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Everything posted by robblok

  1. No its you who lies, as black on white crimes are not terrorism. Just read the dictionary.
  2. How do you see them as dangerous, anti china politics seem good and shaking up the system is good too. I think these guys are of a higher standard that is for sure. This might even help you get cheaper beer as they seem to want to break the old stupid alcohol laws. I think liberals are always the best choice for governments over conservatives. While you rather have bad politicians you know i prefer new blood that might suprise us. Especially given how bad the old dinosaurs on both sides were.
  3. The people who liked pot had to hide it, he actually got more seats as last time. So they voted thinking of the Pot freedom he brought.
  4. These might be things that broke the law its accusations not fact yet. Don't forget Prayut increased wages of army and civil servants put loads of money in the village funds just before the election. Then gave an electricity subsidy while it could not be done officially. Problem is those wont be investigated as the EC is on the side of the army. I doubt that parties really broke the law in a meaningful way. Having 48 shares in a media company is nothing. Its not as if the company was broadcasting MF propaganda.
  5. Yes for the first time people had a party that has principles and were fresh blood they could vote for and they did. Neither Thaksin or Prayut are a solution for Thailand far to polarized. But Move Forward still has to form a government so they will be tainted too. I doubt they can control their allies if they use PTP or others. Corruption is too ingrained. Still this is the best possible outcome for those who want to see change.
  6. Yes that is sad but would have been worse if they had a landslide victory. This is basically the best outcome for anyone who is progressive. The worst for those that supported the military. I certainly did not expect Move Forward to do this good and beat the PTP.
  7. Totally disagree to see this as a win for Thaksin, its a huge loss and humiliation. He needed a landslide victory to get back in Thailand he did not get it. This is the best outcome for Thailand and yes now move forward can try to change things with PTP helping while the Move Forward takes the blame for changes. Also PTP wanted a landslide win they said it themselves we will win take all important ministries and the rest has to obey us (in a interview not to long ago). In a way the PTP is bad for move forward as it means they have to align with this corruption party to form a government. Not saying Prayut was not corrupt probably just as corrupt. But PTP is not known for its working together but known for corruption. Move forward now cant get away from corruption if it wants to cut a deal. Still this is a great result, move forward doing better as this would be a dream but not likely. I never expected them to beat Thaksin. Seems Thais are able to learn after all. Must say Prayut still got a lot of votes.
  8. Yes this is the best possible outcome, Prayut losing and PTP not winning. This will probably keep Thaksin out of the country. Still the Move Forward needs allies who might not be of the same higher standards as they are.
  9. Yes future forward is the most decent party that is around. That is why the PTP does not like them much and does not like it that they are (probably) getting many votes too. The PTP wanted all the votes for themselves now they will have to share with a party that (i like to believe but have been wrong before) has some principles. It will be hard to form a government this way future forward will be tainted by the PTP.
  10. Unless they start checking income i doubt it would happen. Yes your home country could report but most dont do so as they have no clue of knowing if you actually pay taxes in Thailand. I would not worry too much about this. Also as long as your not targeting the Thai market in most cases they dont care unless they are forced to act. But how the Thais will never find it unless you got a wife or gf that rats you out.
  11. Actually fox news is rich and powerful and can go on without problems. So much for your system working. I think that good defamation laws and some of the criminal would be better. I think news agencies should be held to a higher standard. IF you think there are no failings then I think your blinded by patriotism or something. Just like you criticize the Brit system (also not perfect) but you fail to criticize your own system. My take, both systems are in need of improvement and have their failings.
  12. Thankfully in the Netherland we dont have this crap. That is why i am so shocked. No wonder the US is so low in the corruption index compared to Europe. But i get it freedom of speech is important but it should not allow freedom to lie. It just breaks your total system down. And no I don't have a good solution. But i find it pretty bad if news ankers lie and polarize a nation and get away with it. So id say free speech is definitely failed. I prefer the UK even over the US then because this is case is far worse. Anyway i realize there is no perfect system but something like this should not be allowed. Your remark about the wealthy.. I mean its fox news that can do what they want because they are wealthy. I think you should at least admit that the system has huge failings.
  13. I know there is a second case against an other voting machine maker. But Fox news is only being punished as those voting machine makers are claiming losses defamation. But there is no criminal investigation. So it seems that spreading fake news is ok in the USA. I mean these news ankers knew they were spreading lies and are doing it on other topics too and its allowed. Its just strange that this is possible we are not talking about some tinfoil hat people spreading false news. But a huge news organization and its all ok. Im just shocked as this really polarizes the US. More so if they bring fake news and its all ok.
  14. This was just a question because if one side does it and can get away with it why not the other side. Why would one believe anything from news agencies in the US if these things are allowed. I am not saying is happening I am wondering IF its happening. Because there seems to be no punishment for stuff like this. Im totally shell shocked here after reading a few things about the fox drama. Lying and knowing your lying. No apologies nothing only a settlement with dominion but they can go on lying on other stuff. Why are lies not being punished in the US ? These things polarize your whole country.
  15. Are you not confusing me with someone else ? Never ever in my life supporter Trump. Never ever believed the election fraud. But was shocked by the Dominion settlement and then when looking into it it shows fox can just lie even knowingly and its on to do so in the US. Now if fox does this are we sure the other side does not do this ? I mean im a non American, just totally shocked that news agencies can spread lies in the US and its not punishable. Just pay some money and go on. I know this is about fox but how sure are you guys about other news agencies on the democrat side. Seems the US is in a big mess. I was seriously shocked with all the reporting about fox that the guys that spread the news knew they were lying but did it anyway. Not only on the voting but many other things too. If this happens at one organization how about others. I thought Thailand was bad but never expected it to be this bad in the US too.
  16. Not really just shows how bias you are if you read back. But damm the US really is a mess. (on both sides)
  17. Not really just shows how bias you are if you read back. But damm the US really is a mess. (on both sides)
  18. I should have said he said that the election was false and even made sure his supporters attacked the white house. That is an attack on democracy. Same with the voting machines that were WORKING CORRECTLY that he and fox said were faulty. He did everything he could to change an election used his presidential powers to push for things called a people to find votes and so on. I mean that is the biggest story in the history of the US my book A president trying to overturn an election. A tv station knowingly spreading fake news.
  19. Indeed, we dont need these kind of foreigners. THis guy is responsible even if he was sober. So he either pays up oor have his insurance do it.
  20. You mean how Trump who claims does nothing wrong struggled to make sure his income tax never came public. If you think this is bigger as falsifying an election by Trump then its time to take your blinders off.
  21. Do you guys trust anything that comes out of your media. After the exposures of fox and how they lie and know about it but do it for ratings (see dominion settlement and now other exposures) How can you guys trust your own media and reports seems like freedom of speech is freedom to lie. Its now known that fox does this. Probably happens on the other side of the political spectrum too. What a mess is the US if news agencies can lie. How can you trust anything then. I mean these articles about the laptop. How do we know what is real.
  22. First of i like our discussion I hope it does not get deleted. I agree that its not some magical truth serum (mdma is closer to that). But it still reveals a lot of things about people. It is NOT guaranteed to show the real person always. But it can certainly help a lot. Most people always act the same when they drink. It just makes it harder for people to hide their true self. If you always get aggressive or become a total <deleted> when drinking that deep down that is who you are. If someone drinks once acts different then normal then it could be that is who they really are. One can only know if they do the same stuff a gain next time they are drunk. Alcohol does NOT change people it just brings out things that are normally hidden. Aggressive people get more aggressive, people who are nice dont turn aggressive (only those who fake their niceness). If you are always truly nice then you thinking that someone is hitting on your gf wont make you hit them. Now if your normally aggressive then it might. I am a bit confused what do you mean with If anyone is capable of doing things they would not normally do, nor have any secret drives to do, when intoxicated, then alcohol is not reliable as an indicator of "the true you". If you mean they normally dont do it when sober.. then that does not mean a thing. If you mean they dont even do it when they are drunk then yes its not a reliable indicator. You got guys who always cheat on their GF's when drunk does that mean that is not their true self ? I think it just means they dont do it normally as they are held back by inhibitions and social stuff but if it was ok to cheat they would. So their true self is that they are not really loyal.
  23. I am talking about those broken people who always get aggressive when drunk Not someone who slips up once. There is a a reasons for the saying " in vino veritas" . Alcohol just makes it harder to hide stuff and act. It shows more of the real you. If you read your own stuff you see that indeed it does more things but it removes barriers. Now those barriers are not needed for some people as they are just better by default. Alcohol just brings a lot of things out that are normally hidden. A person who is not violent by nature who misinterpret a cue and thinks someone is hitting on his gf will respond different then a person who is already an aggressive person who misinterprets those cues. (it all leads down to the default settings of a person).
  24. I am suggesting that drunk people who are aggressive are normally aggressive too but have their impulses better under control when not drunk. Just means that those people are aggressive idiots who pretend to be nice. I don't care if they are Thai or Farang. Aggressive drunk people are the scum of the earth regardless of nationality.
  25. It lowers inhibitions so it makes it harder to fake stuff like being nice. So if you are a total <deleted> on alcohol then your just good at hiding it when you dont take it. As it says in your article it removes restrains on impulsive behaviour. Just means that the guy normally wants to do it but know he can't or should not. (AKA faking it) So internally he wants to bash someone his brain in but knows it has consequences but does not. When drinking that filter is gone. Now you have other people who are naturally nice and dont need their impulses controlled so they dont get aggressive when drinking because nice is their normal state without their body struggling to control impulses. That is my take on it.
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