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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. What's the point of your comment, they're not picking on anyone particular race.
  2. It never stops surprising me how a military turns against its own mother, father, brothers, sisters, extended family friends etc, I guess it takes one good man, which seems hard to find.
  3. I'm suspicious of any large numbers given by the RTP, with almost nothing to support them.
  4. have you heard of "malfeasance," it's something you need to understand, anyway, lests bring it closer to home, just study what happened to the Shinawatra's, the see if you still say bureaucrats can't be charged/fined/imprisoned, they might be safe while in government, but not after they leave. Recently we see the EC has even broken it's own rules, never mind what shinanigans they have done, in the past.
  5. Does this mean they know who these criminals are, if so, why have they not done something previously, also, is this another pick on foreigners, and let Thai criminals do as they do.
  6. Do you have any "proof" to prove otherwise... just hating Thaksin isn't peoof.
  7. I fail to understand your comment, can you explain it fully.
  8. I think the EC commissioners will soon be out of work, and looking at being charged, hopefully imprisoned sending a very strong message to all other government departments.
  9. Oh dear, is that the best you can come up with, here's another saying, you shouldn't judge a book, by it's cover.... I guess you would think Albert Einstein, is in the same catagory.... lol
  10. what's your point, are you actually siding with the RTP behaviour, if so, just say so.
  11. where do you get this "entitled attitude" from, I see NOTHING that indicates he thinks he is "entitled."
  12. it still doesn't excuse the actions of the RTP
  13. How do you come to that conclusion? If what he says is true, then it's appalling behaviour of the RTP.
  14. Weren't we told these escalators were checked EVERY day?
  15. "You did reply to me" replying to you does NOT make the article about you...lol I agree "millions" do not fall over the balcony, but everyone here knows many do, it's well documented, and well know the balcony rails are not set to any standard, you're just digging a bigger hole for yourself... again, this is NOT about you, or how many fall over the balconies, my original comment was about ALL the "guessing." Please stick to the article. You seem to have a personal issue, best you deal with it.... I will not make any more comment... end od discussion.
  16. Mate, this article has NOTHING to do with you, what point are you TRYING to make, please use some commonsense. As for "medical episode," just go back and re-read my post, especially the words "I COULD say." Geez And just where did you dig up this "900mm" from, anyway, I do know the Australian standard is 1m above the floor below it.. Oh, "And alcohol is a drug," geez sherlock, you amaze me.... but there are many other drugs, just what is wrong with you not to understand, the majority of readers understand, or are you just TRYING to justify your rediculous comments.
  17. I didn't read all of your post, the first paragraph shows your lag of thinking, I could say "he could have been using drugs, he could have had a medical episode, he could have been physically frown over, etc.. so again, enough of the guessing. If you've been in Thailand, for some time, you will know that Thai rail height standards, do not exist, and are, in most cases, too low, making it easy for people to go over.
  18. I've never heard journalists referred to as "hacks" does anyone know where this term comes from.
  19. They don't look "friendly," more like gun toting thugs.
  20. Bit of hyperbole.... doesn't look "naked" to me.
  21. Again the Thai Army shows its anti democracy stance, no free speech allow, how dare these students think or speak out.
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