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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. Not like there were any protesters to pelt him with rotten tomatoes either. They're all on A. N.
  2. Wow, so much hatred for someone who, I'm guessing, you never met and has had no negative effect on your life.
  3. What a sad, smug, judgemental person is the O.P. Lucky for him that he wasn't decked by the guy who was just having fun.
  4. No immigration in pre Blair days then? Just what were the National Front, BNP and Moseley's cuddly fascists all banging on about?
  5. So you, who presumably think that the Swiss thug (which one?) has been overexposed on A.N. perpetuate the exposure of the Swiss thug on A.N. Hmm ...
  6. Yes yes you told us this yesterday......oh wait, I just realised that you have a daily red meat quota that you are obliged to throw to the Mr T haters.
  7. I could swear that I used to pass a memorial in London to fallen ANZAC fighters in WW2. Okay, maybe not a memorial to a specific religion but hey, why let this get in the way of a not so nuanced Islamaphobic rant.
  8. Word is that Mr T has visited C.M. during the past 15 years already. He will be warmly welcomed there.
  9. That massive French fry on your shoulder is making you lopsided. I take it that you meant whingeing not "winging".
  10. I note that the number of posts from the Shin haters on here is down to a trickle. Maybe they've seen the writing on the wall that most Thais just don't give a toss. Someone should tell Jurin that his finger is not on the pulse of public opinion.
  11. So let's go back to full on military junta eh?
  12. What is achohol? Please enlighten we in the lower orders Einstein?
  13. Ah so he's not as clever as he thinks he is then. A bit like Jacob Rees Mogg.
  14. Wow! Smug, snobby and supercilious in one post. Got many friends?
  15. Most of the people who I've known to use gyms are pumping steroids and have egos the size of Jupiter.
  16. Well Sri Lanka has already addressed the problem by cancelling the visas of tens of thousands of Russians. Wonder which way the deported will travel?
  17. My friend in UK was gonna send me £1k by WU. He was told that the fee was £28 and that the exchange rate was £1 = 39.8 baht. The Wise rate that day was £1 = 44.8 bt.
  18. Methinks Thaksin is a successful businessman and Trump is a failed grifter. Examples? Trump airline failed. Trump university failed. Trump casino failed. Nah, Trump couldn't compete with Thaksin in the business stakes.
  19. "more or less speculated" "allegedly manipulated". Jeez, what a non story. Scraping the bottom of the barrel guys.
  20. I'm no lover of the British monarchy. It will be abolished within the coming 50 yrs. However, Brits have bigger problems, viz the corrupt Tory government which is supported by their billionaire donor class that have cut Brit's social services to the bone. The fact that the OP is quoting from the Daily Express is a red flag to anyone with a passing interest in the truth. Then, the mention of the disgraced former POTUS (the orange man baby) in the mix proves that this is a clever diversion from the problems in UK and US . Thankfully on both sides of the pond the "ding a lings" are in a minority but they are loud. Never forget that Trump shouted, at one of his rallies: "I love the poorly educated ". How's that make ya feel MAGAs ?
  21. Never thought I'd read the words Trump and intelligence in the same sentence.
  22. Seems like the lady who was mobbed and didn't last long was the victim of bullying and bigotry from the cowardly anti woke bad guys. Hmm... woke wins this one.
  23. Maybe, but the delicious irony is that those using the new swear word don't/can't understand that the person who they aim the "woke" word at is happy that they've wound up a gammon bigot. I feel flattered to be called woke. It shows that I'm offending the right people.
  24. So then, looks like many CEOs across the manufacturing, I.T. and service industries see only positivity in association with Mr T. Over to you haters!
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