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Everything posted by Zapitapi

  1. eh up.. i called Ranong immigration and they said that Ranong/Kawthaung Land Border Checkpoint can be crossed ...called may 14th 2023
  2. ever heared about "principal" or "enough is enough"?
  3. i kinda liked it for the general freedom of choosing ..if i wanted i could make that choice as an adult.. petty if the choice is taken and regulated by the gov...especially when its weed ..soooooo dangerous :)
  4. the alleged murderer is caught apparently..acc. to thai news just now - RIP
  5. i think the brainwashed one is u:) climate is changing but not because of us or cow farts
  6. nonsense..nicotine isnt addictive the additives in ciggies are..nicotine binds to the ace-2 receptors and is actually aiding in preventing multiple health issues..
  7. bit off topic but does anyone know when the double track rail starts operating..HH-BKK?
  8. namibia..sorry not true this year.. looks like chad or DRC..data not clear..top 10 is africa however thailand is in there as the only country outside of africa
  9. "Thaksin Shinawatra will not return home and immediately put himself behind bars under court convictions" i get that his return is unlikely and the headline is most probably a slightly poor translation but that aside.....the headline says nothing about that he does not return but rather that he would not "put himself behind bars" regardless of the "return"
  10. ya ya and ukraine is the good guy here ??
  11. agreed.. dont think shes holidaying tough.. saw that exact same graffiti sprayed behind the same bench in the pic 8 month ago.. on the spot id say same handwriting
  12. ok.. a bit of a moron id say
  13. jeez .. peeps like you are just what the world needs.. uninformed and opinionated..bravo.. start in using the correct 3letters.. its actually CPC not CCP.. u watch too much cnn and fox!
  14. there isnt much info of how he was "involved" in an accident.. another party involved or did he just fall and hit the road? maybe that was reported earlier in FEB.. anyone knows?
  15. i guess they could but i assume they have way more pressing matters on their plate
  16. compared to itself my dear.. dont take it as attack against you peeps.. the country that the us was a few decades ago i cant see anymore....and its unfortunate
  17. usa did well.. on the back of the supressed countries.. and holding the reserve currency.. and a few other points.. us was a great country .. but it lost its way
  18. fairly obvious what stoner said.. u can check for urself.. follow the money
  19. yep.. thats where we are in this world.. facts are now propaganda.. no need to refute my writing in fact just say "russia bad" therefore he must be a kremlin troll.. pathetic at best..anyhow good luck in ur life .. u are lost my dear
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