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  1. Seems you are looking for some like this https://shopee.co.th/สวิตช์ปุ่มกดไฟ-LED-กันน้ํา-19-มม.-พร้อมเครื่องหมายพลังงาน-5V-12V-24V-i.596128542.21611071127
  2. Safety is not an issue beside Traffic, but Air Pollution is a problem since month.
  3. Using a Makita DUH523Z with Charger and 2 Batteries, works perfect for me.
  4. May be they will just avoid that you come to their favorite places.
  5. Just do it, I feel honored by your decision.
  6. The worst Lie of the Left? Donald Duck is respecting the Democracy.
  7. Thanks for all the impressive pictures, I take my hat off as well for such an incredible journey.
  8. No, Trump is not allowed to come to Germany.
  9. That's how fascists Regimes and their Dictators are working, since Donald Duck is again ruling over western Russia other ones like in Israel and Turkey following suit.
  10. Selling at just over 4.3 million THB?
  11. You should start painting your White House red and call it Kremlin II as soon the real Putin will sit there and not this cheap Disney World copy from Florida.
  12. That's the only thing you can do about these dump MAGA Idiots, you can't take them serious including your Donald Duck in his white House.
  13. You don't even have enough Eggs in western Russia and begging for help all around the World to get some shipped to have some Breakfast.
  14. The US called now Western Russia.
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