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  1. And that weather front they were talking about arrived last night. Cool & the mountain appears out from the haze/smoke, with streaky clouds off to the east. Could smell a hint of smoke on the wind last night. Assume burning in Doi Saket area. Still a nice reprieve.
  2. Trump is setting the stage, to go after Social Security just like Medicare. That from his address from congress the other night. He was burbling Its a chaotic mess of waste, fraud and abuse. He claimed to have uncovered shocking levels of incompetence and probable fraud in the Social Security program. Say what you will about these Dem socialist programs, Trumps much needed cuts will also clean out a lot of the two bit American retirees here in Thailand and you know that is a good thing.
  3. Al Qaeda was based in Afghanistan, they had to be taken out. Taliban was full in support of AQ, so no problem with getting rid of them. Going into Iraq was where everything went wrong. Who did that anyway?! Saudi ... The US ok's a private charter back to Saudi, post 9/11. That for VIP types, including some who likely knew & aided Al Qaeda operatives. That was done under jrBush, the last Republican president before Donald Trump. Hmm and now we have another Republican in office. One wonders who he is helping?! Rhetorical question we all know who he helps. The US has a 'Manchurian President'.
  4. Not a Lazada order-er. However Hillkoff should have some on that platform. A Thai company that has decent if not spectacular coffee. Unless things have changed ( they have not - just checked) There is a tax or tariffs on imported coffee. Green beans imported into Thailand, roasted here, taxed minimally. However coffee roasted outside of Thailand, then imported in, taxed heavily. Thailand and Lazada have a growing number of these international beans. The issue, who knows what grades of Arabica, the Thai roasters purchase. I've never had anything really good, more on the good but kind of bland side of things. Note - there is a coffee shortage right now with both higher prices & shortages of preferred beans. I can deal with a lot of evil excrement, but not without coffee.
  5. And the winner, would do something different?
  6. I take it you missed MSG & Bobert, 'The Karen Kids', at Bidens SOTU address. Heckling throughout the speech. However likely that does not even register, if you live in FOXworld. "abject seething hate" ... What's that word MAGA's love to use ... snowflake.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 33/100 My Time 243 seconds  
  8. A person on one of the local Facebook groups said they knew him. Supplied little info but said he was a 'harmless individual, but a sad story'. Ok, maybe on the lam , but that is a reach. However if so we will likely here about it. Also stated, he was getting money from family back in the UK. Whatever that means. At the end, I just think it sad, that's no way to live.
  9. Were you saying that in 2003? It was all great fun, until it puckered up. Flavor of the month, like neo-isolationism & bros with the Czar is today.
  10. Not a problem, I live OS. Still there are some dodgy characters around town lately, best be careful out there
  11. Celestial leader Xi will move fast. When you have a donkey at the poker game; a person losing their chips at the table, essentially giving away money by making terrible decisions. You take take advantage of it. Donald Trump is the biggest one in a century. Donkey that is. As per first term, if you wait thinking you have time, anything could happen, like Wuhan. Need to strike when the iron is hot.
  12. There is methanol. Although the exact amount probably depends on the mash & other factors. An old Scottish maxim was tossing the 'heads and tails'. Throwing out the beginning and the ending of a distillation run, because it had, or could have, a higher methanol content. Bootleggers rarely care about safety, especially if they are not selling for repeat business. 🫤
  13. Aspirations are fine but they should be personal ones, created by choice, initiative and drive. Not dependent on the money of others, or government handouts. While this may cause pain. It is better to cut them loose from the bondage of SSecurity, than hold their hand. WE of the New MAGA generation are striving to eliminate the WOKE, socialist, hand out culture that permeates society and is a sickness upon the land. As such we must start early. . libertarian bible lessons will be a excellent starting point.
  14. That is Putin's Dream & NATO is next. He has his man in the White House. It's a train wreck happening. MAGA heads somehow believe this will benefit the US & them. Well they've been told this by FOX, and lets face it, most of these people want to be angry at something. After the internal enemy of WOKEness, whatever that is, Euro Land is ready made entity to vent spleen on. There has always been an isolationist element to the right wing. Sad as these are the people that will be taken to the cleaners in the end. Not much sympathy left for these types. .... Iraqi desert adventure trip - disaster. Torture, oops enhanced interrogation, destroying what work Truman Eisenhower & Roosevelt had done to protect POW's. Then 2008, Wall street collapse, all because Republicans wanted less rules for banks. Add them up and then top it with Donald Trump's led cluster puckery with KGB/Stassi man. Republicans, conservatives, MAGA sprogs, are a curse upon the land, and now, multiple continents. They are like locusts.
  15. So you mean right wing donors. Big Pharma has always given more to republicans, than dems. Somehow MAGA heads forget that fact or perhaps with the power of lying claiming 'Fake News', feel they can get around uncomfortable facts like this.
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