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Everything posted by UWEB

  1. But most Banks asking to convert foreign Currencies into THB first and than convert back into the Currency you want to sent.
  2. I have a FCD Account at BBL with Online Banking, I can make transfers to my THB Account butt never tried to sent Money out of the Country. There is a new Option to make international Transfers, but at first you have to go to the Bank to apply for or do it Online. Here you need SMS OTP access for.
  3. Yes, off course that's the date you have to enter when reporting your 90 days.
  4. The world is a little bit bigger than just Asean Now.
  5. Seems to be the latest OTA update is good for nothing, will contact BYD how to downgrade again to the old Version. The Touchscreen is not responding like it was before, Voice Assistant is not responding or does not understand and the volume of Alarms is far too low.
  6. You think wrong, I always use my pink ID and never run into TM30 problems.
  7. This morning I have got the update, downloaded and installed. App has now Vehicle position, but there is a bug as App shows Doors are not locked while they are correct closed and locked.
  8. Just leave without doing the 90 days, nothing will happen on your return to Thailand.
  9. You may have a look http://deku-upvc-windows-thailand.com/
  10. No, the old Meter was ok and just one year old. The given Numbers been always in Line with my own Digital Meter I have installed.
  11. Looks to me PEA is tightening up the Screws on Solar. Two weeks ago I got out of nothing a digital Meter installed for the reason, all Solar owner feeding back into the Grid as per PEA Engineer. I never did this so it's not changing anything for me beside that the Digital Meter is showing a 20% higher consumption than the old Meter.
  12. And you believe there is one claim per month only? 7000 members may result in 500 claims a month, and seems to be older people prefer to join WR and most likely they have no other choice.
  13. Yeah, the first one is always the most difficult one.
  14. Attached may help you to understand the hurdles you have to rent out AirBnB plus that most of the Rental Contract not permitting to do so. https://www.lafs-legal.com/blog/669/the-legality-of-airbnb-in-thailand
  15. @Crossy Is it possible that I'm exporting to the Grid even the Solar System is set to " zero Export Limitation"? The Dashboard of my Solar System shows always zero export to the Grid(sometimes 0.1), but under Code 300 of the new Digital Meter it is showing 18 kwh. As far as I can read from attached code 300 shows total Export. Spec กฟภ.กจพ.1-ป(มต)-001-2565 f.pdf
  16. Export to Grid is disabled since the Solar System was installed, so can't be the reason.
  17. I have two Meters, one from PEA and my own Digital one . So very easy for me to check if the PEA Meter is showing correct Numbers or not. In the past the old PEA Meter and my one was showing the same consumption during the billing Period, now after 10 days with the new Meter I have a discrepancy of 16 Units already.
  18. May be you have got a new Digital Meter installed? Some 10 days ago I got one and the Meter is showing a 20% higher consumption from the Grid without changing anything in my House eg. higher use of Aircon etc.
  19. My Registration(no Export) with PEA has taken around 3 month. Your Installer has to provide a lot of Paperwork, then they will come to your House and check the System .
  20. You can get independent information's on Battery Health from Organizations like German TUEV or Dekra for all Brands of Cars. That's no Rocket Science. For sure you have similar Services in other Countries.
  21. The Study was done by Dr. Marlboro.
  22. Beside that it is not correct what you are telling here, my point is Fox News is supporting a criminal like to be Leader. https://www.statista.com/statistics/530119/tv-networks-viewers-usa/
  23. Sky News Australia is the same as Fox News in the US, so what else you are expecting from them.
  24. Don't get a Quote at all, they direct me to an Agency called MrKumka.
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