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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. The far right religious zealot was rightly scorned and banished to Northern Ireland to join the equally unhinged zealots.
  2. No that’s wrong.It’s even worse than that. 1880s.
  3. “Overwhelmingly”? Trump won by one of the narrowest of margins since the 1980s. Delusional or what!
  4. No Yabadabba there’s you and that jonny person, also celcius holding the hate banner still on here.
  5. You brought the word Trump up. It seems you’re obsessed with him.
  6. It was definitely the yellow shirts in Lumpini Park in 2014. You may be thinking of the red shirt protests of (I think) 2010 during which the army and others went on a murder spree mowing down red shirts sheltering in a temple.
  7. Julia Hardly-Sober is a far right attention seeker, a female equivalent to the equally ridiculous Richard Littlejohn.
  8. Why is it that the far right nutters are obsessed with weapons e.g. the MAGA mob in US? Also who could forget the cuddly yellow shirts led by Suthep and his armed thugs who terrorised Bangkok in 2014. When they (yellow shirts) were finally removed from Lupini Park they left behind, apart from their filth, a cache of weapons including small arms, M79 grenade launchers and sniper rifles. Far right politics seems synonymous with anger and hatred.
  9. Ah, more victim blaming . Just accept that, thus far, circumstantial evidence points to this guy being the pilot of the dangerous big boy’s toy which killed the poor guy.
  10. I don’t know why you’re “weaving “ Trump into your post but, since you are, it’s worth noting that there are many posts from the MAGA mob on here full of hate and anger towards us lefties. Just imagine if they lost!
  11. The source was Forbes but don’t let that fact get in the way of your far right rant
  12. Oh dear. What looked like an open goal for the MAGA mob on here has turned out to be presumptuous.
  13. Don’t crow yet. Appeal pending.
  14. Because you post nonsense on here every day I was beginning to think that you were Bob anew but now I realise that you are she who used to be susanlea.
  15. Yeah right. Brits were sooo much happier under the “ leadership “ of the disgraced former prime minister Johnson and the Trussbot eh? Thats why UK returned a Tory government just 5 short months ago. Oh hang on…..
  16. If this nutter is “muscular “ then I’m Mr Universe.
  17. This “summer of love “ that the angry MAGA mob keep referencing to ironically: would that be the same summer that the “proud boys” accompanied by far right thugs wearing nazi regalia and shouting nazi slogans whilst one of them drove at speed into a crowd of BLM protesters miraculously only murdering one poor soul? Ah right gotcha. BLM protesters bad. Far right, armed Nazis good . In the eyes of the Orange Moron at least.
  18. I’m warming to Starmer by the day. I think his joke was funny and Baddenoch’s reaction shows just what a snowflake she is.
  19. More far right drivel from the Torygraph. If anyone thought that Starmer could turn around the economy, NHS, immigration “problems “ and the sleazy cronyism which pervaded Britain for the past 14 years well, you’ll just have to wait. Look at the far right posts from experts above. No objectivity just the usual repetitive hatred . I think it’s fair to wait until halfway through this administration before calling for heads to roll. Vote of no confidence? Far right wet dream. Ha ha.
  20. Please tell me Cyclist. Are these Brazilians in the room with you at the moment?
  21. Farridge is a lying grifter who appeals to a certain demographic. His latest whopper is that he was told by security in the Cabinet Office not to open a Constituency Surgery in Clacton. The Cabinet Office denied giving such advice. I know who I believe.
  22. Any MAGA morons who made no comment when Trump was busy giving pardons to criminals, fellow grifters and extended family members are best advised to <deleted> unless you want to be ridiculed with the hypocrite label.
  23. Disgraced former PM Johnson says "ya boo sucks" to the government that trounced his corrupt ridden bunch of losers. This is duly parroted by the far right Daily Wail. This is "World News"?
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