The right of usufruct transfers possession, use and enjoyment of an immovable property from the owner to the usufructuary. Usufruct can only be registered over properly titled immovable property and is established by agreement with the owner and registration at the local land office. The contract or memorandum for usufruct is the legal document that states and confirms the formal agreement between the owner and the usufructuary (the person granted the right of usufruct).
A few facts about usufruct in Thailand
The usufructuary does not obtain the title to the property, nor can he sell or consume the property;
The usufructuary must take as much care of the property as a person of ordinary prudence would take of his own property;
The usufructuary is NOT allowed to transfer the right of usufruct, but he is allowed transfer the exercise of his right under the usufruct to another person contrary to the right of habitation (the person granted a right of habitation cannot transfer the exercise of his rights);
The usufruct does not prevent sale of the property by the owner, but sale of the property does not terminate the usufruct nor the rights of the usufructuary. Usufruct is not a contract right but a real (property) right and as a real right usufruct is a burden on the property itself (any new owner automatically takes the property subject to/ including the right right of usufruct);
The usufruct is not transferable by inheritance (i.e. the usufruct is automatically terminated upon the usufructuary's death (but not the owner's death));
The usufruct is governed by the sections 1417 to 1428 Civil and Commercial Code (see law translation below)
Thailand Usufruct Real Estate Laws Usufruct in Thailand.