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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. he/she would be sitting on a nice comfortable couch seeping some cold beers..... pretty much like Putin 555
  2. back like at Peter the Great era, do you care top share, I am interested as long as you have back up data
  3. not confused at all, the committee has the power to "advise" the JD on their findings and expectations
  4. and I thought we all knew that already, the committee just confirmed it, I was expecting the committee to advise for his immediate lock up pending final findings
  5. Boris can't do s..t, if and big if he tries to do anything that will jeopardize NI status the guy from the other side of the Atlantic whom has Irish blood, will cut any and all possible trade deal between US/UK as it stands, the international community doesn't care much about the UK as long BJ is there, the international community knows well BJ doesn't respect agreements
  6. and this is the best you can do.... I know, I know, truth hurts
  7. you really expected the UK Agricultural Minister to say something different, come on get real and accept/ respect the agreements
  8. 555 ..... 555 don't you think that if people knew the reality and the potential draw backs of the brexit they would have agreed with it, please keep your opinion just to yourself, don't assume are people would have the same (opinion) as yours, not good to put words on somebody else's mouth
  9. is this a reliable source? if so why is the data not confirmed, below is the statement from your link, just in case feel free to check the definition .... unsubstantiated /ˌʌnsəbˈstanʃɪeɪtɪd/ adjective 1. not supported or proven by evidence: "unsubstantiated claims" Rating UNSUBSTANTIATED It is unclear how this figure was calculated. Neither the DUP, DAERA nor the European Commission could confirm the figure.
  10. so you want the same rights as if you were in the EU but without being in the EU, you decided to leave thus have to accept the good and the bad that comes out of it, shouldn't expect any special treatment just because you are the UK
  11. any deals with boris are never done as he never respects any
  12. how is the EU interfering with anything, the guy has no face, never respected any of his agreements, he's always looking to antagonize the EU, he made a BIG mistake leaving, lies and more lies will bring him down
  13. dogs who bark don't bite, "she" is one of them, too much to lose
  14. you should not blame Vlad for anything or you will be on not allowed travel to Russia list, he didn't stole anything, he just borrowed it as his friends in Syria are starving 555
  15. Russia foreign minister not happy he was denied access to EU fly zone and had the guts to make a stupid statement as .... "Serbia should have the free choice," Lavrov told a video conference with foreign journalists in Moscow on Monday. have a question for him .... What about Ukraine's free choice rights Sergei or only Russia allies have the right to free choice, get used to it, more to come it's pay back time https://au.yahoo.com/news/russias-lavrov-calls-decision-block-104831371.html Russia's Lavrov calls decision to block plane 'unprecedented'
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