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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. On 10/16/2020 at 4:21 PM, ChipButty said:

    Has he been kicked out of the country? dont suppose he got his job back


    Looks like he got out safely of the country. That done, Trip Advisor and New York Times unloaded on the Thai restaurant/resort, and by extension, Thailand. Ok, with the new SETV regs they will not be getting any tourists until a vaccine becomes available, what they wanted all along. Still The NYT piece will be republished in 50 to 150 newspapers and online websites which get news feed from NYT. You just cannot ask for better PR for the North American market.


    Obviously it felt good for them when they did it, now the blowback. This is classic.

  2. 92 per cent! 

    Beating Pfizer's 90 per cent effective vaccine. After the problems the Russians had with their first attempt, who would have guessed the second would come in with flying colors and beat Pfizer's/BionTech's vaccine just days later.



    "I can see no a priori reason to disbelieve these results, but it's so very hard to comment, because there is so little data there," said Danny Altmann, a professor of Immunology at Imperial College London.


    No reason to worry.


    • Like 1
  3. Just now, polpott said:

    The Chinese are not farangs and Anutin knows that. Besides that he specifically excluded Chinese tourists during his rant at the time.


    Did you misunderstand my post, or deliberately misunderstand my post. In the early days of covid, there was a growing public anger at the chinese who had brought it, covid, to Thailand. That had to be changed. -----



    'A lady up north (Chiang Mai)  had written signs saying she did not want them (chinese) in her restaurant. In fact police visited to make her take signs down. However stronger measures were needed. Enter Anutin with video crew to direct outrage on an appropriate target (farang)' .



  4. Just now, Oldie said:
    29 minutes ago, LALes said:

    But Anutin's odious remark about "filthy foreigners" doesn't need an apology.

    He made this remark out of anger and desperation because Farangs did not use masks. But I am sure he would never be so primitive that he head butts a Farang


    I was told he made that remark to direct publicity, anger, at farangs, as covid 19 had originated in China, was brought to Thailand by Chinese tourists, and in those early days the public was up in arms about it. A lady up north had written signs saying she did not want them in her restaurant. Dangerous outburst that. In fact police visited to make her take signs down. However stronger measures were needed. Enter Anutin with video crew to direct outrage on an appropriate target.

  5. 54 minutes ago, Raphael Hythlodaeus said:

    Still, I'm not suggesting that Thailand copies the Bhutanese model exactly, only to be considered as a guide.

    Bhutan sits deep in the Himalaya mountains with a ready made tourist base of trekkers that will pay handsomely to sleep in tents and walk on trails. Yes other groups visit temples but the trekkers are their main base.


    I would be surprised, no shocked,  if this model could work for Thailand. BTW Laos tried it 89 -94. Did not work there.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:
    On 9/12/2020 at 6:30 AM, bwpage3 said:

    How is it 3 Thai's just traveled to Japan and tested positive with Covid?


    How did they get out of Suvarnabhumi airport with Covid?




    Did they get covid on arrival in Japan - in essence when were they tested?


    Secondly, how long was their trip to Thailand?


    Did you notice how many people arrived in Thailand with a "High Fever", suspected Covid, in the last 5 months? This was jammed into the TV news and Papers with alarming regularity. It included a group from New Zealand, before that latest outbreak during the three months or so  New Zealand had no Covid. I assumed and still assume that this had more to do with News Media fakery and promoting the idea that the outer non thai world was seething with infectious virus. I still do as it makes no sense any other way. The question remains, how are all these people getting fevers on a plane as they would not be permitted to board if they had one at the departing airport? 


    As for the Japan case, they were tested for Covid19, not just testing for fever. Could there be more Covid in Thailand than the government or media admits?! It looks that way.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tagged said:

    You then hop on the internet only to find a million scientifically illiterate <deleted> imbeciles that are using the very computers you pretty much invented in the first place to call you a child murdering arch villian antichrist because they watched a YouTube video made by some other yokel with the comprehension of a <deleted> potato."

    Sign of the times. We are not getting smarter, we are dumbing down. Surprising that we have not seen mobs of flagellants like they had in the middle ages, yet.

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    They said that the island was too small to follow a "Phuket Model" style of opening and that the presence of foreigners could cause paranoia and even panic. 

    I can understand that. Knowing that hotel owners repeatedly used aluminum phosphide for bed bugs, with fatal results; Quebec sisters, Julie Bergheim, others. This induces 'paranoia and even panic' in potential tourists. No place to risk going.


  9. 4 hours ago, tlandtday said:

    Look at the Manhattan Project so many involved and it was never leaked.  A lot of people believe the rocket went up but simply circled the earth.   I am not sure one way or the other but it becomes increasingly suspect when one looks at the technology of the time and the fact no one has gone back ever since.  Why?

    Your first sentence, "never leaked". Multiple books written about it and at least two Hollywood films plus myriad documentaries. After 1945,public knowledge. Before that time lots of people knew including Klaus Fuchs who was funneling information to the soviets, two other spies, not including people in government at Hanford, Oak Ridge, back in DC. Lots of word of mouth, just no newspaper coverage. No comparison.


    • Like 1
  10. Just now, OneMoreFarang said:

    Some of those people would have talked and exposed the fake by now. That didn't happen so the moon landing must have happened. qed

    On that line. To get Oswald the Job in the book depository, working that location and shift would require 'influencing' over forty people, by a conservative estimate. Not possible to keep all those mouths shut, if someone did pull the strings. 

    • Like 1
  11. Trump doubles down, tossing Birx under the bus, while attacking Nancy Pelosi. What is shocking is even pollyanna Birx, Trumps talking doc, says 300,000 dead by the end of the year is a possibility. 


    "The dust-up comes as the country continues to be ravaged by coronavirus, with more than 150,000 US citizens dead and more than 4 million cases. Trump has consistently lied and misled mostly in attempts to downplay concerns about the virus as he presses for schools and businesses to reopen."




    • Like 2
  12. Just now, elephant45 said:

    FDA? There would be a lot of dead people from Malaria if we listened to them. I took it when I was working in Nigeria for Malaria and it saved my life. Does it work with Covid? Well, anyone in the USA will never find out now will they?

    The FDA said it was no good for malaria? I find that hard to believe. However I recall it was being replaced by fansidar by the mid 80's, which no one liked, because malaria strains were becoming resistant to it.


    You need to watch a few of Dr Zim's you tube vids. Doxycycline, that is the new miracle cure. Prevents malaria too.

  13. On 7/27/2020 at 10:25 AM, steelepulse said:

    Why aren't they giving the news that the cases are the lowest seen in 4 months?


    Florida set a new record for the number of deaths in a day for the fourth day in a row. As many had speculated given the retired community and obesity rate, once Covid 19 starts to run there may be no way to stop it until it runs out of fuel. 

    'If you want to run cool, you got to run

    on heavy heavy fuel'

  14. Just now, boonrawdcnx said:

    Meanwhile in Dubai - Thaksin takes a sip from his glass of champagne spreads a bit more caviar on his blini while laughing out loud reading this news article. Now compare this court decision to the one the powerful crooks behind the scenes arranged for him in his assets declaration case whereby “accidentally” billions where held by the maid and gardeners. 

    The Thai judiciary is nothing but a cheap corrupt tool for the crooks running things from behind the scene.

    They can always give it to interpol. They can always extradite. However international standards will have to be met in both cases. Can you say, 'Never going to happen'.

  15. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Thaksin is wanted by the authorities .... possibly ASIO, FBI, IPOL, Army, Khun Prayut Chan O Cha and others ... and the Police and maybe CIA, AFP.


    Thai authorities for sure, but the rest? Have they ever really given it to Interpol? They say they are, they say they have, but amazingly it turns out they never have, or interpol needed more info that never came hmmm, & it was tossed. Same with all the earblather years back about extradition. They say they are, they say they will, but never happens.

    That seems very odd to me, If he is such a criminal.   ????   

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