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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. The lifeguards will continue to be hired under monthly contracts until the Cherng Talay OrBorTor is allowed to offer a contract for full-time lifeguards as the issue is now currently embroiled in a convoluted history of claims, counterclaims and accusations of malfeasance – and the death of a Hong Kong British tourist at the beach last month while there were no lifeguards on duty.
    Read more at https://www.thephuketnews.com/lifeguards-arrive-at-phuket-surin-beach-72355.php#VOu7UgxMouuUocfO.99


    Having them on the beach is better than nothing, although given this quote from the article. It is still going to be a roller coaster ride, to see if they actually stay. My God 


  2. 13 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Thailand is never going to suit everyone. Coming here with a military mindset of order, a wife, and relationship obligations back in the US were factors which were always going to make adaptation to living here very difficult.


    "Military mindset" BTW there are many that have this mindset and cannot live in large sections of the United States. They have to move to places like Tennessee Or Tallahassee, because they don't fit in other places. OP is lucky he can still live in Boston. Best of luck on your move.




    You can debate this forever. You can also debate whether conservatives will finally close down Social Security and Medicare in the next decade.

    I’m not going to dig it up, although I have saved it to my retirement folder. There is a paper/study floating around, written by a guy who used to work for Money Magazine, that recommends taking it at 62. Across the board.

    Think of it this way. If you wait tell your 66 say to take you SS benefits and you die at 64, you have a problem. This paper statistically shows you that you are better taking it immediately. That has nothing to do with higher payouts, other investments, taxes, rentals,etc etc., that are always dragged out. No, it has to do with how long people live. Just that plain brutal fact.


    I have two years before I am taking mine. My working life has been under the assumption that Republicans will destroy it, so I in no way expected it to be here, and I planned around that fact. As such I will earmark my SS for my beer and pizza fund. If I live that long that is. And I am hopeful. 

  4. 19 hours ago, Henryford said:

    Why is Transferwise a rip off? Their transfers are fixed at a very good rate. The money comes in the same or next day. No hidden fees. Detailed track of the transfer with PDF receipt. I find them the best of the money tranferers.

    That is what I came up with, but just looking at my 2 US baks with whom I might do wire transfers with. So no difference doing 26,000 thaN 3,000 ? OK

    I had planned to leave the 800K lump sum in the acocunt. BUT likely I will draw it done to 400k after the proscribed wait time, and use that for living. The reason keep more mony, what would be the living expense cash, in the mutual fund for longer.


    Thanks for your comments

  5. 1 hour ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    High baht is one thing, but years and years of corrupt cops, fleecing taxis, violent assaults and thefts all put a damper on travelers enthusiasm, and nothing seems to ever happen to stem any of it. It is a pit they have dug for themselves.

    A second post up. Years of publicity have taken its toll, the truth is well known. Do you really want to take a vacation just to get scammed and beat up?! You can do that in Beaumont, sans airfare and hotel.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. Note - I used the search function but never could pull upup exactly what I was looking for


    Question; the retirement payments of 65 K. I can get that set up and then have say 4 or 5 monthly payments coming into my account by the time I need to file my application for extension. But would that be enough to qualify for the 65 K monthly retirement? Yes, I would keep it going etc. Has anybody done it this way. Starting with just 4 to 6 payments before their application for an extension of the visa?

    A secondary question. I have used transfer wise to chunk in 3K USD amounts to my account but nothing more. If I go the 800K Thai Baht method. I would be putting through say 25 K USD. Has anyone done that large of amount? (by transferwise) Is there any extra paperwork to fill in? I have already sent in my passport information etc for that 3K USD transfer.


    Any Advice, & experiences, Thanks





  7. 15 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    I assume the address you currently reside at is the same address used for your current Krungthai account, on your driving licence and registered with Immigration.


    Which IO do you use?

    Have you filed a TM30?

    No - my current address is Chiang Mai and that is NOT on my KrungThai Bank Account which is the original bank of issue - Bangkok.

    My driving license
    My Tm30
    TM28 (defunct up here, but I filled it out)

    Are all on the CHIANG MAI Address.

    the copies of and landord signed, are of the Chiang Mai address, as is my one year lease agreement.

    Everything has been correctly changed to Chiang Mai .  I have done two 90 day notices at the Chiang MaI Immigration and all has been  -RibRoy- 


    And as of two weeks back, took my TM30 to CM Immigration as I had been out of the country. They did whatever it is they do, gave me a new little thing they stamped and sent me on my way.



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