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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. There are more crops today than 50 years ago because the world population has more than doubled in that time. Duh.
  2. So, 74% of respondents either don't give a S**T or don't think that Mr T will significantly reduce the popularity of P.T.
  3. Jeez, what a silly post. To suggest that a bunch of entitled inbreds on horseback surrounded by a pack of hounds running a solitary fox to ground or to rip it apart will solve the UK fox problem is nonsensical. The problem exists in towns and cities (not the countryside) because of the habits of humans in that they leave the remains of kebabs, chicken and MuckDonalds all over the place.
  4. At last an OP speaking common sense. The AN hate mob have wished for 6 months that violent protest against the 2 democratically elected P.M.s would erupt. This has manifestly failed to occur. The OP said that what little protest there has been has hardly been volcanic. Come back soon Yingluk.
  5. Come on A.N. up your game. The legal and medical experts who have given us so much fun over the past 6 months with their incisive posts on Mr T's health and legal status need more red meat than this tame offering.
  6. Ha ha. I had a 100 baht bet with my mate that a poster in the Mr T hate mob would shoehorn his (Mr T's) problems into this subject. I do nonetheless feel for the Danish guy. Thanks jippytum, you won me 2 x large bottles of M.Y.beer.
  7. I think the guitar reference was an oh so subtle link to the "duelling guitars" in the film Deliverance. One was played by a toothless inbred. This has become, by extension, an insult to anyone with whom the "still got the guitar?" posters disagree. In UK MAGA Trumpers are referred to as "ding a lings". Maybe I'm overthinking this but somehow I think not.
  8. He's in the same camp as disgraced former president Trump, disgraced former PM Johnson and disgraced former MEP Farage. The common denominator is that Clarkson and the three aforementioned have all led privileged lives and have an air of self entitlement. Yes, Clarkson is an entitled bigot.
  9. "normal thais" don't give a S**T.
  10. Obviously a dozen or so AN farang who spew their banal, uninformed comments on their bogeyman of the day. Others, as you say, don't give a S**T.
  11. "The Scaremongers"? Do you mean the 97% of independent scientists who attribute global warming and extreme weather events/disasters to man made carbon emissions? Hardly anything "Natural" about that.
  12. When a bigot throws the woke word at me. I ask them to explain the definition. That always throws them.
  13. The hate mob's comments seem to have attracted support for Mr T. Wonder how many of these sad old farang obsessed with abusing Mr T will be gathering at the gates of the Thaksin residence holding placards saying "Lock him up!" Yeah, thought not. Welcome home Mr T.
  14. Ah gotcha! Your first post had me thinking that you were a Tory apologist. This confirms it. It's gonna be lonely being a Tory in the coming months. "Fellow Conservatives, go back to your constituencies and prepare for Opposition".
  15. In August the posts on here with regard to Mr T's homecoming were witty, some were cleverly constructed, many were factually incorrect yet nonetheless comical. Now the number of posters is reduced to a rump of humourless haters posting banal, repetitive drivel. Welcome home Mr T.
  16. Jeez give up guys. The only people who give a fig are sad old farang on A.N. who've never met nor had their lives negatively affected by this old man. Welcome home Mr T.
  17. A "cr@p" paper that, along with Private Eye, exposed the sub- postmaster scandal? A "cr@p" paper that forensically investigated and exposed the Baroness Mone scandal? Yeah right. Best you stick with the pictures in the Scum eh!
  18. I take it that you missed his opponent's gaffes and "senior moments". Let's pick Trump's top 5: Emboldening mass murderer Vlad the Insaner Putin. Confusing the Hungarian dictator with the Turkish dictator. When in Nepal the orange idiot called it "Nipple". When in Lhasa he thought he was in "Laser". Laughing at the attack on Nancy Peloski's husband. Now then. Regardless of your political affiliation. Ask yourself: "would Obama have been so crass". All of this is notwithstanding that Trump is showing signs of dementia.
  19. Seems like Trump's sucked you in. Remember, he gave the game away when he bellowed "I love the poorly educated".
  20. Yup, gave it up 40 years ago. Stopped smoking 35 years ago. Don't miss either but when in the company of dope heads I realise just how boringly smug these oh so cool dudes are.
  21. Phew, the Mr T hate brigade have their red meat article in A.N. so they can calm down.
  22. "probably nil effect over the next 200 years"? Given what the planet has experienced in just the last decade I wouldn't wager on it. BTW, you have heard of carbon dating and data gleaned from core samples from boring through the Antarctic ice which scientifically backs up all these findings haven't you? So: not 200 years but many millenea. I used to laugh at climate change deniers. Now I weep.
  23. Well it was certainly a better yesterday when they were democratically elected leaders.
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