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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. No need for military intervention. It's already embedded in Thai parliament in the form of 250 junta appointed senators.
  2. Proud of an accident of birth?
  3. But but but...... we're being told on here by the coup apologists that only the guilty look for an escape route from Thailand.
  4. I bet they do. Given the opportunity.
  5. Phew, after a few days without Shinawatra posts for the Thaksin Haters to froth at the mouth over along come 2 lumps of red meat for them to drool over. Time to break out the "Victory Gin"!
  6. No it's not illegal. If the passenger agrees to an off the meter fare with the driver that's ok but if the passenger insists on use of the meter and the driver refuses then that is illegal.
  7. The headline clearly says "illegal taxi apps".
  8. Jeez, you A.N. Thaksin conspiracy theorists are spinning out of control. "He's not in hospital", "He's not sick" and " the night before he came home he was parting (sic) with the top guy in Cambodia". Didn't his plane arrive at DMK from Singapore that morning? If so, he wasn't in Cambodia the previous night. As I said before; give up tilting at windmills guys and pick a bogeyman more worthy of your oh so erudite theorising.
  9. As evidenced above, the hate Thaksin mob have run out of witty comments. Come on guys, give up, your favourite bogeyman is home and most Thais are either happy or unmoved by this, apart from BKK HiSos. As your comments....oops sorry, expert medical opinions become increasingly irrelevant it's time to find another bogeyman to vent your collective spleens at. I recommend a certain Suthep.
  10. Well said Mike. I admire your campaign to get this woman Ireana Pavalova brought to justice. Why are the police in Phuket frightened of the Russians? The Ukrainians aren't!
  11. Pukhet/ sword/ 23 yr old Russian with mental health problems. Peace and love man.
  12. 12 years ago in Thailand I went for a full check up at the local hospital. All was ok but my bad cholesterol was just above the safe zone so doc put me on statins for 3 months. On return the doctor was very pleased with the result. I wasn't happy though. I'd read articles advising caution with statin use. I stopped forthwith and am relatively fit for age.
  13. So, eating vegetables (home grown) isn't "getting back to nature" on your planet then?
  14. Please enlighten me on the "stolen election".
  15. Nor is the imaginary friend of those who believe in the "creator".
  16. The Little Englanders and ding a ling MAGAs love this kinda stuff claiming that these members of the "master race" speak for the silent majority. No! They speak for an ageing and dwindling minority who are stuck in a 50s time warp. As these right wing xenophobes die off youngsters come along with different value sets. Woke n proud!
  17. Another day, another dozen or so posts from the obsessed Mr T hate mob. One of them asks why Thais aren't up in arms over the alleged kid glove treatment of the former democratically elected PM of Thailand. Fact is that apart from Bangkok hi sos and a bunch of frothing farang, not many people in Thailand, except a few in the South, give much thought to this perceived problem.
  18. Tories know that the game's up. They've asset stripped the country and there's not much left to steal....oops, to hand over to their millionaire donor class. They have a year in which to lay booby traps for the incoming administration to sort out. This is why it's so important to get those whose lives have been so badly affected by this shower of right wing grifters and charlatans out to vote.
  19. Trump's 30,000 lies (and counting) verified by independent observers. Top that if ya can.
  20. More red meat for the poorly educated racists to chew on.
  21. Yeah right. How many kids have Smugg and disgraced former PM Johnson spawned.
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