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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 2 hours ago, racinkc1 said:

    Has anyone opened a B of A account, as there are B of A's in Thailand, making it only a domestic transfer? Am I over complicating and thinking this?

    First off I do not understand what Bank you have back in the US, Is "American Visa" or "B of A" a bank? And first step have you set it up for online banking?   


    I can send transfers & wire funds from both my US banks but it required me setting it up for online banking, then making sure I could do transfers, say via transferwise and direct wires from the bank to my thai bank. However this was done when I was back in the us. I do not believe that was a prerequisite though.



  2. Good deflection form the ongoing Impeachment hearings. Yet if you look at the iranians and their militias, they assumed they could do these things and then US would respond in careful gradual steps of escalation. Not with this POTUS. After the tit for tat, with airfield rocketing, militia camp bombings, then  the embassy flash mob triggered something in Donny.


    Unfortunately it's a whole new world. If a bunch of refineries get smoked, if oil production worldwide goes down, the US is not going to be bothered by that like it would have in the past.  Now that is something disturbing to think about. heh 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    It's not like Disney is making their own Loi Krathong baskets. What did the girl do, hand draw mickey mouse and stick it on a basket, or print out something on her printer?


    Disney and/or Doraemon had nothing to do with this. Lets be clear about that. This is nothing more than a scam/extortion by the copyright police on thai people, while copyright infringement takes place on a massive scale here in LOS.


    Reminds me I need a new battery for my Rolex.



    • Like 1
  4. Nice  C&P about the US Market.


    However people may recall that this was sold at Makro, now seems to be featured at Tops. It's definitely worth picking up. You can do far worse than Monini. Although yes, virgin, extra virgin?! TIT; This is Thailand.




    Best multi-use olive oil
    Monini Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    Monini Extra Virgin Olive Oil





    And just like that, the post is gone. Like the wind, like Kaiser Soze.



  5. X posted on IMM QA




    Back at Chiang Mai Immigration to pick up re entry Visa. Wednesday arrived in line, 1401. Presented papers then shuffled off to desk 5 with ticket. Immediate service as no one was at desk. 


    Out the door with a multiple Re Entry Visa at 1413.



    12 minutes in total for my re entry visa this afternoon.

  6. Back at Chiang Mai Immigration to pick up re entry Visa. Wednesday arrived in line, 1401. Presented papers then shuffled off to desk 5 with ticket. Immediate service as no one was at desk. 


    Out the door with a multiple Re Entry Visa at 1413.

  7. Re entry – multiple re entry visa.

    As there was too big a mob scene last week when I did my non O extension. What is a good time to turn up at CM immigration say on Wednesday or Thursday? Just doing the Re Entry nothing else. Mid-morning or 1330 ok. Or do I need to turn up at 0620   - Again (!!)

    Do I get a ticket up at main office front desk again? Or shunted off upstairs? Any help for a newby appreciated.



  8. After receiving my retirement extension, I stopped over at the form basket counter to pick up a TM8 reentry form.

    There was one basket,clearly marked for insurance requirements for “Non O A visa” It then stated something to the effect; ‘this visa is applied for and received in country of origin’ – Sorry if I did not get the exact working. BUT NO DOUBT about what it was, and who needed it (not the non o extenders). Chaing Mai Immigration Thursday 10/17.

    • Like 2
  9. Lot of people at the IO yesterday.

    Arrived 620. Got a seat. Forty-five minutes later they formed up a line of those seated people to get tickets. They looked at all your documents, the one they specifically looked for was financial requirements. Then issued your ticket/que number. They started before eight, but retirement desk started calling 10 minutes later than the rest.

    I was up at the desk at 830, it took ten minutes. They did look at my Bank book, which I of course had and checked it against bank letter and bank book account print out. However once submitted, I did not get my passport back tell after 10. In fact, it was getting herd like, cattle pen, by that time so I did not get my reentry visa. I live in the south end of town it’s easy enough to drop in for that later.



    Thanks – CMBOB – I got that bank letter the day before at KSK Bangkok Bank and was looking at it, scratching my head but, indeed it is nothing more than a total in your account as of that date. So bank statements are key if doing the 800K method. They were looking at most peoples bank book also. Bring it.

    “The ghost of Promenada is here!”

    Herd like atmosphere. I don’t know how it was at Promenada, or if it is returning to that condition.  I just moved back. I did run into an old guy from my ‘Nakhon Nowhere’. Good to see him, good to see he is alive and doing fine. We reminisced about a specific IO Officer, notorious for his moodiness, and petty behavior. This was out in the far frulueches where everything is supposedly good. (“they’re so friendly”). If you have a cattle pen, like CM, you have to move them along; ‘Rack them and Stack them’. There is a benefit to that. If your Docs are all there, have crossed your I’s and dotted your t’s (!), there is no time to go over with a fine tooth comb. That's a plus.








  10. My 45 days before extension date rolls around this weekend. My money has been seasoning for more than two months. A couple questions as I have not done it this way before. Besides my other documents, I go to my bank and get;


    1) Bank letter, (valid for 7 days)

    2) A bank statements showing all activity in the account. In my case for three months  since I opened the account. ---------------------- I get these two from the Bank, the day before then 

    I also need:


    3) “A copy of every page of my passbook which I updated on my way to CM IMM early, very early, in the morning.” ---- copy from tracyb-----


    That last one, I am not for sure exactly how I go about getting it. I have been told I need that done on the same day I submit my application/renewal docs.  Now just to be clear -  that is where you make a deposit or withdrawal on your account, showing activity (?) And then make copies of every page of the bank book. This is done on the same day I make my application??


    If that is so, I have to wait until the bank opens, and then make copies at a copy shop when it opens. This will put me at Immigration at about 930-10 o’clock in the morning. At the earliest.  

    My questions – Are all of the above steps correct for the 800K method? And regarding step 3. Is there any way to do that so I can get to immigration earlier than say 930??  I also realize I need to bring my updated bank book with me besides the copies to the IO.


    Any help, advice, directions, appreciated.


    Thank You.

  11. 38 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    We've had reports of some offices that haven't applied the changes yet, and are still incorrectly enforcing 3 months before for subsequent.

    That was Chiang Mai IO. If you search back on posts/topics, it was reported by more than one poster they were asked for CASH (3) THREE months prior to renewal. No one doubted someone at CM immigration had actually said this.  Of course it is TWO months before but no one did not believe the posters story.


     It was resolved, whether by repeated visits and or talking to/using a visa agent, no one knows. The search Tab is there, make it your friend.



  12. Just now, Sandy Freckle said:

    However, I had always believed that Dalat in south central Vietnam ticked a few boxes.

    Nice to know.


    For CM; The good and the bad. I would recomend travel. Get yourself a sixty day Indonesian Travel Visa, buy an Air Asia ticket;  March 1 / return May 1. I have never understood why more people do not do that. Certainly Thais know about it as AAsia used to give promos on that BKK to Denpassar flight. That stopped over four years ago as it is packed with Thai people escaping the hot season and/or the smog season. 

    • Like 2
  13. 16 hours ago, SanookTeufel said:

    Sounds to me like he did something wrong; and if he did no wrong and is innocent why not face the accusations head on?

    The fact the Monks would fight with the military does make it seem a lot like a cult...

    I don't know much about the temple though, I like some of their facebook posts that's about as far as I go with them.

    I choose to support the local temples instead.

    "I don't know much about the temple though"


    Got a winner there. Not mentioned in the article is the suppoters of this sect, if you want to call it that, are mainly upcountry thais, who coincidentally support a certain political party.


    Once you factor that in 



    • Like 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, lom said:
    19 minutes ago, webfact said:

    A large number of negative stories in the Thai media refer to organisations such as stores, schools and hotels as "a famous this and that". 

    The pictures of the escalator clearly shows the name of a famous artist who was "Sitting on the dock of the bay"


    Otis mall huh, but I never go there. BTW. People say, Otis needs maintenance, always problematic in LOS, as maintenance costs money. 


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