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Everything posted by Lee65

  1. Consider vitamin B-complex and its ability to mitigate the effects of air pollution.
  2. https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#d:24hrs;@103.2,19.0,5z
  3. Oh, the Arab/Jew/Israel/Palestine (AJIP) thing. Everyone's a victim!
  4. Not "lying". Just the authorities presenting data in a way arguably more beneficial to them than to the public. Standard operating procedure for almost all government agencies these days ...
  5. Canadian tourists always making a splash!
  6. Impressive! Must have spent a lot of time in Thailand!
  7. Wrong.
  8. Occasional activated carbon tablets or capsules (or powder) may help remove toxins from the body. Be sure to read up on this before trying.
  9. I've heard from a reliable source that instant noodles are useful in paving road potholes.
  10. The Thai government website and app - Air4Thai - uses a 24-hour average for PM2.5 which is typically misleadingly low. Other sites and apps display 1-hour data, which is more useful. App reviewers, including Thais, have cottoned on to this as a likely deception by the Thai government, as it makes the air quality situation look much better than it actually is.
  11. They pave paradise, put up a parking lot ...
  12. That is from the July 2022 Forbes "Thailand's 50 Richest" ...
  13. 'Twas easy to tolerate Thailand when it was cheap, there weren't so many cars on the road, and the people weren't so stressed.
  14. Fwiw, I have long noted a strong positive correlation between the strength of THB and my need to buy it.
  15. Merger had to happen to allow the two remaining companies to raise their rates to cover the cost of implementing 5G being forced on everyone, whether they want it or not. 5G (and higher) required for the dystopic tech nightmare coming down the pike ...
  16. So African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Jewish-Americans, Native-Americans, Asian-Americans, all Hyphenated-Americans, are subject here to being painted with the same brush?? Reckon that boat sailed long ago. Now, if we just had a separate thread for each group ... Now, if we had different threads for each group ...
  17. Problem is, find a quiet place you like and everything outside it now seems noisier and worse.
  18. Among intelligent Americans, a kind of sheepish, apologetic air. Among 'most all Americans
  19. Please elaborate ...
  20. But masking provided a way to weed out the idiots.
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