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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. These Aussies just can't hold their grog.
  2. Anyone who believed a word that the disgraced former PM Johnson said or wrote deserved all the sh*t that the fat liar heaped upon them. Trouble is that the saner sections of society were equally affected. Also, if Deform is the answer then we're asking the wrong question.
  3. "Weaponization of political opponents must be eliminated" says the poster who supports Trump's....erm ....weaponisation of political opponents. Jeez.
  4. And yet here you are again Sue posting off topic. Trump has lost his mind and is being exposed daily as being unfit for public office.
  5. Viet Jet or Lion Thai are good. You don't pay extra for seat choice if you leave that box blank. After all, who needs a seat of choice for a 1 hour flight. Or, for that matter, an in-flight meal.
  6. Let's get this right. You are saying that people who make "stupid posts on Facebook" don't deserve to be jailed eh? You are clearly referring to the far right racists who incited the low IQ, far right thugs to burn terrified humans alive in their accommodation! Do you truly believe that these racists don't deserve to be jailed? If so, you need need help.
  7. Note how many posts above are victim blaming. Sad.
  8. Says the person who posted "I mad a post ..." Shamed or what?
  9. When I saw this headline I knew the tone of comments would be mostly from frothing bigots reacting in their oh so erudite ways. Hey you Farridge f*ckwits: here's some breaking news. The Channel crossers are in a miniscule minority of asylum seekers. Over 1 million asylum seekers arrived by air. Small boat crossing numbers are in the 10s of thousands of which 80% of asylum applications are successful.
  10. "Support jailing people sounding off on FaceBook (sic)". Do you mean the cuddly souls who were encouraging the low IQ, far right "protesters" to set fire to apartments housing human beings? Hmm ..yeah right I get the equivalence. Oh wait....no I don't.
  11. After being snubbed by Trump he feigns allegiance to the people of Clacton but hang on, what's this? His excuse for not holding surgeries for his constituents was that Government security had advised him against erm ... doing the job for which he was elected, he lied.
  12. Funny innit that the Torygraph was noticeably quite when the disgraced former PM Johnson was accepting largesse from Tory donors. Wallpaper at £800 a roll anyone? Need a £400,000 loan? A Tory bigwig at BBC can facilitate this via a Canadian cousin. Come on Starmer you've got a way to go to catch up with Mr Bobby.
  13. "an admittedly useless Tory government"! Jeez, that's really stretching the meaning of the phrase "Damning with faint praise".
  14. Oh I don't know about that. Compare the 49 days of Truss and your contention of "Never...... " is blown out of the water.
  15. More right wing drivel from the Torygraph.
  16. You should know by now that just the mention of Mr T sends the Pavlovian obsessives into a frenzy.
  17. Cue the MAGA morons whingeing and whining. 60+ Republican court cases complaining of electoral fraud thrown out by the judges. Absolutely 0% evidence of fraud, in fact many MAGA plaintiffs were admonished for bringing such trivial cases. Fox "news" ordered to pay 750,000bucks for perpetuating these MAGA lies. Give it a rest MAGAs.
  18. Jeez what a ramble. Are you Donald Trump? Hong Kong is not hotter than Thailand. Bangkok is the hottest capital city in the world (source WGO). Also, H.K. is 2000 Kms further from the equator than BKK.
  19. Yeah right. He has to "make space" in prisons cos previous administrations defunded (along with all public utilities) the prison service. Erm, I think you should re-read the thread. I'll make it simple. I didn't deflect. Your like minded right whinger flexible Jonny raised the Rwanda thingy. I merely responded to his/her post. Do keep up old chap.
  20. Oh dear. The right whingers are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. The Rwanda (correct spelling) fiasco was all about getting rid of Jonny Foreigner to placate the frothing Kipper, BNP, white nationalists. The Albania plan is to process asylum application in situ so that those eligible won't have to suffer a Channel crossing. I know it's hard for you rightards but you must accept that .... erm.. . you lost, get over it!
  21. Why don't you ask the parents of the 9 year old who was one of those killed?
  22. Aussies just can't handle their booze. Shame on them.
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