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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. On the other hand.

    I just checked my passport. November 15th 2022.  I had a 930 appointment. I was there 15 minutes ahead of time, had my papers checked, given a ticket, and sent over to my area. At 925 I looked at the flat screen que display and noticed there were 24 people ahead of me. No idea what was going on between 830 and 930, but I guess, absolutely  nothing. They took their time too, until  1030. I was not called until after 11 and  1130 before I got out. 

    Two hours plus. Basically, the same as it has always been. Lucky, I had brought my e book and tunes, despite all the great stories of how fast it the new reservation system is.  Maybe this year. At least I can dream, can't I?

    I keep thinking about agents BTW. 

  2. 5 hours ago, SomNaNa555 said:

    In a USA airport he would have been tasered by all of the security guards instantly and dragged off to a jail cell. That's if he was lucky! There's a high probability one of the guards would pull his pistol and filled him with holes.

    Great to see all these posts about the US. Not that this news article has a thing to do with the USA, but lets face it, who really cares what happens in Thailand, anyway.



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  3. On 7/22/2023 at 10:54 PM, swissie said:

    This was the "Marshall-Plan". Never affecting the US Taxpayer, as the funds were borrowed from "credit markets"

    The Europeon Recovery Program commonly called the Marshall Plan passed by congress in 1948, would end up costing more than 12 billion dollars in US taxpayer money. That BTW was one of the main arguments against it used by the Taft led Republican party who opposed Trumans program.

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  4. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    Is there still anybody out there who believes that?


    Never forget!

    The military opened fire on the red shirts, killing scores. If you were being shot, killed and no way to fight back, what would you do? A fact then, a fact now. The T mans real crime, if an expat, was unleashing the genie of populist nationalism. Blaming western banks, read 'Farangs', for deliberately causing the 97 economic collapse. BTW all parties; red, yellow, or green, believe that now, it is become part of Thai populist history, as Thais can never be blamed for such things. 

    Time to stock up on Booze & Bud. The T man just might have an act II.

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    He is not coming, he never was coming,  but it does keep the pressure on ganggreen with what ifs. This time, as they dismantle latest election results. Assume the 6 day holiday is as much to get their minions in lock step installing one of their own as PM, while playing benevolent overlords. As usual the T man is pretty clued in to the games they play.





  6. Did not check the brand or look closely, I was buying meji yoghurt & meji protein whey drink at Rimping Nim City today.  However there were cartons/plastic bottles of milk there, likely fewer than normal.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 27 minutes ago, Trippy said:

    He's not a scientist, nobody in power knew what was going on at that time. You think Biden would have done better?

    Biden would have been far better. It takes a remarkable blowhard of a fool, to ignore US scientists and state department intel (about Wuhan), and buy into China's happy propaganda during the first months of the Wuhan virus. He did that, while claiming it would all go away once summer came. 

    After it did not just 'go away',  he used it to divide the nation. Instead of pulling people together he set them at loggerheads and encouraged a fight; culture wars. You have to go back to Warren G Harding to find someone as inept & incompetent. At least that old geezer died while in office.



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  8. 2 hours ago, brommers said:

    In the last 3 months not one cumulative centimetre of rain has fallen in my suburb.

    That must be some Chiang Mai suburb you live in. While their forecasts have been generally wrong, yesterdays late afternoon squall line was a nice dump. Good to get a serious downpour rather than those middle of the night thunder & lightning line squalls from this last week. Those did fill the moats to brimming though.



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