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Everything posted by robblok

  1. Many will disagree, it does portrait violence against woman. And in the past these things were accepted. You still see it here on this forum of people defending unfaithful spouses getting hit or worse. Im not sure where i stand, I do believe that muziek influences culture and culture influences murders. But at the other hand not everyone who listens to something like this is an idiot and thinks its ok. Like so many things its perfectly ok for some people while dangerous for others who think its normal. I never got into a murderous rage after killing some Germans in VR but some people have linked computer games to violence too.
  2. Its about a song that promotes violence against woman or at least justifies it.
  3. I brought it up because some people believe its not white guys doing it just immigrants and unfornuately that is not true. A Dutch Celebrity took his gf and put her head between the car door and closed it (forcefully). Then you got a group of guys that think woman are property and you can hit them if they cheat (not in my book) I just dont know what would change these opinions, but songs, games and vids would not make normal people do it. However in Thailand they say all the violence in Lakorn is making people act that way. I wonder how true it is because after I watch a movie or play a game i never get murder needs.
  4. Actually, i recall that. I mean this is the same thing as movies and computer games. Has not shown to make people more violent. There are always idiots who do so. But its scaring how many woman get killed by BF's even in my country.
  5. If you say so violence against woman is on the rise we don't need songs to make it even worse. And guess what its not just muslims its a lot of white guys too. Now i liked this song but never really thought about it. Violence against woman should be curbed at whatever cost.
  6. Yes those senators should not have this right
  7. It was just a guess about the American as they have crazy politics and so on. So they are used to strange things more often and as you see they are far more corrupt given the index. What I am saying is that anti corruption under the Junta and under anyone will be the same. They wont go after the government in power. The system is rotten As long as corruption is this big you cant call it a real democracy. There is not much difference corruption wise between a junta and an elected government. Other parts maybe but like i said both are equally corrupt and both have never done something to really combat corruption. Just use it as a weapon against their enemies.
  8. Not with these corruption levels. Your showing your Thaksin bias.
  9. Yea.. i was foolish to think that something like that could change.. its just too deep ingrained in culture.
  10. Even military governments go away eventually. So that argument does not make sense. My point is that it does not matter corruption wise. The sad fact is that they are all corrupt and will never do a thing to make it better. So unless politicians change nothing will change. But given that i know that now I wont support a miltary government anymore. But that does not mean i like the corrupt other governements from Thaksin any better. The guy was hugely corrupt and a blatant liar so nothing to be happy about. Im no ok with whoever will come knowing that nothing will change and the people will be robbed the same. I was just an idiot to believe things could be better. (I came here during Thaksins reign of corruption and was shocked thinking anything would be better not realizing they are all the same). Lets hope that there wont be any more violence.
  11. ???? I would be ok if the levels were not as much. You probably from the US or something like that where corruption and abuse of power is normal (see the whole democrat republican spats election stealing ect). I am from the Netherlands hardly any corruption. So I have higher standards. Most of us in Western Europe do I state, there is no difference corruption wise between any of them. None of them will make rules that actively combat corruption. Democracy wont change a thing. I wish it would but it wont. Its just an other group of money grabbers.
  12. Does it make the corruption and crimes not real ? No they were real. The only political part is that they went after him normally they allow corruption. (in their own circle) So the crimes were real.. its just out of the ordinary that someone got punished for it. I am happy he got punished at least that shos some people can get punished for corruption.
  13. What is the difference between civil crimes and political crimes. Because all i know he has been conviced for corruption and other fraud stuff. Now you might think its political (and going after him probably was) but that does not mean he did not commit the crimes.
  14. There is no future for Thailand democracy does not solve its corruption problems. So basically new government only means different people benefitting. No change in at all otherwise. I really hope the current mob loses but only a fool will think the new government wont be corrupt. Only party that is a bit decent is move forward and they wont get enough votes. Shins & the military government ar both utterly corrupt so it really does not matter much what one lies to you. Still better have someone to lie to you that is voted in then that rolled with a tank in. But practically nothing will change.
  15. Depends, was there just one life jacket or did just one person put it on. Boats can capsize its up to people who cant swim to put on life jackets especially in bad weather. Now if there were no life jackets then its all the fault of the captain and he should be jailed. If there were then its the mistake of the tourist.
  16. Great remark, dragging in covid and Thalidomide into it. Though i would change Taiwan for Thailand.
  17. You know some people are paranoid too. Others have the Thaibashing syndrome. What the case is with you i dont know but if you dont believe basics then a debate is impossible as there is no common ground.
  18. Im not saying an autopsy is a bad thing I am saying that not having one does not mean there is a complot or murder. Just different way of doing things.
  19. Seriously... When did you dive for the last time in Thailand. ? Dive instructors are not the ones lugging the air tanks and weight belts are setup in the morning. The swimming is a breeze. I think you have a strange idea of what a divemaster does. Maybe because you dived in the UK and have not worked here. Here the lower minions or even the clients themselves take the tanks. I have dived in december. Carried my own tanks (just like other clients) and dive instructors were not used like mules. Also I have in all my diving never seen a dive master assisting tourists that ran out of steam. Maybe where you dived there were lots of currents but what you describe does not happen much on dives in Thailand. Diving is a really slow sport where you go through the water at a slow pace to see as much as possible. There are a few diving spots with current but i have yet to see a dive instructor pulling a client.
  20. Steven, do you actually dive. I have been a dive master for 13 years. I dive every year a few times as do friends of mine. Many dive instructors / dive masters are not healthy and drink and party a lot as that is the life. People are not in it for the money but the life style. To become a dive instructor you must indeed go through some exams that are pretty tough. Especially the resque diver part where you need to make a certain time while saving someone and doing a certain number of laps in a certain time (with fins and mask). But he probably done that just like me long ago. There are no yearly qualifying things (except medical training to save people) I wonder why so many people think dive instructors are fit, probably this comes from non divers or people with totally no fitness. To dive in Thailand is easy you go slow exert almost no power. The only times you need a lil fitness if you dive at a place with a current. Most dives are not dives with a current.
  21. As far as I know (but I dont know everything) Padi and almost everyone is Padi in Thailand does not ask that of its dive instructors. So he might not even had to do that. Reason why I am so convinced that people just die is my uncle. He was a runner (never drank alcohol) and he was under 50 when he died. Just all of sudden he was dead. Never had health problems. It was something with his heart. But no indications before and he was a marine and a paramedic. So not just someone. But still he died and it was natural but nobody expected it. Maybe that made me look at things different.
  22. Paramedics said so. So unless the paramedics are in on it too then its a fact. But if you dont even believe this then not read the newspaper because you dont trust anything.
  23. My point is more i do some blood tests but no in dept heart tests and other stuff. I might have something underlying I dont know. But that is more likely then for me to be murdered and found without any signs of violence in my bed. If i had to bet chances of it being natural would be far higher then someone to poison me and put me in my bed and make it look like natural causes.
  24. Yes, im heavy into fitness. though a bit less now because of an injury. But seriously without yearly in dept health checks you dont know anything. I might look healthy but i could have some underlying problems. Its not uncommon for people to have undiscovered health problems.
  25. Maybe what you and i consider fit differs. But i can say the majority is not that fit and a lot drink and party a lot. Even though padi says no drinking before diving (night before). These guys are here just on a holiday working part of the year here. No super humans nothing. I am suggesting he was not fit and suggesting he might have had health problems. As we have no records from his DR. Its a speculation both sides.
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