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  1. He bleeding links or cut & pastes from the New York Post & a few other right wing tabloids. Does he ever post anything original? Posting right wing tabloid froth on a right wing forum .... "great personal risk" right, It is tough to do that, he is living on the edge. BTW no idea where he actually lives, but I picture him up in Shasta county, maybe even Shingletown, frothing with the frothers.
  2. Thanks to the OP for putting another piece of the Thai tax puzzle in place. As this thread is going the way of all the other tax threads ... Friends & I, are not filing. No taxes owed by Thai tax rules on the book. Records will be kept, if ever the Thai government gets their wind up about it. Much ado about nothing. .
  3. 12 yesterday, & 13 at 609 AM, in CM this morning. Likely a bit colder than that in the 'eastern suburbs'. As in next to a rice field outside of San Khampaeng.
  4. They keep that pretty quiet. TIT. Easiest overland route to attempt. They were heading to Malaysia when caught. The overland borders up by Sinkiang (Xinjiang) province, China, are heavily guarded. Lethal force routinely used.
  5. Or a smoke screen to conceal Chinese economic recession & less international tourism by Chinese, across the board. TIT.
  6. And he went to Koh Tao. What could go wrong?! 🫤
  7. Interesting. On lower ChangKlan there was no correlation. NO increase in power outages during the hot season vs the rest of the year. The only likelihood of having the power go out, was when a thunderstorm kicked up.
  8. What I learned in aseanNow today. Their are Forests in Los Angeles neighborhoods and they mismanaged by liberals
  9. But you will post it up, parrot it, and what fun.
  10. I recall articles from months back which said no Thai hostages were still alive. I assumed it was from the Thai government but who knows. As usual with sources, news sources, here in the Kingdom no clue what is true or BS from some government Somchai at Karaoke club. Thailand's policy of saying as little as possible, about the Thai workers in Israel, to protect the delicate sensibilities of Muslim middle eastern tourism, works against itself yet again.
  11. Trump is just being Trump. First term he would make outrageous statements, about every week. As much to get attention as anything. If people believe his BS, and get worked up about it, all the better. He loves the attention. Its getting time for the first members of his administration to get fired, quit, or get charged with felonies. (Ok Gaetz, already happened, but ... ). That was his first term, a hot rolling clusterpuck of chaos. People coming and going. Mostly incompetent, then replaced by incompetents, no difference. It's what mooks want, so Trump gives it to them. Note - Trump dethroned Howard Stern, as King of The Mooks, a decade back.
  12. Fly a Kite? Time wise, this might not work out.
  13. That is the question. In our little coffee group, we all have accounts established pre24, no new money. That would be tax free by their rules. However there would be a small amount assessable, based on interest or capitol gains comingled in that account from 24. Easy enough to figure that small percentage out, of the money we send over. With personal deductions, let alone other deductions, nothing is owed in tax. Not talking about pensions or SS, here. Back to ... do we have to file?! Its not the 2000B penalty. We just would like to continue to be law abiding expats, garf! as likely lifers & here for the duration. The consensus in our little group, is wait until March, see if something clearer than mud turns up. No taxes owed but .... potentially yet another fricking hoop jump, and What Fun
  14. https://www.expattaxthailand.com/thailand-expat-tax-rates-allowances-and-deductions/ Side note - asking for a friend ... and myself. The personal deduction is 60K & if over 65 190K. Got that. However a friend ran onto this, from the site linked above. "Taxpayers aged 65 or over are entitled to claim an additional personal allowance of 190,000 baht. This is in addition to their 60,000 baht personal allowance." According to that statement a 65 year old expat would have a personal deduction of 250K. Is that true? Thanks

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