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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Ha ha ha, now she has a one way ticket to prison! ????
  2. It seems like a good number of people on Tinder or any of the major dating sites are crypto scammers. Lock them up and throw away the keys!
  3. A rare positive political move for the small guys! ????
  4. Old chinese saying: "Politicians are like folding screen dividers. You have to be crooked to stand up".
  5. In Thailand, It's who you know and then what you know.......
  6. "Move Forward Commits to Marriage Equality Law" LMAO! Equality? Equality doesn't exit in Thailand.....
  7. LOL! Good to read a good story once in awhile!
  8. Great reporting! Boat doesn't look capsized!?
  9. Nothing ever good happens after midnight....
  10. Now the philanthropist is in need of a philanthropist...
  11. I seen it happen all the time...cheap materials and shoddy workmanship. Nothing new.
  12. This is only the tip of the iceberg....there are so many of these smugglers (drugs as well as humans), scammers/con artists, they're like cockroaches. You'll never be able to eliminate them, only try to control them. It's easy money and once they get the feel for easy money, it becomes an addiction....
  13. I'd rather watch a Mike Tyson re-run fight than watch a live Tyson Fury fight....
  14. Bet some of the good ole boys in the RTP are licking their chops thinking, "Easy money" will soon be flowing....Shake and Bake!!! Just ask s Charlene An....
  15. Whilst the bar gals and call girls make 3000+ a trick......
  16. Lucky they got lost in tropical weather and not like Julian Sands, in freezing, snow covered Mt. Baldy....
  17. Short 20K+....I wonder how else did the other 20K folks arrived? Swam?
  18. You also forgot the traffic cops and security guards that just love to blow their whistle at any chance they can get.....
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