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Everything posted by Zapitapi

  1. couldn't agree with u more.. the idea to take them out must stem from a MSN distorted view of reality ..some spy movies..and sorry for the jab but he is probably american
  2. wishful thinking.. remember when they said 1 russias economy will crumble 2 they running out of missiles 3..4..5.. and none of the predictions have happened its complete BS sanctions have backfired..ukr is loosing bad..bricks building and getting more momentum.. in short its a disaster for the western powers
  3. bit off topic but does anyone know if the Phu Nam Ron/Kanchanaburi border is to be opened soon for tourists?
  4. there might be issues as political prosecution or being gay and fleeing a country that does not approve etc
  5. hey why not..he is responsible for his own life..
  6. nope its not the exact thing that happened to japan.. please read what actually happened and why japan got the hit!!
  7. dont think it possible to have 2 passports:))
  8. the "wobly" feeling should subside after a while.. you will get used to it and able to control.. dont fret
  9. or cpanel?
  10. fully agree.. thailand has its problems but to single it out is just wrong.. german chancellor is implicated in a fintech scam... not to speak about the USA and many others..this is a global problem
  11. if u speak about most of the world.. russians are very welcome!
  12. over time an overstay will eventually happen.. for multiple reasons.. usually easy to handle.. but some here would cut one down for that.. until it happens to them..:) but i am sure that if it would happen to them they would immediately face the consequences and leave the country out of their own principle?? right
  13. beating was too much.. a little push ok.. but that kind of clobbering is too much
  14. probably the bullet went trough him ..so two wounds
  15. thats programmable monies.. no thanks
  16. and thats "correct"..he might "not" read the "not"
  17. safe to say you are completely wrong..no need to show you any evidence as your profile picture shows it all
  18. good article.. but wasted here..you will get personally attacked for it..little insight or even an attempt of a balanced discussion possible here..just sad that the barstool cowboys know everything already
  19. everyone should wear one:)) not ..watch mask production: https://twitter.com/CartlandDavid/status/1696575578512519304?s=20
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