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Everything posted by robblok

  1. I would argue that more can hold their drink then cannot hold their drink. Depends a bit what you mean if you mean alcohol tolerance or if you mean going crazy when drunk. Two totally different things. I don't have a high alcohol tolerance anymore as i seldom drink but when i do i could fall asleep as i pass my limit. Id find that a ok thing. I would consider aggression a sign of not being able to handle a drink. Maybe we are talking about different things.
  2. Did not follow the Olympics, though i was pleased to see that my small country ended up in the top 10. Then again i did not compete so pride did not come into it as i feel only those competing should be proud. I mean how can anyone get pride from a feat they have nothing to do with. Anyway to those that watched and enjoyed hope it was a good diversion from covid.
  3. I know plenty of Thais who can hold their alcohol. Woman and men, sure there are quite a few who cannot too but your casting a net that is far to wide. If it was as bad as you say there would be far more violence. Its just a percentage that lets their agression goes just like in every country. I am sure you know examples of it. I know some of my friends who got really aggressive on alcohol. You just did not want to be around them when drunk. I am sure everyone knows people like that. Even if you can't hold your alcohol your no problem, its the people who are aggressive by nature that are a problem no matter what drug they take. These people should be permanently banned from drinking alcohol (not that i have any idea on how to enforce it). Maybe if convicted once for alcohol violence its x years and ad x years extra for each time after that. But anyway i disagree with all Thais cant hold their alcohol, maybe more then westerners but certainly not in the range of 50% or so like your implying.
  4. Alcohol enhances aggression its one of the drugs that causes the most aggression. Bullies and aggressive people should just not drink. So much violence comes from alcohol while others can handle it. Should be something like if your in one violent incident while drunk you should not be allowed to drink anymore or something like that. I am not against alcohol in my opinion anyone should be able to use the drugs they like alcohol included. Just not individuals that cant control their anger. We all know the type the bad drunk. They are always the same people.
  5. Arent you going to mention alcohol like you always do. Last topic the guy had used drugs but not that day and according to you drugs were the reason for the assault. Now a clear sign of a guy being drunk seriously injuring his wife you and you forget about your favorite drug alcohol. You are quite selective steven.
  6. Usually the weekend has less testing so that could be a factor. I think its best to wait and see, but i prefer seeing numbers going down then going up. Best to give it a few days and see how things are moving then.
  7. Yes lets wait and see its partly positive at least better as higher numbers again.
  8. Most logical people would not argue that these are covid related even deaths in other fields are covid related as hospitals can't cope and have to postpone operation. Problem is the deniers will never accept these numbers, but the are ok with estimated traffic deaths to compare with and then take a whole year and put it against a few months. Thanks for the graph i was looking for something more recent. What i had was of last year.
  9. Yes its been said that i assume a lot often I am right but not always. Kids from poor families are basically the victims. I won't deny that. But was i wrong to assume you had kids ? Anyway parents can do a lot. But yes poor kids that is an other thing. But this is something that the government should solve, not a reason to remove a lockdown.
  10. No bull assumption if you look into the names of people who are anti lockdown and then those who are all about party beer topics and girls you will see a lot of names matching. As its against the forum its rules to go after users i will refrain from making a list and proving it. Just do it for yourself if your really interested.
  11. Like you said takes one to know one. Charlem, Chuwit Thammanat. Seems all sides have their gangsters.
  12. Yes but the guy I was responding to was a foreigner, not a Thai so I assumed it was about his kids. But yea poor people in Thailand will have little chance to really help their kids. Farang couples on the other hand should be able to do something. But sure this whole situation is not good for kids from poor families. I know of friends of mine who tutor Thai and foreign kids now that schools are closed. So some kids (from the families with a bit more money) do keep getting educated.
  13. I would not worry about those they don't make the list. https://www.vox.com/2015/2/24/8094759/alcohol-marijuana There's also some divergence within the specific categories of harm. Alcohol and heroin both score high for crime. But alcohol's crime risk is due to its tendency to make people more aggressive (and more prone to committing crime), while heroin's crime risk is based on the massive criminal trafficking network behind it.
  14. I think if you are worried about your kids you will have to take action yourself. Home schooling being one of those things. Far from perfect but this is of course not a normal situation. Back in my country the education of kids went on online and was successful in cases where parents really took interest in it. Without parents help it did not work that well. From personal experience of my niece her mother helped her a lot and there was a lot of work to do. Now back to school no problems at all and nothing has to be caught up. That is not the case for every kid as i said depends a lot on how much the parents care.
  15. You are an exception the main group pushing for a removal of lockdown is the group i described. You are right to be worried about kids education, thankfully you can do something about that yourself instead of complaining. Be more proactive. https://wolseyhalloxford.org.uk/about-us/international-homeschooling/thailand/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwu7OIBhCsARIsALxCUaPZxe5xSG3BvnVM8EDK3qrtP5lVS02_VU4HNATvMK3TlFoAPoP0NC8aAjQbEALw_wcB Im sure more can be found.
  16. They do just not fake perspective. There is proof that the amounts of death by covid is much higher then reported. If you look at average death rates. Also the dayly deaths now exclipse those in cars. Also suicides i love to see a link in increase as numbers are easy to write down. Plus of course that people who like to make covid out as nothing more as a flu forget the long covid that hits 10% of those infected leading to a sickbed of months. So yea it really depends on your kind of perspective. If your perspective is to get to remove lockdown and get the bars open so you can play with girls again then yes i would use those numbers too even though they are out of context. Just an example taking the whole year of car deaths against a few months of covid in this year. Seems not really fair. Also forgetting about long covid and the chance of hospitals not being able to cope. Anyway its always the same people who advocate these kind of things. Thankfully the majority of the forum has a brain. https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/road-deaths/thai-road-deaths-surpass-6000-for-year-to-date also its strange that the guy uses informal numbers but I bet he does not like me wanting to use the deathrate numbers instead of official covid numbers. As the official car death numbers are much lower. https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2020/08/06/lifting-the-veil-on-thailands-covid-19-success-story/ Excess deaths far outnumber the death toll announced by the government. There have been about 13,000 excess deaths since the start of March, about 8.5 per cent higher than normal. Thailand’s 58 reported COVID-19 fatalities are only 0.45 per cent of total excess deaths
  17. There goes the farang persecutions complex of them going only after foreigners breaking the rules and drinking alcohol
  18. Agreed, the Thai medical industry does not do this, but i think the government is manipulating the numbers. Hospitals have no advantage in manipulating numbers.
  19. It all depends on the situation, someone breaking into a gasoline machine doing only financial damages is different from a rape and a murder. I try to avoid fighting and problems if I can. Walking away is the best defense no need to prove myself. Also interfering between Thais is not something I would do as you (probably not you you speak reasonable Thai) would often have no clue who is at fault and what is happening. Plus if you get in a lovers fight both might turn on you (as my police friend has often told me). I have never ever been in a dangerous violent situation with Thais. The people i know also haven't, except one guy but he only tells tall tales.
  20. Thailand is breaking record after record, sad actually. But if the incompetent people in charge had bought vaccines earlier instead of waiting hoping they would not have to spend money so they could buy some subs (for example). Hubris is what made this happen. I wonder if they ever retest the people with the antigen tests or (as i suspect) they wont so the totals wont look too high. Also now there are tests for ones self on the market available at pharmacies those will also not be tested. Though if serious those people would go to a hospital. we got some tests here too so we can test ourselves if need be.
  21. I dont mind being here nowhere else i would want to be. Maybe the French island of Reunion and do some shark fishing. Still i hate moving around I certainly would not want to be back in the Netherlands. I can survive pretty ok in BKK, pool available home gym so most things are ok. Would feel better if i was vaccinated though.
  22. For some reason i can't get royal canin aeging dog food anymore. It went up 50% in price and the stock dried up. So yes seems there is an import prtoblem too. And no for the funny guys the dog food is not for me to eat. Just got an old (slowly dying) dog that seems to live best on that stuff. So there are problems with imports and local food is getting less too because of factories closing. Nothing major though.
  23. My dog bit a friend in the back leg too. He sneaked up behind GF and scared and grabbed her. The dog saw it and did not know it was a joke and gave a small bite. (Bangkaew dog if it really wanted to bite and not warn it could have been worse). I did not fault the dog for protecting its owner. The bite was minor just a puncture of the skin a warning nothing more. So it depends a bit on what has happened. Its not always the dogs fault.
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