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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. I'm one of those pesky, tree hugging, pinko, pro EU lefties that the rabid right love to hate. In the past month or so 3 things happened to give me heart. The French left actually came together to beat off the right wing nationalists. UK finally dumped the sleazy, corrupt right wing Tories. In the US Kamala has suddenly put the orange moron on the back foot. Who ya gonna blame this time Donny? Oh, almost forgot. I'm woke and proud!
  2. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
  3. Well done OP you've triggered the Mr T obsessives to regurgitate their unsourced drivel. Enjoy your retirement Mr T. Sit back and remember the landslides that resulted in you becoming the democratically elected P.M. during the good years.
  4. And Trump has all the skills and qualities that you mention? My bottom!
  5. Yawn. More right wing drivel from the Torygraph.
  6. Cue: but but but .....what about alcohol!
  7. Another disjointed word salad from the Torygraph. Your team lost. Get over it!
  8. The reason I spend 20 minutes most mornings on AN is to read the misinformed, puerile comments from the Mr T hate mob. Yeah, I know, they're repetitive and boring mostly but occasionally there's a comedic gem. Anyway, what's wrong with a democratically elected ex PM advising government. All "democratic" governments are "advised" by and funded by unelected lobbyists and donors.
  9. Good on ya Mr T. Good news that will bring closure to this litany of trumped up junta charges. The Mr T hate mob's heads will be exploding on hearing this progressive news.
  10. How do you know they weren't born in UK Sherlock?
  11. Yawn. Go on I'll bite. What's your point? Oh hang on you're a racist. Bye bye.
  12. Nowhere in the O. P. or any of the comments does anyone mention the " elephant in the room" i. e. gun ownership in U. S. A couple of uncomfortable facts I learned this morning: In U. S. there are 2 mass shootings nearly every day. 600 last year. Gun ownership in U.S. is 120 weapons per 100 households. This sad state of affairs will continue until someone has the nuts to dismantle the NRA and sever their link/control of U. S. politicians. I fear that the orange moron will use this incident to further inflame his poorly educated cultists.
  13. These Aussies just can't handle their booze.
  14. Paranoid or what? We pesky, leftie, pinko, tree hugging, wokey cokey citizens are just waking up to the threat of extreme right wing nationalism. "I love the poorly educated" said the orange moron. Any of you right wing nationalists agree with him?
  15. I also remember it well. Mr T and Yingluk democratically elected with landslide majorities. I also remember well the illegal coups and the armed yellow shirt thugs closing down the Kingdom. Still it's good to see Yingluk cleared of so many trumped up charges.
  16. Erm ....Elton actually contributed money to the Labour election campaign.
  17. Ok then... let's start... name one accomplishment which is an "outright lie"... don't forget to include your source.
  18. Haven't you got a Presidential campaign to attend to Donald?
  19. Jeez, I struggled through this load of right wing drivel thinking that this load of BS is too much even for the Torygraph. On seeing swivel eyed loon Redwood's name credited I realised that I should scroll to the end of these posts in order to save minutes of my life.
  20. Maybe you need to widen your range of friends then. I note that you haven't the b*lls to use the word Muslim. I ain't been golfing with "one" cos I don't like golf however I socialise with many of "this group". We laugh at bigots but always have their hatred on our radar. By the way I'm atheist.
  21. Ah the Torygraph as reliable as ever in cherry picking Muslim bashing examples of religious interference in elections. The Church of England is known as the Conservative party at prayer. Lip service is paid to the overdue need to separate state from religion but over the water the (mostly white) christian fundamentalists have their orange saviour whipping up fury against all non christians. If what's reported to be happening in Leicester is true (remember, this was in the Torygraph) then this is worrying but to put this in context: this religious problem has been with us for centuries.
  22. "nutty riots in US and France are bad by the loony (sic) left"! Yeah right. Those swastika wearing, Nazi saluting, armed Proud Boys are soo far lefties eh?
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