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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. did he just said that he will be extending his stay, God please help us ????????
  2. Thailand !!!!! land of contradictions and constant scheme change
  3. hope is not like Sancho...good in Germany and didn't show much in the UK
  4. new year just started and the TAT NEW BS comes with it..... let's wait until tomorrow for a newer one 555
  5. honestly never paid attention to the total number of available pairings but between me and my kid we must have 6-7
  6. it took him that long to realize that... it has been tainted ever since Prayut grabbed power 555
  7. he was correct, one at the time, if you want 2 at the time it's a little more complicated and woudn't advise to get there, I have 3 devices (TV, Tablet and Mobile) using Jabra and no problem as long as I disconnect one before connecting the other Happy New Year and all the best
  8. as many as you want as long as they have bluetooth capability BUT each needs to connect separately and can not have 2 connected at same time didn't realized many had already provided same answer....
  9. being of a suspicious nature I wonder what is behind his comment.... something is cooking 555 Happy New Year and best Wishes to everyone
  10. that and the weight of the shirt are very heavy on him 555 Happy New Year
  11. you beat me to it..... not fair and I wanted to be the first 555 they forgot to mention the way they managed the virus and vaccination circus, corruption, the military junta grabbing power and so many more things they should be embarrassed about
  12. they played poorly, not controlling the game, to many bad/incompleted passes, better have Varane and LindLoff then Maguire and Bally, agree on AWB but for me Shaw has no character to be on this team, Dalot or Telles better and more completed players
  13. shaw... bissaka.... and maguire should pack and search/beg for premiership team to hire them
  14. OGS didn't take the team anywhere, he just collected/capitalized on Mourinho's work and thought it was all good.... then reality hit, what did he do at Swansea
  15. you beat me to it.... what teams has he coached, trophees won, MU Woodward guy is just (again) cutting corners
  16. it's funny how people here blame the guy for all bad done by the team, he doesn't play alone there are 10 more with him or maybe it could be the manager or maybe could be the captain or maybe could be the management or .... or.... and maybe the next game the guy puts 2 goals in and he is the best again. MU was sick or has been sick for quite sometime even before CR7 arrival, maybe should look back and see what happened.... for me getting rid of Maguire, Shaw, Bissaka, Greenwood, Rashford, Pogba, Martial, Fred, thus the majority of no good players and we may start to see some improvements, the Greenwood kid could be an ok player if he learned how to play for the team, he's extremely shelfish.....
  17. feel sorry for you and your family, hope they find a safe way out.... unfortunately we all know military junta governments actions/atrocities
  18. nothing to worry about (yet) we are on good hands, the moxxxx has spoken 555 DPM Anutin: Thailand is able to handle Omicron variant
  19. wonder how many they want to return to a Military Junta controlled country even if and when the conflict is less severe
  20. and they only have their xxxx government to blame for it... but this being the land of "hope, wish, estimates, new (bad) schemes, anticipates and so forth" believers were just following that trend
  21. I don't think TAT is to worried/panic about Omicron, this morning was in Ao Nang beach 90% of foreigners not wearing masks, walking around like there's nothing to worry about and no police or any other government agencies around to check or enforce the regulations..... it will be fun after the holidays, let's see TAT's reactions/comments when the infections jump over the roof
  22. in China he was looked at like having a plague, Chinese are very racist and discriminatory
  23. Israeli Who Escaped Quarantine Will be Charged and Deported wonder what they do the Thais who do/did the same
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