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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. Yeah right, life in Thailand has been so much improved since the latest illegal coup eh?
  2. I see the body fascists are on their moral high ground today.
  3. You've made my point for me ikke. These affluent westerners with their high salaries should not complain about low Bangkok taxi fares. No meter; politely say "stop here please" and walk away.
  4. High taxi fares in Bangkok? My experience is that Bangkok taxis are cheap, clean and efficient. A good comparison would be the taxi fare from Heathrow to Central London with BKK to say, Silom. The London fare would be £60+. The Bangkok fare (for a longer journey) is around £12. Yeah, yeah make sure meter is turned on when starting journey. What are these classy Western tourists moaning about!
  5. Spot on Eric. Funny innit that posters on here spout democracy but when the majority vote for Thaksin parties these "democrats" cry foul. Maybe these posters should experience a government led by the most corrupt (and that's saying something) politician IMO. Step forward Suthep, your adoring anti corruption fans need you!
  6. Come home Tony and sort out those who trumped up charges against you.
  7. Maybe not but still a backward step. Just when will all these Brexit bonuses cease?
  8. This news will get all the Thaksin haters and Bangkok elite in a tizzy. To point to just one of his qualities: He is not racist like many of the present incumbents and as such would benefit farang in the long term.
  9. A good human news story. Seems everybody's happy.
  10. Nor have you answered his question but this may stop other people making the mistake of using agents.
  11. Yes, it's very selfish to die isn't it? Best advice here is to get a friend here to place ashes in plastic bag, put bag in box, take to Thai Post. When asked what box contains tell the clerk ornamental jewellery with value 200 baht. Job done. When you're gone you're gone.
  12. Wrong. The offer from E.U. to rejoin is still on the table apparently. It'd be great to see the arch Brexitloons exploding on UK re-entry.
  13. Oh dear. This step in the right direction will upset the resident aseannow Thaksin haters.
  14. No, the word you're looking for is "polite".
  15. Seems to me that the "misery and desperation" is only being experienced by right wing bigots who don't want forrinners "coming over here". Still, it looks like the distraction tactic is working, so far, in that Tory supporters are shouting so loudly about Cruella's latest act of cruelty that the greed of Baroness Mone is temporarily relegated to Page 94.
  16. The document the OP was asked for was Kor Ror 2. I was refused visa cos I didn't have it 3 yrs ago. Savannakhet is not boring, only if one is unimaginative. The restaurants and live music down by the river are the places to go.
  17. 25 right wing scumbags banged up out of harm's way sounds just right to me. Kudos to German Plod.
  18. Yeah right. A military junta is far more beneficial to "those brainwashed proles" than a democratically elected government eh?
  19. Jeez guy will you get a grip. The current Tory government is up to it's neck in sleaze (£36 billion given to Tory donors in PPE scandal, failed austerity measures) which resulted in misery for those on the breadline and you manage to weave into this Tory disaster your opinion that Labour had a hand in it! Straight out of the Trump/Johnson playbook.
  20. Hmmm....maybe it's time that the entitled non dom tax avoiders stumped up a bit to help out but hey...their useful idiot Daily Wail reading suporters still believe that we need these parasites. NO! We need nurses, doctors, engineers, crop pickers, lorry drivers, binmen and more. These crucial workers contribute more to the economy and well being of our country than the smug, self satisfied asset strippers who are legging it with the silverware.
  21. Well bully for you Mr Wonderful. When you say "bought my house" that phraseology suggests that you were a sitting tenant as opposed to "I bought a house" Council tenant maybe? As for "I worked 25 years" wow! Was that in the Department for How Not to be Smug? Come on pal, you're Jacob Rees Mogg fishing for compliments now you've been kicked off the front bench.
  22. Oh it's narrow ok. This means that it will only take 3 decent Republicans to refuse to toe the MAGA line and the right wing nuts are stymied.
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