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Everything posted by cleopatra2

  1. Yes i am stating that in order to stroke an older tiger it needs to be drugged. To protect both the human and the tiger coming into contact with another tiger.
  2. Female tigers controll a territory of 10 to 20 sq Km. Male tigers controll 50 sq km. When a tiger detects the presence of another female or male they will start flamming
  3. No i did not . After 6 months the tiger cubs are to big and dangerous to pet. In the US the law limits cub petting up to 12 weeks only. As I mentioned The Tiger Kingdom themselves in an interview stated mature tigers are isolated and not allowed human contact being confined in a cage 24 hours a day for the rest of the animals life. The animals in the video in my opinion show symptoms of sedation. The tigers are mauled touched by various humans and the tigers remain listless. At one point the handler lifts a tigers cheek to display the teeth. The animal does not open its eyes. In another shot a tiger cannot even walk and needs to be pushed by the handler.
  4. Pim from the Tiger Kingdom gave an interview to the Phuket news where he stated , I will paraphrase When a tiger reaches 2 to 3 years of age they get territorial and fight . At Tiger Kingdom once a tiger reaches maturity it is isolated and either goes to a breeding program or put in a cage 24 hours a day for the rest of its life.
  5. Here is video , only watched the first few minutes the animal is obviously sedated.
  6. Come on this is rubbish. A tiger cub at 6 months is still somewhat immature but will weigh up to 100lbs. Now consider an immature playfull cat weighing 100lb just waving its paws around while some one is attempting to pet or stroke the animal. Even the notorious Kanchanburi temple did not allow human contact after 6.months.
  7. The issue the life span of a petting tiger cub is 6 months. After this age the cub is still immature and playfull but is now to strong to allow human contact.
  8. Tigers are territorial . Adult tigers will fight. The Tiger Kingdom acknowledges that they have to be kept in isolation .
  9. What about the mature tigers that are kept in isolation . The Tiger Kingdom acknowledes these tigers are not allowed to mix and are kept in cages isolated from other animals. Then there is the question of what is the purpose of these places. The animals can never be rehabillitated into their natural enviroment. They lack the freedom and ability to fullfil a life of their wild counterparts. Destined to serve a life sentence of servitude to the whims of their human captors. Far from conservation these places are de- evolution . Along with inbreeding producing weak immune animals and the reversal of 1000's of years of natural selection.
  10. UK state pension is in law a benefit as described in the relevant social security acts. The state pension is exempt from the penalty of loss or reduced benefit. The majority of persons would fall into claimant error and be issued with a civil penalty applied onto the overpayment .
  11. No it is regarded as claiment error. Subject to civil proceedings of a 50 gbp fine ( failure to notify within reasonable fine) and reclaim of overpayment.
  12. Prince Andrew decided it was more advantagous to pay a settlement to maintain is tarnished reputation than go to court.
  13. Here is the original UK Met review and its reasoning https://www.voanews.com/a/europe_uk-police-explain-decision-prince-andrew-case/6180167.html
  14. There is no age of consent for rape Andrew was accused of rape
  15. No It was agreed by both parties that Andrew would pay a settlement to settle the case.
  16. imcorrect They decided other law enforcement was more equipped to deal with it
  17. combined with para 42 ' During each of the aforementioned incidents, Prince Andrew acted with intent to compel Plaintiff’s submission ' along with the prev. paragraph constitute the allegation of engaging in prostitution.
  18. Incorrect. The filed lawsuit alleges sexuall asualt with battery . includuing 1st and 3rd degree rape. paragraphs 42 oneards of the lawsuit specify that the sex was non consensual
  19. Here is the actual wording ' Prince Andrew engaged in each of the aforementioned sexual acts with Plaintiff at Epstein and Maxwell’s invitation, knowing that she was a sex-trafficking victim being forced to engage in sexual acts with him. '
  20. it is inferred from para. 43 of the lawsuit. At the invitation of Epstein and Maxwell Andrew engaged in the acts knowing the plaintiff was trafficked and abused.
  21. I am not assuming anything. Just relying on known facts. Andrew' s team offered a settlement for Giuffre to end the case. What further could be gained by refusing and continiung . At the point of settlement the case is won.
  22. There is no advantage to continue when the case has been won. To refuse the settlement ( if the amounts quoted are correct) would be seen as vindictive and the plaintiff seeking revenge not justice. A jury verdict in Giuffre favour would not have yielded any better result.
  23. Why continue the case when it has already been won. The case was about liability, seeking unspecified damages. A tolling agreement to reach a settlement was offered before the case filing. The case was filed due to Prince Andrew's team declining the tolling agreement. The optics of Andrew agreeing to a settlement rather then tesing the case before a jury speaks louder than any jury verdict finding of liability .
  24. ' How does the allegarions cinstitute rape ' Giuffre alleges that Andrew had non consensual sex . The allegation is rape . In the court filing document 1st and 3rd degree rape under NY penal code 130.25 and 130.35.
  25. It is not about sleeping with younget women. The allegation is that the sexual encounter was unwanted and Andrew at the time was aware of Giuffre being trafficked and abused. Now you may not believe the accusations. However the allegations constitute rape and no normal person would regard them as trivial.
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