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  1. The Makro in Hang Dong (or is it Mae Hia) has the 1 for 1 on till the end of the month till the 24th of this month.
  2. Did not vote because ... this is what I purchase Sourdough Rye Pumpernickel Multi grain - Nana's multigrain And on the other end of the spectrum Croissants Danish I rarely buy wheat or white bread. However gladly have either if they come free with the meal.
  3. So you have a running tally of scientists, & if they have shown a sino biases ... yeah Right. Given China will not allow a free and impartial international investigation we are never going to know for sure. Secondly given this is a Republican document, I would not trust it, more to the point the world won't trust it. That is what happens when you become a party of Liars. It gets around.
  4. Thanks for that. I get a couple US papers online, cities I used to live or work in, one of which is populist right in orientation. They have had articles, best interpretation of them is 'sympathetic'. No one likes the healthcare in the US. Leave it to the rightwing retiree crowd here to fixate on WOKE, they got that on the brainpan. Still it gives our geriatric keyboard warriors something to do.
  5. Former Heroin addicts generally don't look healthy.
  6. All is not lost, Assad lover. Trump is almost in. Putin can call in his markers, excellent chance Trump will jump to attention. Just like when Erdogan called, asking the US, er, Trump to betray the US's Kurdish allies. When Putin talks, Trump listens. Perhaps Trump will combine Russian Wagner units & US troops to get a bloodthirsty dictator back in power. It is a whole new world out there. Who knows what wonders may come.
  7. Back to whining about Obama?! Obamacare is a step in the right direction. However one that Republicans have sworn, repeatedly, to destroy, except they can't, because healthcare insurance in the US is so fricking bleak. Donald claimed he would 8 years ago. He was going to replace it with something 'so good, so great, so beautiful', the usual Donald verbal spew, but he did nothing. Just more BS, from the President of BS.
  8. Less than 1 percent of denied health insurance claims are even challenged in the US.
  9. Got that backa--wards Two military coups and two judicial coups against that party. Then the recent judicial coup against the Move Forward party. Two decades down a rat hole, no matter how you feel about the Shins
  10. As I have a lot of toys, I reckon I'm high up in the win category.
  11. They said that in 1930's. What could go wrong?
  12. The Thai boats were running, would have gotten away, if they did not shoot. Myanmar navy boats likely are unable to give chase, lucky they even float. One drowned, four prisoners. THE Thai media is right on this. Not like the 48 Thai nationals Hamas butchered. That might upset potential tourists countries, and they were baan nok Thai, so who cares?! Not the Thai media.
  13. Without fail it is the people who cannot eat anything other that western food who complain about prices in Thailand. Merry Christmas
  14. Russia invades the Ukraine. Hamas invades Israel. This is somehow a US war? In twisted conspiracy demented right dreams maybe, but for rational people no. Only place US troops involved in armed conflicts, are in the country and region jrBush invaded & destabilized, two decades back. For non existent WMD. Trashing the US's international reputation, then enhanced interrogation techniques AKA torture, completed that trash job. Republican's, a curse upon this earth. And here we go again.

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