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Everything posted by Zapitapi

  1. pure logic isnt it.. so if semites are a language group ..then being anti-semitic/semitism means................? it means being agains a language group but please you and the ones alike lets just rather not use logic anymore and pretend that 2=2=5..
  2. referring to RFK J remarks and your answer to my post if you want to believe that..be my guest.. facts are facts dough hey u looked on wikipedia.. must be true then..ahahahaahahahaha there is NO debate that semites are a language group ..none p.s. debunked? really? so how come jews living in america or poland etc looking caucasian? and not middle eastern? anyhow there is nothing one can do to make the blind see.. good luck https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Semites
  3. oh jeez.. to his remarks..semites are a language group not a race..ashkenazi arent semites as they come from an area of far east europe and not native semitic.. palestinians on the other hand are semites and so are a few others in that area..knowing that where is the race remark??
  4. maybe not apologise but you could say that you where wrong in your assumption?
  5. hua hin blueport mall office is pretty similar as well..kudos to the blueport bunch ..though my expirience is only 1 time
  6. he is correct about that! seems u are the dim one..
  7. yeah amazing how many peeps are absolutely clueless about whats going on..propagandised AF ..black and white world view russia bad ukraine good..just idiotic and ignorant
  8. 52?? ughh this guy abused his body.. if found guilty hes gonna go away for a long time..dont think brown envelopes will help too much..those envelops normally only work without much transparency
  9. delusional..no-one with a shred of sense could possibly believe that ukraine can win this in any sense..its over and for the sake of the poor service men dying every day i hope its over soon
  10. hmm might have been a stroke or heart problem.. can happen but unusual to just drown 1 m away from the side of the pool R.I.P poor guy
  11. nope..thats only a part of "the government"
  12. that might be true as it is possible to convert a photo to biometric data ..however its without consent and not as usable as its a b/w copy.. hey i get that escape of being "see-trough" for banks and governments is getting close to impossible for many reasons.. but i have the believe that my data should be that..mine.. so i try to keep it as much as i can and not give away without a thought
  13. hey..never had depression and probably never will.. but i wish ya well and strength to come out on top
  14. yeah great level of security added.. in the past they needed to snatch ur pin only ..now if someone wants ur monies they will kidnap you ..great! if one does not see the push to cashless then there is nothing to say to that person except sweet dreams
  15. agreed..has no additional or only minor security features for the user but gives ur biometrics to a private company..i will stay away from it
  16. you get 30 days from the date of expiry ..not the date of going to immi
  17. R.I.P ..whatever happened.. sad outcome
  18. <deleted> happens everywhere..all in all i personally cant say construction in general is bad here in LOS
  19. not a fan of processed food but looks clean and as imagined.. nothing scary about that..scary maybe if one considers the "bigger picture" of what we consume.. having said that not everybody can afford the organic way
  20. hey.. would like to know more bud..any source i can read up? found some but nothing that makes it clear
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