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Everything posted by Lee65

  1. Then you should be grandly tipping the honest Thais who make even less for doing harder work for you - cleaning your building, cooking your food ... from the minute you wake 'til the minute you drop. Gotta laugh how people can string together non-sensical, though convenient, rationalizations. Pathetic, actually.
  2. Maybe for some. And anyway, the UK was lost years ago. We still have hope for Thailand.
  3. Sometimes it's just easier to justify paying than to admit to yourself what a coward you are.
  4. The Chinese will likely/hopefully be particularly averse to this. They're pretty sharp when it comes to money.
  5. Good enough to get people reading the article. Clicks are what count.
  6. "Beast Of Burden" I'll never be your beast of burden My back is broad, but it's a-hurting All I want, for you to make love to me I'll never be your beast of burden I've walked for miles, my feet are hurting All I want is for you to make love to me Am I hard enough? Am I rough enough? Am I rich enough? I'm not too blind to see I'll never be your beast of burden So let's go home and draw the curtains Music on the radio Come on, baby, make sweet love to me Am I hard enough? Am I rough enough? Am I rich enough? I'm not too blind to see Oh, little sister Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty girls You're a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty girl Pretty, pretty, such a pretty, pretty, pretty girl Come on, baby, please, please, please I'll tell you, you can put me out on the street Put me out with no shoes on my feet But put me out, put me out Put me out of misery, yeah All your sickness, I can suck it up Throw it all at me, I can shrug it off There's one thing, baby, I don't understand You keep on telling me I ain't your kind of man Ain't I rough enough? Ooh, honey Ain't I tough enough? Ain't I rich enough? In love enough? Ooh, please I'll never be your beast of burden I'll never be your beast of burden Never, never, never, never, never, never, never be I'll never be your beast of burden I've walked for miles, my feet are hurting All I want is you to make love to me, yeah I don't need no beast of burden I need no fussing, I need no nursing Never, never, never, never, never, never, never be
  7. Think he meant the designation "Canadian" means almost nothing anymore. And hasn't for many years.
  8. Seems we are not permitted to laugh in reaction to a post .. Are we allowed to write something funny?
  9. Have you thought of identifying as 100 kg of African-American muscle?
  10. What about the paperwork involved in making a private sale? What if the vehicle is for sale in a province other than where it was purchased/licensed? Is it difficult to deal with Thai government offices for the transfer of ownership?
  11. Nobody here's solved the colonel's problem yet. Might be time to ask ChatGPT?
  12. Received that book and was reading it my first months in Thailand - while the drama described in it was knocking on my door in real life. Read similar excellent books at the time, too. For these books I've been forever grateful to British Ken. (Though Scot blood would probably have sufficed to protect my money in any event.)
  13. Gawd what a stupid thread ...
  14. Don't much give a flup about tourists getting dual-priced. They're on a different trip. Nor about those expats who don't care anyway. Knock yourselves out. But IMO, dual-pricing for long-term expats is insulting, antagonizing, and counter-productive for Thailand.
  15. Don't explain Don't complain Don't give advice and don't say anything that will hurt someone. Gonna need some new forums ...
  16. So maybe it's not really the dual pricing in itself that's so very terrible. It's Thailand's other 999 cuts to the death in addition to the dual pricing that add up and can occasionally cause one to, let's say, balk. "Death by 1,000 Cuts in Thailand: Here's The List!" Someone wanna start that thread?
  17. Precisely. Not "free". Somebody paid. The same way I have pitifully paid taxes and respected the law all my adult life - both for myself and for the moribund community of which I was a part. I know what you meant when you used the word "free". But, really, there ain't no free lunch. Unless you're an illegal migrant to the West - then everything is free. But we won't go there.
  18. Thailand gives out free wives and lives and you don't pay at all! Don't forget to add "we are all guests here" ....
  19. Wasn't given anything "free". And that was not the "agreement".
  20. I'm guessing you're not a meteorologist? Frankly, all of your many comments on this phenomenon are suspect. temperature inversion, In meteorology, an increase of air temperature with altitude. Such an increase is a reversal of the normal temperature condition of the troposphere, where temperature usually decreases with altitude.
  21. Have met quite a few remarkably intelligent Russians in my travels. Politically sophisticated and considerate. But almost any nationality or ethnicity will have these.
  22. A few days late and geographically-challenged. It's the whole country except for the south. By far the worst I've seen it, over many years.
  23. The upside: can justify a break from strenuous exercise.
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