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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. Have you tried the 2nd hand, from Japan, stores? I'm in the south end, shop at "Hugjang Japan" on occasion, but there are others on the east and north side too. I call them 2nd hand, also called consignment stores. You might check them out.

  2. 16 hours ago, webfact said:

    DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER SOMSAK Thepsuthin today (Oct.26) categorically dismissed the accusation that he had demanded 50 million baht in payoff from the family of former convict/construction tycoon Premchai Karnasuta in exchange for his freedom a couple of years ago.


    Well how could people have gotten that idea?! Poor Deputy Prime Minister Somsak, smeared by these accusations saying he wanted a bribe, oh no, oh my!

    • Haha 2
  3. On 10/22/2023 at 11:15 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    I fail to understand why he has not elected to use the tools available to him  to force netanyahu to call off the bombing, to send the army home and to let the aid trucks through.

    First Biden responds to what Americans want, not to what you, a New Zealander, wants.

    What does everyone say, been saying for years now; the days of American hegemony are over. It's a multi polar world . Yet people do not seem to grasp the realities of that. He can advise Bibi, but Nettie can do whatever he wants to, up to and including attacking Iran. The US can do very little about it, or stop it. They will be on their own in that case, Biden has told Bibi that. He has also told him what could happen if it is a long drawn out occupy/punish Gaza. However Biden, read US, does not have the pull to stop Bibi. The multi polar world, what a concept. Notice how other countries are stepping up to help defuse this situation in true 'multi polar' fashion. Like China, Russia, Saudi, the EU, or the Arab block? You didn't, no excrement! You can expect a whole lot a crouching on the sidelines, wringing of hands & crocodile tears, while doing absolutely nothing, as they calculate how they can best benefit from the situation. 
    Welcome to the future. 


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  4. 6 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

    My sister works as nurse in an NHS hospital in the UK. The Health Authority instructions to her if she feels unwell are NOT to to test for Covid but to stay at home until recovered and well. No need for scare tactics. Treat as if a cold/flu. Protect yourselves and others sensibly.

    All UK hospitals test every admission for covid, no matter what you are admitted for. However if you are an employee, nah, not so much.  Crazy way to run a hospital. 



  5. 18 hours ago, oslooskar said:

    Absolutely, and long before you were defecating in your diapers.

    Oh my. Best to take deep breaths and walk away from the keyboard at these moments.

    Back to the OP, you wonder if he was a diagnosed mental back in the US and somehow able/allowed to travel. He should be in a mental institution, instead he is out travelling. His family might be relieved, even happy he is going to be staying for some time in Thailand. Garf.




  6. 18 minutes ago, smallchungus said:

    Is air quality worse in dry season across all of Thailand or is Chiang Mai particularly worse during dry season as well (not including burning season)

    Air quality is not good across mainland SEAsia (and the subcontinent btw) in the hot season. No rains, little wind, burning of agricultural & forest land in preparation for the rains return, makes for heat, haze and smoke. Yes, Chiang Mai because of its location and topography does get it a bit worse than other places. The peninsula and islands have a different climate pattern, and it helps being close to the sea in clearing out some of the haze. Still I have been in Hua Hin when it was dry burnt on the hillsides and hazy atmosphere. It's always something.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, oslooskar said:

    I lived and worked in Israel for five months

    Sure you did.  

    Back to Chiang Mai, it does seem like we are getting more of these 'fringe types' in the mini US expat wave. Still posters on AN will be relieved the perp is not a ‘Woke person’.  According to posters here they are more dangerous a menace, even than this deranged knife welding nutter.    



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  8. 27 minutes ago, oslooskar said:

    Do you ever get the facts straight? Do a little research and you'll find out that Israel has some of the most restrictive Gun Control laws in the world with fewer than 8% of Israeli homes having firearms.

    Tough gun control, ok, thanks for mining that on wiki btw. Years ago, while at the ‘lowest bar in the world’ at Ein Gedi,  two seniors citizens always brought in their old uzzis. Granted they did check them at the bar. That, and a few other incidents gave me the wrong idea about gun control in Israel. I stand corrected.  :biggrin:

    • Haha 1
  9. 6 hours ago, oslooskar said:

    I guess all those unarmed Israelis who were just butchered by Hamas terrorists felt safe with their country's strict Gun Control laws. Sadly, they weren't.

    A anti gun control post in a Chiang Mai stabbing thread? You see everything these days. Gun control in Israel, where military service is compulsory and ex service people keep weapons at their home. Better up your anti gun control posting game, not just toss it against the wall and hope something sticks.

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  10. On 9/30/2023 at 7:06 AM, ChrisY1 said:

    Such a beautiful building, not....any wonder bus passengers chose not to go there!

    I doubt the beauty or non beauty of the station had much to do with it. Bus travel is down across the country, has been for over a decade. More thais own cars & trucks. I shipped my bikes in the bottom of a double decker tour bus back in 2018, as they could not fill half the seats and were shipping freight.  Lamphun is a small terminal and time consuming for busses to get to from the main HWY, to pick up relatively few passengers. 

  11. 3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Yes, already detained and charged. Just some young kid being called a captain!

    Detained and charged mean nothing. Surat Mat-osod was jailed after a fatal boat accident in Krabi. Yet he got out in a couple years (or months) and went back to driving boats at Phuket. Who says you cannot rehabilitate criminals?!   Of course he did have another tragic & fatal accident in 2019. Who would have thunk it?  

  12. 2 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

    You don't even know what that means

    The Koh Tao double murder, Kirsty Jones. No idea what the UK Police thought would be accomplised by making a visit. What actually happend, their involvement is seen as a seal of approval of the RTP's work. You could see that coming a mile away. Garf! Yep, an Accessory After The Fact.  

    If they came for this case, just more of the same. 



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  13. 23 minutes ago, pixelaoffy said:

    "Barge in" ? Many countries police forces have gone to another to look at the investigation ,with permission of the saud country permission ". Many times Uk to  Thailand 

    UK police should never come here, unless they are happy with being seen as accessorries after the fact.


    • Confused 2
  14. 13 minutes ago, 747man said:

    Tops at C. Festival always have whole grain and dark breads in stock. Is That BEFORE They Sell Out ???

    Comprehension problems? Let me re print that for you. 

    Tops at C. Festival always have whole grain and dark breads in stock. "




  15. Jo's bakery have been delivering less to Nim City Rimping and I have not seen their bread at Ping river branch for some time. Sad as I really like their Rye and Pumpernickel. Their shop in Hang Dong would be the place to go.

    Nana bakery has certain days for certain bread; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for their multi grain loaf, for example.  If you call they will reserve for you. I used to have the small Nana shop reserve a multi grain for me. Now I go to the bigger Nana bakery down the road at 89 plaza. 
    Tops at C. Festival always have whole grain and dark breads in stock. 

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