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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. The doctor and friend were not "intruders".
  2. Cue: A.N. moral police embark on tirade of victim blaming.
  3. Hmm....smoked cannabis in the cab and then became aggressive. Over to you weedheads.
  4. Yup, we pesky lefty, pinko, tree hugging, stop oil lefties are certainly out and ready to counter right wing bigotry. "Bring back Boris"? You mean the disgraced former PM Johnson? That's the giveaway that your post is pure clickbait. Yeah,ok I fell for it. Duh!
  5. Here we go again. "My weed is less dangerous than your booze".
  6. Are we supposed to feel sorry for Plod? Firstly; they need no formal qualifications to enter the force so to compare entry wages to those of a newly qualified nurse who has actually achieved such is disingenuous. What other job allows one to retire at age 50 yrs on a 2/3rds final year salary, index linked pension 65% of which is funded by we taxpayers? Levels of crimes solved are dismal. I read recently that one constabulary failed to solve any reported burglaries in the last year! There are other groups of workers who are far more worthy of our support and sympathy than Plod.
  7. Well let's see. Since the end of WW2 the world has had wars/invasions in Korea, Malaya, India/Pakistan, Vietnam , Cambodia, Burma, Yemen, Falklands, Grenada, Iran, Iraq, Yugoslavia. This is without mentioning the numerous conflicts on the continent of Africa. So with the exception of the Balkans; no, Europe has been relatively peaceful.
  8. And so we should be able to. It's only a flag. It's time that the flag sh*gging snowflakes manned up and accepted that flag waving nationalism belongs in the past.
  9. Yeah right it's more anti-brexit propaganda from we pesky Rejoiners eh. Smugg, as Minister for Brexit benefits couldn't come up with one single such benefit. Oh hang on...."On day one of leaving EU food, clothing and footwear will immediately become cheaper". How did that work out? Little wonder that poll after poll shows that 65+% wish to rejoin EU.
  10. Interested to see what medical qualifications this politician has.
  11. Yet here you are mixing words with farang. Bob's given us a laugh. I bet snobs like you have chuckled at his posts.
  12. Lack of space no doubt prevented you from mentioning the fact that Julian sought refuge in London to escape a charge of sexual assault in Sweden. A charge that was subsequently dropped. Furthermore, the woman making the charge was found to be a CIA operative. You talk of facing "justice"? Jeez!
  13. I think Bob's posts are funny, off the wall and often clever. When I see his moniker I know I'm in for 10 minutes of fun. Keep em coming "the real Bob".
  14. Come on guys, up your game. The lame anti Thaksin comments are just recycled drivel. At least in the first few months of Mr T's return some of your posts were funny.
  15. Full marks for shoehorning an anti Shin comment into the subject of badly behaved foreigners.
  16. You "fail to see why others do not protest his treatment". Answer: Only the frothing haters on A.N. are getting their knickers in a twist about Mr T. Thais don't give a flying fig.
  17. More red meat for the haters.
  18. Good on ya man! This ain't gonna go down well with the smug weed fans.
  19. Dontcha just love it when the smug grammar police get it wrong?
  20. Will you not have your expired passport? This worked for me in Bangkok.
  21. "his support base is quite low" in your opinion. Maybe, but I see no mass demonstrations against him unless you refer to a few dozen "students" and the usual A.N. haters.
  22. I think you'll find there were no domestic travel restrictions attached to conditions of Mr T's parole.
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