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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Dem gals can SWAT me anytime!!!
  2. Have to go to extremes to get the attention of politicians....
  3. This is common in Thailand. I freaked out the first time I witness this. I'm surprised there not more fatalities because of this...
  4. Try a private tour service...
  5. Gun control is like trying control cockroaches. You'll never eliminate it....
  6. The only constant in this world is change.....
  7. I like the gal in the second photo😍.....
  8. Definition of SCHEME: make plans, especially in a devious way or with intent to do something illegal or wrong.
  9. Sorry to hear about your father but it sounds like you no choice but to wait until your civil case is settled. What kind of civil case are you involved in that required you to relinquish your passport? Can you talk to the judge and explain your situation? Judges are human too and may have compassion for you......
  10. Screaming is really going help....
  11. Gofug is now: Fugged! That's Fugged Up!
  12. The insatiable appetite for money....
  13. Wishful thinking. They'll need a lot more tourist to hit 35M.....
  14. Gotta pay the right people in advance if you know what I mean?
  15. That's great that Thailand will be hosting the ASEAN Para Games. Now only if the government will step up and have more public services for the disabled....
  16. Well that's the right step, in the right direction but I wonder what the harsh penalties are? 100 lashes with a wet noodle?
  17. Endorsing a bill and the bill becoming a law are two very different things. I'd like to see if this bill comes to fruition.....
  18. Easy money for shop owners only....
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