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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 29 minutes ago, bunnydrops said:

    In the Seattle airport Starbucks put up a table in the outbound waiting room where they put the coffee for another 30 minutes that you could have for free.

    I have never seen, or heard of,  Starbucks coffee given away for free, especially at SeaTac. An 'outbound waiting room? That would be out at the Gates. Any other directions. Sounds like a mission next time I fly through.

    30 minutes it is then, I stand corrected.


  2. 9 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    real coffee has NO refills, watered  down brown water they can refill..., making coffee with a filter (1 liter of water with 10-15 grams of coffee)  and letting it down inside a bowl for couple hours and people going for refills, how can somebody call it coffee

    Taken it upon yourself to declare coffee, ESPRESSO, & nothing else permitted, eh. Not Greek, French Press, Melitta drip or Indonesia  Kopi (others call that cowboy coffee).

    FYI Lots of Starbucks in Thailand do not even sell drip style coffee. Shock, Gasp, Horror! Yes they are supposed to, but as espresso drinks are the main business at many stores, the Thai majority owners have an unstated policy to not brew up their big coffee canister containers, (if the demand is not there). That requires a lot of ground coffee per every brew up. Starbucks keeps brewed coffee no longer than one hour before dumping it and making a fresh pot. That is a lot of wasted coffee if you only sell a cup.

    That said, at their most expensive stores, like the Nimmaen outlet in Chiang Mai & yes a number of independent coffee houses are now having specialty Melita drip brew ups. It's become something of a fad among upscale Thais, a separate bar where they brew it up in front of you using those porcelain Melita filters. Good presentation and as they use their best coffee, it definitely works. Of course its not Turkish coffee, nor espresso. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, HuskerDo2 said:

    Paul Sorvino was apparently left out of the in-memoriam section due to his political affiliation. Unfortunate they did that.

    There is absolutely no evidence to back up that statement. However that has never stopped FOX or the NYP from spewing it. Tom Sizemore & Anne Heche were also left out of Oscars Memoriam segment. No claims of "political afiliation" were mentioned. 

    I haven't watched the Oscars for donkeys years. Last one I watched, had to be 78, Star Wars, Annie Hall, Close Encounters.

  4. On 3/15/2023 at 9:57 PM, cooked said:

    have seen dogs in the UK lead the cows out to grass in the morning, opening and closing the gate after them.

    So every farm dog in the UK is a 'working dog". I did not know and impressed. The farms I know of had dogs, one might be, say,  a German shorthair for hunting, beyond that no real emphasis on work dogs, just dogs.

  5. 17 hours ago, kimamey said:

    If you read the whole article it seems they've been waiting for permission from the Thai authorities and of course delays due to travel restrictions 

    If you read the whole article, no way to prove they have been waiting any longer than this last year, more likely a couple months. What they wanted to do during covid, or did do, is moot, no way to prove they did anything, only their word. 

    Why one has doubts. According to the plod themselves, the victim was taken to the spot and dumped, already dead. This was done by an SUV. Cause of death most likely suffocation. All of this, from the initial investigation & autopsy 19 years ago, although released to the public six years back. --Yorkshire Post if interested-. 

    Which brings us back to Why the sitting on thumbs for three years, ten months, if they already knew this, ID'd the victim & could pull records identifying the husband? Lot of late night car door slamming at Kirkby Overblow to police, or just getting bladdered at The Phoenix Inn?  

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  6. 1 hour ago, RamenRaven said:

    But I am struggling to understand the concept of how and why dogs are raised here.

    The same reasons dogs were kept in Europe, North America and many other lands say a hundred years back. Not talking about urban pooches and Hi So people & pets of those times. You can still find that in many countries  today, in what you would term 'western countries'. 

    You say you are struggling with it, I suspect you haven't considered the above, or have little knowedge of it.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    Unfortunately Dr Yong has zero credibility. So not worth reading anything he says.

    Article from last summer, on the future of covid from a number of research scientists. For the US, estimate were 100K to 100-250 K deaths per year from "endemic covid". Far more than endemic flu. A couple also felt it could just as easily go the other direction, get worse,  if a new more deadly variant emerged. It was a sobering read.


    OTOH this toll would be mainly oldsters, so no need to worry, unless of course, you are an oldster :blink:



  8. 19 minutes ago, Burma Bill said:

    Please remember, COVID paranoia in Thailand kept access restrictions in place much longer than other countries.

    Please rememeber, they had a year before covid hit to make a visit. They have had a year plus of no ASQ post lockdown to make a visit. Do not get me wrong, I undertsand the Yorkshire Constabulary had a lot of hard work to do. Lot of late night car door slamming in Kirkby Overblow & Sutton-upon-Derwent to police. Yet a sense of urgency seems lacking.

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