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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Thou shall not steal jobs from locals in Thailand........
  2. The "Brown Envelope" ALWAYS opens doors......
  3. Do the smell test.....more often than not, it's a good indicator if food is spoiled or not. Applies to gals too ????
  4. "Pattaya WILL BE the next 'Boomtown' in Thailand" If you believe that, I have some land for investment in Florida, premium swamp land or in Hawaii right on a volcano....
  5. Advertising is the only way this publication stays a float.....Love it or leave it.
  6. Don't be doing the dirty deed.....
  7. Shoddy materials and workmanship.....typical third world quality.
  8. How about all the Indian clowns that pester you all up and down Sukhummvit?
  9. I was just resting my eyes.....honestly.
  10. The EYE in the sky.......
  11. Now he'll be serving time for not minding his business.....
  12. And allowed his dogs to kill another dog? He should be held responsible.
  13. Forget it. Too hot to be riding a bicycle.....
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