself, could mean "fame and fortune" in old age? - Of course, I would not dare to voice such doubts in public as I would be chasdised for the rest of my life, being titled a "rape supporter". Only because I am not buying the victims story 100%.
  9. The new Tsar in the Kremlin knows all about the youth in the West and their priorities. To defend the property of the 5% of the rich is not very high on their agenda. The only coutry in Europe that can still motivate their youth for "a fatherlandish" war is Russia. PS: As the west has sent the most part of our military hardware to the Ukraine, it will be hard to convince the youth of the west to conduct any defensive warfare, equipped with slingshots and wooden clubs.
  10. Birth is the enemy of us all. Followed by certain death.
  11. Have you been like this since childhood? Your entire life before? Or has it set in since you live in Thailand? Your answer to this is crucial. Please respond.
  12. I know the song. But would not explain why JT should have lost his "connection" to this forum.
  13. It's about you GG. JT doesn't post here much anymore. He must have found greener posting pastures.
  14. There was a time when the call went out: MAKE "ASEAN NOW" GREAT AGAIN. GG heard the call and responded with tireless vigor. A day without posts from GG is a day without sunshine. I await GG's posts on the edge of my seat daily. I have to be tied down to my seat with a solid rope, as without it, I tend to fall off my seat, due to over-exitement.
  15. As I wrote in another sub-forum here: Secutity interests? This coming from a guy that is contemplating exiting NATO? The same guy calling global warming a HOAX, but he has realised that the Greenland ice is melting. Below the ice, there are incredible amounts of raw materials of all sorts. To him, it's just another business deal: Secure those raw materials for the US.
  16. Secutity interests? This coming from a guy that is contemplating exiting NATO? The same guy calling global warming a HOAX, but he has realised that the Greenland ice is melting. Below the ice, there are incredible amounts of raw materials of all sorts. To him, it's just another business deal: Secure those raw materials for the US.
  17. On and off about 22 years. Wordwide I found so far 72 linguistic individual descripions concerning "a large penis". How would you approach a Thai-Lady, alerting her that you are an "oversized individual"? Before/after. Spill your guts!
  18. Has that concept also worked in your home country before?
  19. When I noticed that a new sub-forum "off the beaten track" came into being here, I knew what's coming. A platform for "deniers", refusing to accept scientific facts. Possibly the OP has spent 2 hours to find that climate change is a hoax in the internet, would he have spent the same 2 hours in the internet, looking at undisputable scientific evidence, he could have found a thousand scientific studies, that prove that muman made global warming is not a Hoax. What's next here? The earth is flat? All vaccinations that have saved millions of lives are "devils work"? Just because the authors of such things have never bothered to make the attempt to understand DNA/RNA or other indisputable scientific facts? As I see it, every moron on this globe has now found an open door here. Next: Donald makes the sun rise in the east and set in the west. Followed by 10 pages of "approving comments" here. Heaven help us.
  20. When in Thailand, I don't need to "flaunt" my wealth. It is sufficient to present my immaculate muscular alabaster body to the locals, causing immediate admiration by everyone. That has nothing to do with the fact that my crutches are made of pure Gold.
  21. Good, that most posters live in Thailand, where one can "flaunt" wealth. Go to some central american countries, without body guards, you will be abducted in no time at all. For non-celebrities the ransom is usually around 1000$. Peanuts, doesen't make the "western press". So, be careful, where you "flaunt" your wealth.
  22. OR: Once the last drop of the midwestern "Oglala Aquifer" has been pumped up (no more agriculture), why not cover half of the midwest with solar panels? And: Everyone having his private small nuclear power plant in his front yard. Nuclear waist? No problem, just flush it down the toilet.
  23. Already known, that AI will need tremendeous amonts of energy. Some big AI players wanting to build their own nuclear power plants !!!!!
  24. Not familiar with TV text editor. TV = Televison or what else?
  25. Yes Windows Computer. I just had a vision: All platforms of this world "communicate" with each other. A nightmare.
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