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Everything posted by BestB

  1. you forgetting, only locally made tobacco products are legally sold, so all the high taxes go back to government. Anything imported is not allowed on the main shelves. only in the airport Try to find Davidoff or even Dunhill anywhere retail, no chance
  2. For people who do not know much, watch this first video which clearly shows the difference between smoking and vaping. while not a scientific study but gives you a good idea Smoking vs Vaping And now watch this video, how smoking weed works but apparently its all ok, not harmful and helpful
  3. For as long as Tobacco monopoly is party or fully owned by the government vaping will remain banned. Health has nothing to do with it. They worry about kids picking up vaping, but not so worried about kids picking up smoking. Gums, patches are rarely available in pharmacies and if it is , it is an astronomical high price. He mentioned he wants to stop importation of vaping gear into Thailand, appears dumbo is not aware Thai ejuice manufacturing has grown from 1-2 brands to over a dozen already, and it is nicely made and packaged.
  4. Yes it can, because you sucking on oil not an unknown combo of chemicals which creates tar and stays in the air for hours if not days. someone vaping can vape in room all day long, open window and 10 mins later you would not smell a thing . Someone smokes 1 cig and next day you can still smell it
  5. and i posted about attacks, Perhaps try reading before responding
  6. thats rather idiotic statement after you posted your statistics which was shown to be not accurate, but carry on
  7. Of the 2,060 bites, Labrador retrievers made up the biggest percentage on the bite list. Labs accounted for 13.3 percent of the reported bites; pit bulls, 8.4 percent; German shepherds, 7.8 percent; Rottweilers, 3.9 percent; and Chows, 3.5 percent. right here https://www.denverpost.com/2009/02/26/dog-bite-survey-finds-few-canines-that-attack/#:~:text=Of the 2%2C060 bites%2C Labrador,%3B and Chows%2C 3.5 percent.
  8. if you say so, but welcome to do little googling and getting an idea before calling other peoples posts silly
  9. plenty of statistics of labs and goldens attacking and killing people, as a matter of fact labs and golden attacks are more than the pitbulls
  10. Precisely the point, when you have a strong and powerful dog, outcomes are by far worse than keeping a toy poodle when you mistreat the animal
  11. yes i read those stories, like the one where pitbul killed the hubby while hubby was asleep and wife did not know why as she claimed it was loved? Only pics from the scene showed empty alcohol bottles all over the house and dog was chained. Makes you wonder how truthful those stories are
  12. this says it all. Kept the dog caged, letting him out on occasion and do not understand why it went mad? How about when you get a pet, you take it for walks, socialize it and give love, may be then dog will not turn on you
  13. what puzzles me each and every time is how banks pretend they had nothing to do with it and its all employees fault. Sorry but it is an employee of your company, which means are you 100% liable, even more so when crime took place on your premises and employee was acting on your behalf, wearing your uniform and your ID card, using your computer, logging with password provided by you.
  14. Willing to bet, he has someone very powerful behind him providing assurance and security. Someone in the ranks of army, hoping to take over from the police ????
  15. Ok it sounds very bad when said out loud, but it was a known fact for years. What no one is saying for some unknown reason is that it is government to blame 100% as police has minimal budget. Police stations upkeep is paid by the individual chiefs, uniforms, guns, vehicles, gas and so on all paid by the cops themselves. The entire force needs to be reshuffled, but government also has to not only increase their wages but also increase their budget 100 times fold
  16. do not ask me, only saying what the law says, which is just as moot as most other thai laws and regulations. From my understanding, it is ok to use in private, but not in public. In many cases where people were caught, police told them to use at home only, not outside. One could argue, that of course at home police not see, so its not a problem
  17. try joining thai vape groups and then you will realize there are people beyond your neighbors
  18. i though the law was clear so was the wording. Possession is illegal but vaping is not????
  19. First and the strangest ever is pitbuls ripping genital's Pitbuls normally go for the neck, Second, according to sister in law, victim had mental issues and screaming was not out of the ordinary so much that she did not even dare to go out side when she heard the screams, which only means he was also violent or unpredictable? So the question is , what did really happen for the dogs to attack him and rip apart his manhood instead of his neck or the rest of the body? PS, Most dogs, and in my experience especially Pitbuls have a sense when they come across mentally sick people and normally try to attack them, perhaps sensing possible danger? Most dogs also do not take well towards drunks, people on drugs or ones who sniff glue As for the idiot owner, with his idiotic excuse door was left open, with 3 male pitbuls should ensure doors do not get left open and dogs have no way to get out I have 3 pitbuls and mine miraculously never manage to get out in over 10 years, but then again, i do have a brain and pay attention instead of being a careless idiot
  20. its a public park, maintained and paid for by him.
  21. Yeah you could say he was sentenced for 2 years, 13 years after the fact but did not serve full term as he was pardoned. still well connected ????
  22. Corruption in Immigration has been going on for decades and hardly a surprised shock or news for anyone. Since Chinese Triads started to come over is when it all became a problem, what they failing to understand is that so far triads have been playing nice, it does not mean it will stay this way if things become hard for them.
  23. Back in the day, Chuwit was backed by the army. Chuwit park saga started when he arrived with army and cleared all the merchants and police could not do a thing. Safe to assume he still has some backing of the army and this is why police do not dare to touch him
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