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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Unfortunately, I think Pita will step down...
  2. Beware of the eye in the sky! Stick a fork in him....He's DONE!
  3. So is it the City's fault or was it just dumb riders?
  4. Doesn't look like it's suicide. If not suicide, what could it be?
  5. Olaf Thorsten Brinkmann does not look like a nice person....
  6. Nice plug....
  7. LOL, now she'll have to pay all the fines + penalties and interest. She thought she was saving money by evading the toll....
  8. Looks more like a box truck...
  9. Time to hang up his bike riding privileges..
  10. This is better than fiction....
  11. Eat organic veggies and fruits that you either you grow or know the farmer that grows them...
  12. Is there such a thing as a "normal" infection? An infection means something is not normal...
  13. "Grain of suspicion: Thai woman found lifeless in rice field" Lame pun.
  14. There is no public mental health help in Thailand for people like Jay that really need it but even if there was, I doubt he'd get help......
  15. TAT...If we can't get the Chinese to come, let try Koreans....
  16. HORRIFIC!!!! Very sad way to die....
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