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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. Yeah right Donny. Like you promised to "drain the swamp"?
  2. The manager of the Mingood Hotel in Georgetown, Penang used to arrange visas before Covid. Might be worth dropping an e-mail.
  3. Most of us living in Amnaat Charoen forget just how lucky we are here compared with most places.
  4. Yours is the first comment to point to a win win outcome. I know the Kipper type posters on here will explode on reading this but here goes: UK public services are stretched to the limit. NHS is close to breaking point with immigrant doctors and nurses leaving partly because of hostility towards them heightened since 2016. Add to this the fact that growers are leaving vegetables to rot in fields and fruit to perish unpicked on trees because 90% of the (mostly) Polish workers went home and I don't see how anyone can deny that UK needs migrant workers more than ever now. Get the fit, young Channel Hoppers processed on arrival and put to work. This would please the Little Englanders cos it would save on the cost of luxury which they (Channel Hoppers) currently enjoy in "4 or 5 star hotels". In answer to the OP's question: No.
  5. The VIP bus goes overnight from Burirum to CM and vice versa. I think it's called Nakhon Air or something. Comfortable, a/c and not too dear.
  6. Let the anti-Thaksin hatefest begin. Many posters are missing the point that there is a problem and Thaksin is offering a plan to combat this. Kudos to the democratically elected ex PM.
  7. Shh......you know that the mere mention of his name is Pavlovian in the way it fills up the site with anti-T drivel.
  8. Just what have the rightards got against us in the lower orders owning flat screen tv's and i phones? After all, it's just what our controllers at 55 Tufton Street SW1 need us to consume in order that their comfortable lifestyles are perpetuated.
  9. "certain corner shops"? Please explain just what you mean.
  10. Bet you get invited to lots of parties.
  11. Ha ha ha! When the right wingnuts know they've lost the argument they resort to Whataboutery. Ever considered stand-up comedy?
  12. Back in the day in Issan the truck used to come to the village and villagers pointed out the strays to the man who collected said stray/nuisance dogs. Villagers were given plastic goods by the nice dog man. Dogs went on trip to Vietnam. Result: everybody happy.
  13. Not true. Mossies from different continents carry different diseases.
  14. With a few exceptions the expert economists on here seem to think that Thaksin is proposing an immediate rise in the minimum wage. It's clear that his proposal is to phase this in over 8 years. This is doable. I remember in UK Blair's proposal for a minimum wage was met with howls of derision from the negative right wing mob. Today, despite employers having to pay a fair wage the UK enjoys full employment. Go figure.
  15. So you have to take your eyes off the road to look at a tv screen in order to drive safely? Hmm.........
  16. You had to shoehorn your hatred of Thaksin into a post about the future of Thailand. Apart from (allegedly) a couple of visits to CM the guy has been gone for 14 yrs. Get over it. The lives of farang living here in Thaksin's days were not really adversely affected yet a few get really red in the face when he is mentioned. A bit like the gammon in UK banging on about "Commie Labour!". Cue........"What about 'his' extra judicial killings?"
  17. Never had a problem with Bangkok taxis. Many of those who complain, and I know a few, have an attitude problem. Yes, I've been ignored by taxis in the street in the rain but hey.....pop in a bar till rain stops. Now, if anyone needs an example of bad taxi drivers, look no further than Pukhet
  18. Simply writing about a handful of towns and the way you sensed the locals felt towards you is unhelpful subjectivity. No mention of Korat, Surin, Si Sa Ket, Burirum and many more.
  19. Not in U.K. Driving licences were valid until age 70 then renewed on application.
  20. Ok I geddit: we're guests here as so many posters remind us but hey, it may be their country but it's our world. Many travellers have imparted knowledge to poor countries by way of technology, civil engineering and helped rid countries of dictatorship. Not saying this guy went about it the right way but to blithely trot out the old "we're only guests" line is to perpetuate the status quo whereby nothing changes.
  21. Who??? The democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand. Note the words democratically elected, unlike the "wannabe gangster" filled present mob. Talking of gangsters, where's Suthep lurking these days?
  22. More red meat for the Thaksin hate mob. The worry is that Prayut will backdate the costitution signed by His Majesty in 2017. Give democracy back to the Thai people even if it means Abhisit returning.
  23. Looks like he's taking 30k from atm with 220bt charge
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