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Everything posted by BestB

  1. 1. Good to see other 2 officers “helping” 2. If this was in US he would of been shot 3. if this was in other less violent countries , he would if been tasered om the spot
  2. Case in point , clueless to an oblivion ????
  3. Let me help you , since basic comprehension is not your forte they are and were prostitutes which is illegal in Thailand , no different to being a drug dealer , or a loan shark , it is illegal they were soliciting their services , self admitted , once again illegal fight happened because they were soliciting their services , illegal now you can go back to being a bus driver or a brick layer and in your spare time pretend you know or understand ????
  4. Good to see you have zero comprehension of the law. ???????????? but it is in line with the rest of your knowledge or lack there of????????????
  5. One thing that always kills me is blatant acceptance of law being broken ???? they were working as prostitutes, it is illegal if drug dealers had a disagreement with customers , would police act in same way? ???? if someone refused to buy drugs and was bashed by the dealer , would there be any “questioning “?
  6. Just to clarify , a group of men armed with guns , broad daylight , with hundreds if not thousands of people around and police did not attend ? And now are being encouraged ? Actually needing to be encouraged to investigate ?
  7. Little confusing , so they paid ? And were not allowed to keep running their business or why they file complaints ?
  8. While he is right in what he says , really unsure if it’s wise to say out loud before even taking power and not having reformed the army. no doubt his words gain more support from the people but equally upsets those with power and money
  9. The smart Ozzies are screwed, this is grand theft by Thai law, could easily get 12 years each, unless they get a really good lawyer to make a plead deal, even with pleading guilty and having sentence halved, they still both could be looking at a few years
  10. better the devil you know than the devil you don't Would not surprise me if there was a deal made
  11. Last time i checked, jails and police cells were filled with Thai not the foreigners but to have accommodation management now also spy on foreigners is borderline totalitarian whats next? concentration camps? only place where foreigners can stay? Because 1 out of 100 000 might be doing something illegal?
  12. There is of course another possibility that a deal was reached with him getting pardoned after serving 6 months or so
  13. i did not mention that for toilet there is a hole in the floor, in the middle of each cell, no flushing, hole is tiny, so most guys miss and spray all around it, then as there is no flush, everyone gets to enjoy the smell. Of course for number 2 is even bigger problem, putting aside the smell and no privacy, there is no toilet paper or the bum gun everyone sleeps on the floor, no pillows or blankets, at night almost impossible to find a spot, like sardines in a can Hotness level? imagine being in a sauna? this is about right, so everyone very lethargic , can hardly move around On the plus side, because cut off from even a day light, get to sleep and relax, as there is nothing you can do or want to do ???? All the rubbish gets thrown into one corner and gets collected may be once a week if lucky, so on top of all the rest, get to smell rotting leftovers
  14. Yes first hand info:) No, detainees are not stripped, but searched, no shoes or belts Its a big room with 3-4 separate cells within the room, daytime all allowed to roam around the cells, night time all get locked up within the 4 cells. There are no windows, so you do not know if its day or night, there was 1 small half broken fan for the entire room. Daytime men and women all mixed, night time women get 1 cell and do have a small shower, men cells have no shower. No food or water is provided by the police, no medical assistance either Twice a day roll call and morning cells get searched. Any food or drinks is what "friends" bring, normally it will get shared, this is why if you visit someone, you do not bring 1 bottle of water but bring a pack. In my time there, we had a Korean couple who had medical emergency, they freaked and had a massive panic attack, both could not breath, were turning blue, police told us to look after them. Luckily, had a few english speaking people, so we calmed them down, not sure if they would of made it if we were not there.
  15. Do not think he was held in jail but in police station cell and in police station cells they do not provide any water or food or anything else . anyone held in cells relies on family or friends to bring everything and then it is also shared by all inside the cells.
  16. Let me help you since you struggle with clear reading 1. and i quote from OP " He said the woman bought cannabis from his shop and urged him to share her story " 2.No one cares what happens in your country, this is Thailand 3. If its in Thai bank, she can withdraw, if its western union, can be cancelled, if its in her US account, can ask for refund and with account holder agreement can be done 4. Indeed why send it to an account of complete stranger, much better to have the same stranger share your story So much for your knowledge and ability to read "clearly ehhh?
  17. there are people who genuinely need help and then there are scammer. In this story it does not smell right from start to finish 1. She went to buy cannabis but claims to have no money, only 20 baht? 2. Sister transferred money but she can not withdraw? why not? and from where? bank? western union? why not top up her credit card or her account? 3. If there is some crazy reason she can not access the $10 000, why not ask the shop to send money to them, and they give it to her instead of asking to share her story on line? Nothing in her story makes any sense, where is she staying? how is she paying rent or buying food? If sister could send her $10 000, which she can not withdraw, sister could get this money back, fly to Thailand and take her back home for half that amount
  18. She had money to buy cannabis? Why not?
  19. In fairness, many if not most "street" type Thai do not speak English politely and whenever there is a disagreement, they turn into high pitch shouting match in addition to lacking any and all listening or rational skills I agree with you 100% more than likely taxi driver was demanding double if not triple or even more and was doing it in an angry and rude manner. Brit would have come out looking at least somewhat half decent if he did not try to resist the police. Should have been polite and explained his side of the story to police and things would have turned out very differently for him, Now he will be paying whatever taxi driver wants in addition to all other charges
  20. 3..2...1 Tomorrows headlines Gofundme has been set up by the family to help their sweet and kind boy to pay for his legal fees
  21. Can anyone explain please how it will change their lives? They have never paid any taxes or social security and highly unlikely will be paying They are not restricted now in any way what so ever, bar owners pay for that, workers are not affected at all They are freely freelancing and advertising, so what exactly will change? They call the police when client does not pay, and police attempts to negotiate a payment, which is ironic considering prostitution is illegal, its like having drug dealer asking for police help because buyer would not pay????
  22. You fail to understand why she is moaning, In a nutshell, customers are not buying her inferior product that she tries to sell for the same price as superior imported or better grown products, So in her mind, problem is the foreigners, not her inability to source or grow quality. In a typical Thai fashion, instead of improving on quality or price or service, best way is to get rid off the competition so customers buy her inferior products at inflated prices.
  23. Said it before and will say it again, Prayut has not been worried at all and hardly campaigned, which only means he already knows he will remain in power, one way or another. Should PT win, i am almost certain it will be dissolved if vote can not be rigged in any other way
  24. do not know much about cannabis, and do not really want to know BUT All so often i hear the same drivel from the Thai how foreigners run businesses through nominees and do this or that, HOWEVER the very same foreigners do it by setting up companies, NO? The very same bad foreigners paying taxes, NO? while good, Thai loving Thai set up shops, paying no taxes at all. Then the very same bad foreigners employ staff and pay social security, while Thai loving Thai hardly ever do that, unless really have to. So who is damaging Thailand more? and who bring more to the table?
  25. Prayut seems to be totally relaxed, if i had to guess election win is already decided but should it somehow not go his way, i am sure there is a backup plan to seize the power once again
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