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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 22 hours ago, cheeryble said:

    The linear and separated nature of the burning patches make it obvious that these were started by hand.

    As that is the way they have cleared hillsides for decades, yes it is started by hand. You used to take night busses and see scraggly fire lines from here to Khon Kaen in the dry season. It's not a mystery how they start.

    In a deeper sense, it the same problem with the plastic ban bag. It's all good, but who does it affect. It affects the livelihood of market vendors and with the burning, farmers. Both groups of which are noted for being, well, poor. The lower classes of society.

    This should not be a problem, just needs a tractor to plow under the corn stubble, rice stubble, in other provinces sugar cane. Just needs money. which is why nothing is done and why people ignore the ban and keep burning.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, spidermike007 said:

    So far, with 6,000 cases and around 130 deaths, this is a mere blip on the screen,

    You have just stated that it is over 10 times as lethal as the regular US flu. I am assuming this in not what you want to say.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Please Excuse the thickheaded and redundant-ness of this post.


    Am I correct in stating it; 'The seasoning is based upon the “application date” Not the actual RENEWAL DATE.' As in two months before and three months after the date of application.


    Example - If I submitted an application to renew my extension, on October 22 2019 (renewal date Nov. 25). Add three months to that application date, and on January 22, 2020, yesterday, I could begin to draw money below the 800K mark. At all times keeping it above 400K. Until two months before I reapply when I have to pump it back up to 800K.


  4. 32 minutes ago, impulse said:

    Other than a very cursory declaration by doctors that "he has a flu, but not that one", I haven't seen anything that convinces me it's not pesticide poisoning or a vaping case.  Has anyone seen an actual, specific diagnosis? 


    Like those poor Canadian women, I would suspect a pesticide poisoning to be covered up as much as possible.  But I'm sure the authorities would gladly blame vaping if that were the case.


    If there is anything worse than the 'coronavirus' it would be the pesticide poisoning and given the past history of it. Canadians &; an american, norwegian, a Kuwait-y and possibly a chinese women, Oh and an american guy, who lived. All for a cheap way to clean rooms of bedbugs.  


    If you can blame it on a chinese virus, any virus or vaping, that would be a godsend, otherwise Koh Phi Phi is going to supersede Koh Tao as     Isla de la muerte.




  5. Interesting ... 



    But one week after flying out on December 19 he had to check into hospital on Koh Phi Phi and medics dashed him to Phuket as his condition rapidly deteriorated.

    So he has had this for about one month. But when we look at the timeline



    DEC 31, 2019: ALARM RAISED



    This makes the British man the first international case. Wow, Surprising we have not heard more about it.   I wonder why not. Someone should notify the WHO and get things moving. Maybe some Thaivisa posters can step forward and get the ball rolling.




  6. 8 hours ago, Roy Baht said:

    That's right. Two Canadian girls died on Phi Phi of suspected phosphine poisoning. But that doesn't lead to pneumonia-like symptoms. Just death and brain lesions.

    Unfortunately that is not exactly true. As per this article regarding an earlier incident. 


    --Thailand tourist's lung tissue 'gone' after mysterious death 
    Jill St Onge, one of 2 tourists who died of unknown causes, pathologist says her "lungs were 100 percent congested" 


    Given the past history of these islands, definitely a possibility, as is coronavirus from China.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Just now, gk10002000 said:

    starting to screen in the USA also according to some news reports.  Reminds me of the bird flu over a decade ago?  Taiwan was scanning people's foreheads as I recall checking for temperature and possible infection?

    I flew in during the height of the SARS scare and Thailand was screening with infrared cameras. As that was at Don Muang, I can't recall where they placed them, but yes we had to walk by them.  Really cheap airfares June 03, though. Not many passengers either, great flight.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Swiss1960 said:
    53 minutes ago, Dcheech said:


    FYO unless customs singles you out in the US then they never check laptop or luggage, never have. No need to thank, Free information for the ignorant.


    oh wise man, so good to know.. that is why 90% of Europen business people - me included while I was working - enter the US with burner phones and empty laptos with the minimum on information needed.. we are of course all paranoid, the US is such a good and nice non-police state.l.. 


    Its good to know that Euros safeguard their uh er, "information" on laptops and phones. Actually it a numbers game. If customs went through hard drives and phones they would have a line, not 200 meters long but a kilometer long. And they would need to hire 500 more customs workers, per major airport, if not more.


    Speaking of 'information' ... those horny little euros ... transferring at Vienna airport, years back. Departure lounge area, (duty free too) big shop well stocked with DVD's magazines, vid clip downloads,  etc. I just found it so bizarre. You are leaving on vacation, then at the airport you discover, to your horror ... "honey did you bring the porn?"  -Shock, Gasp- "NO!"  "Wait, we can pick some up here at the airport."

    BTW Vienna airport, quite nice, & obviously, a full service airport.







  9. 2 hours ago, kolder said:

    Coming to BKK soon, in the airport, is it likely that they will go through the content of the laptop? I heard rumors that they do it quit often nowadays. 

    Content of your laptop - do it quite often ?  You need to upgrade your information sources otherwise you will start babbling about chemtrails sooner or later. But no, your porn is safe


    2 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

    never heard about anybody that had his laptop checked, never happened to me. This is not America, this is Thailand where they generally never even check luggage when you come out... also never been checked or have seen people getting checked... 

    FYO unless customs singles you out in the US then they never check laptop or luggage, never have. No need to thank, Free information for the ignorant.


    Thailand however has bought (more) scanners and will start checking luggage in hopes of finding things to fine you for. Case in point, June 22 coming through CNX, they pulled aside a group of 8 or 10, eighteen year old students for a summer program, scanned luggage and going through by hande . I assume they checked them because if they found anything remotely questionable they could browbeat/threaten them into a payment as this was the least likely group who would be bringing anything illegal in. Picking and choosing their potential victims. It was sad and I assume; The Shape Of Things To Come.



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