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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. Just now, Trujillo said:


    When you sit down in an eatery, you take off your mask. Period. End of story. 

    There you go Jing, I thought I said that, before you went full Tangent. Wait, I did!



    You sit are your place, when the food comes, take your mask off and eat. When finished, replace mask, pay and leave. Is it that difficult?! 






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  2. 8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Here is evidence about the primary risk of infection being breathing in droplets. 

    No one has every claimed it was all caused by "droplets" so famously touted today although certainly some were. The military study of the their early 80's flight said as much also. Old news, but new again.


    On March 14, 1977, a woman with the flu climbed aboard a 737 and headed for Kodiak, Alaska, with 53 other passengers and crew. After an engine failed, most of them sat on the runway with the cabin doors shut, and the ventilation system off, for two hours. Within three days, 38 people were sick.

  3. Just now, Jingthing said:

    Did I say three months well,  the date on that ------>>>>> "29 March 2020" but they were saying it all through March


    Not fake news, plain wrong. And that has been known in the medical community from the Anchorage Alaska Air flight, 1977 study, and US military flight 1983 (?) That is a long time.

  4. A little anecdote, easily forgotten, from the beginning. A women wearing a mask, is pushed into by a big lurch, saying ‘hey what are you, a nurse’ laughing. New York City. Three months later, 16,000 dead, as of today, more to come. When it is over we will think about how they brought a lot of it on themselves. Dumb and ignorant is nothing to be proud of. Yeah, ok, maybe they were Jets fans, but.

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    Just now, Jingthing said:

    Absolutely not! 

    It's very sincere though predictably most of the replies are on the trollish side. 

    But I think it's worth it as mask procedures in restaurants is now a real question as the restaurants are opening. 

    You sit are your place, when the food comes, take your mask off and eat. When finished, replace mask, pay and leave. Is it that difficult?! 

    I had lunch at the local noodle place monday. Open air at the end of the condo drive. I should say restaurant. It's an upscale noodle place, and yes they have those. Roofed but open air, open sides, and that is a plus, as all us amateur epidemiologist know now. 


    As for your trolling, if it's good for you, make it your friend.


  6. 3 hours ago, timendres said:

    Practically speaking, if you are this concerned about the virus, you should not be eating in a restaurant.


    Good advice for the OP.


    Although as he doesn't like masks any way, this earbash whinge post is a tad excessive. Just Buy and takeaway if you are really concerned and not trolling for effect. 



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  7. On 5/15/2020 at 7:31 PM, snoop1130 said:

    It puts her just ahead of Elton John, with Rihanna’s worth being largely attributed to a 15% stake in the French luxury company LVMH – which is worth £351.6m.


    She has also scored huge success with Fenty Beauty, which is now valued at $3 billion (£2.8bn). Rihanna’s reported stake of 15% is said to be worth a cool £351.6 million.


    That is how she makes her money. Singing, & entertaining? Yes  she does that too, but doesn't look like she makes much doing it. 

  8. Quote

    Mr. Chuwong, a wealthy contractor, died in a car accident under suspicious circumstances, as he was travelling in a vehicle being driven by Banyin through a Bangkok suburb in 2015.


    Oh, no, Oh, my! So this was what it was all about. If he has done it once then why wouldn't he do it again?! Not a good role model for the impressionable youth of the nation.

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  9. 50 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Some sources suggested that the government file the case in the United States in order to stop foreign creditors seizing THAI airplanes when they land on foreign soil. 


    The Transport Ministry source, however, said there should be no such problem if THAI can negotiate with its foreign creditors, most of whom have leased planes to the airline. 


    It looks like the end game is here. Thai Airways will have to file for bankruptcy. Not that that will save it but it will end their full scale feeding at the public trough. Even in bankruptcy they are still trying to play semi legal. Yes "foreign creditors" will try to seize their aircraft if bankruptcy is filed in Thailand and not internationally. They will know what this "negotiation" means, and try and grab assets. 

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  10. On 12/19/2019 at 10:10 AM, webfact said:

    The message was clear: Europeans are not coming as much as in the past. 

    The bill comes due.


    Twenty years, since 97 meltdown,  when Farangs were used as part of Thai nationalist politics; As in to blame things on. They turned it on and never turned it off. In the aftermath of 97 Westerners were blamed for 

    A) the meltdown as a nefarious economic plot to take over the country  & then 

    B) disrespecting Thailand

    Since then, whether leadership was clad in red, yellow or green colours, no one has turned it off. It was too convenient to have a readymade scapegoat. ANd they still kept coming. For many years, a great laugh as they smirked about teflon Thailand. Nothing sticks; 'Treat them like <deleted> and they keep coming back'.


    Finally as it always does, the bill eventually came due. Western countries are of the opinion Thailand is unsafe and not friendly. Going to take many years to convince them otherwise. That is besides baht to euro, dollar, or pound, exchange rate.


    Not a problem if you are going to replace them with the Chinese. That said better make sure that works, because now all your eggs are in one basket.



  11. 21 hours ago, webfact said:

    They think that drivers should be tested for drugs and there should be more police patrols on the beach road.

    If you have attempted murder, and failed  but you are Thai, then the news media prints this horse pucky! As for the victim, well who cares. 


    Thai tourism is already on the skids, coronavirus only provides an good excuse for its death.

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