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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. I just can't find the words, to express, just how stupid these government officials are, it use to be funny, but as time goes on I just can't understand the ineptitude of these people... how many readers remember the air purifiers they had around Bangkok and the flood prevention boats... talk about a mob of brainless clowns.
  2. Hatdly relevant to what you replied to... hint it wasn't about visas.
  3. Only yesterday, queued on escalator, turned right, at the bottom, stuck in the queue for 40 minutes, counted 8 booths not open, and the queue behind me was still backed up the escalator, when I finally passed through.
  4. I am always "shocked" by what RTP stands for, as far I am concerned the title is misleading, maybe better to retitle to CTP.. Corrupt Thai Police
  5. from a photo, that I saw, the cable snapped, this is a multi strand steel cable, which, with this load, should be impossible to fail, the failure must be due to the cable being faulty, for quite some time, this is a case of negligence, therefore manslaughter.
  6. The PM, and hie monkey team, will simply say, winds blows over Buriram, and smokes goes to BKK and Pattaya... they have so many excusses, to cover their fat lazy asses... we all know no action, just words, is the only path they know.
  7. ah, Thai/Chinese construction, another fine example. Before the Thai apologists, you know who you are, jump in, this article is about Thailand... NOT your own country, or your own biased agendas.
  8. I guarantee most, if not all, other readers understand my comment 100%. I do pity people, like yourself, who for some reason need to assume things, simply to "appear" intellgent, but simply show, to others, how ignorant your really are.
  9. Mate, it seems you have a problem understanding plain simple English... nuf said. I did not make anything up, why do you lie. I NEVER said the Thais through anything, go and read EXACTLY what I said... another of your lies.. As for "assuming" anything, it is you... I simply stated I "could" assume... do you know what that actually means. Please, stop accusing me of saying things I didn't. Or are you simply another troll.
  10. you missed my tongue in cheek humour.
  11. So, they only tested 5.... good work.
  12. They would be #1, if they included those that died, due to road accidents, instead of only counting those that died at the scene, before being put into an ambulance.
  13. It's Thailand, don't have to be a sceptical, just need to look at previous history, have you ever noticed, there is never a follow up story, that interviews the owners, lost the lost property.
  14. I call this fake news... no photo of the fool who "lost" the wallet, no photo of who "returned" the wallet, no finger pointing, no photo of half the RTP.
  15. Of course I read it... just because the reason was "unknown" does NOT mean she started it... geez, some of you assume so much. I could assume any number of Thais, in the group, could have said/thrown something/etc, at the Indians, but no-one saw, or heard it.... geez, wake up guys, we weren't there, and Thai reports do not investigate things, to get to the TRUTH.
  16. troll on buddy, troll on... it doesn't say that the Indian woman caused the fight, you really must be paid to make such rediculous comments. Anyway, you can have the last say.
  17. so you were there.... a troll will always be a troll, I think most, on this forum, would agree with me.
  18. it seems you might just be a troll, you weren't there and simple assume what you wish, simply to "protect" the Thais... are you paid to troll.
  19. Are thise chemicals still in use in the US?
  20. So, you're not going to accept the Thai "lady" might have made an offensive comment, which could have sparked the confrontation... you have a "protect" the Thais at all cost attitude... yep, I stand by my assessment of you.. a troll.
  21. I wonder how much "thought" went into it, my guess, a long process, 5.... maybe 10 minutes (yes, I am aware that this is a very long time, for Thais to think, I am being generous). My personal thought, a month long celebration would make the celebration boring, it just becomes another day, after day.
  22. in the linked article, it doesn't actually give a clue as to what cause the incident, so I fail to understand your comment, except you like to troll.
  23. So, they stole the ladle, and that is what the fight was over... interesting, or are you suggesting Indians carry a ladle wherever they go... again, interesting. My take is you simply came up with some BS.
  24. Do you often assume such things, with absolutely nothing to back you comment up... seriously, just why do you do it?
  25. I was under the impression that "traditional" the females went topless, as depicted in many photos, paintings, and even temple murals.
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