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Everything posted by Zapitapi

  1. sorry my dear but your surely qualified thoughts are colliding with reality and facts..
  2. eh up.. mostly with u here.. i am looking at feasibility from a lawful or/and legal perspective rather than morality...
  3. i had good and bad experiences over the years.. but the bad ones can kill you its just common sense to stop using or avoiding the mini vans
  4. hmm...ok those "laws" cited in the report are actually regulations not laws ..as i skim over the article it may be unlawful to implement the goals as stated by the article..my guess its going to be dropped
  5. hahah thats out of a dictators notebook.. apprehended does not mean guilty.. slippery slope
  6. naa bud the knife was found ON his chest NOT in his chest
  7. firstly..most of your appliances are made in china..even if its under license of a western CO. juice market is world wide.. with china operating only a fraction?! so maybe only china bashing here?
  8. chinas economy isnt devastated on the contrary ..same as russian eco its up and has great potential overall..the peeps in many countries are scared by e.g. geo political games and do not know what tomorrow holds..so in my view its reasonable to cut back at luxuries like holiday..except russians they are in a great spot with their currency buying power almost doubled due to mislead western sanctions
  9. good for u.. and bravo in repeating the gov and media lines.. u a great citizen..would be even greater if u just knew that your view is evidently wrong..but right or wrong..who cares as long as we can believe someone with obvious credentials ...no need to think by ourselves
  10. so u restrict oxigen flow..u block nothing with masks..u get jabs that dont work...bravo go on......hope u are a funny one or at least i hope so:).
  11. exactly.. lets not look at the evidence.. OR lets compare qualifications?.. get another jab yet? or use common sense..up to u
  12. no link needs to be provided.. evidence is out there..you just need to get off ur couch
  13. as far as i know its possible to ride until 5pm.. but that might have changed as i have not been there for several month now
  14. jeez so many bitter comments.. yeah might be her fault or not.. we dont know from the superb article:) but show some compassion..
  15. interesting read re red notice's https://www.justsecurity.org/61599/interpol-exploding-myths/
  16. hahaah..yeah if erased only a 12 year old can recover the data in a jiffy
  17. hmm.. this reads.. i dont like it.. i am an authority and know that its harmful..i read it in the newspaper:)..ban it ..baaaan it.. nope its not harmful..nicotine is good for ur health (multiple studies show it..latest one is a longterm harward study.... dont ask for a source.. educate yourself) the glycerine's used in the juice are neutral..doggy manufacturers are a possibility.. but hey where is ur chicken coming from? YOUR BEEF? YOUR VEGGIES? have a good one
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