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Everything posted by Pedrogaz

  1. Ask yourself, would you fly over here from the US to meet with Prawit?
  2. A silly racist, apologist for Johnson who has lied all through his career.
  3. I can't recall any CC decision going against Prayut, so in my mind he's a shoo-in to return as PM.
  4. Good for Han Lay. Toronto is a nice city albeit cold in the winter, but with her looks she should be able to make enough money to find some winter sun. If she needs a husband, I can help.
  5. Do we not have enough of these terrible drivers on our roads delivering food?
  6. The EU gives countries veto rights upon joining.....but beware, if you use your veto rights the unelected commission will punish you
  7. I don't know too much about this guy, but he seemed upright and intelligent when he was in charge of the Thai economy. Seems someone to be able to vote for without holding one's nose, but then again, I have been fooled before by seemingly upright politicians.
  8. Good move by Putin....should have done it ages ago. These were lost customers anyway, the sanctions will never go away in our lifetimes. Much better to hook up with China, Iran etc andante try to change the world. We will soon see arms sold to NK and Iran by Russia and China as retaliation for US arm to Ukraine and Taiwan.
  9. About time too. Let these poor drivers earn decent money. As it is any increase is likely to be eaten up by increases in gas prices.
  10. I think they will have to carry Prayut out from his premiership in a coffin or garbage truck. His hands are glued fast to his emergency decree premiership. I wonder how many months this fellow has governed without Section 44 or emergency decree.
  11. Personally I don't see much mileage in being a smart Alec to I/Os.
  12. I'm not a doctor but have had experience with foot lesions. I am a diabetic. Best option is dicloxacillin 500mg four times a day and ciprofloxacin 500mg twice a day for 7 days. Add in metronidazole 400mg three times a day if there is no improvement in 3 days. Some people might think ciprofloxacin is overkill for such an infection but pseudomonas aeruginosa can be grown from samples taken from inside sneakers. This organism is opportunistic and is difficult to treat if it becomes established. If no solid improvement in 5 days visit a doctor....he might wish to remove the toe nail. Do you have diabetes? You can feel pain and still have hairs on your toes so the nerves are still intact and the blood supply looks adequate.
  13. Stupid. Putting an emergency decree into place takes all of 5 minutes. What can/could happen with COVID in those 5 minutes. Right.....emergency decree is a sham.
  14. I would love to see and analysis of Prayut's tenure to see how many months he has ruled without some sort of decree (like S44) or an SoE.
  15. Too rich for me. After a life time of paying taxes I'll ignore expensive items where the costliness is caused by taxes, items such as wines.
  16. Morons. It is illegal now to carry passengers in the bed, and has been for a long time. 10 people in a pick up is too stupid to even comment about. The police don't make laws.....Parliament does that.
  17. Sure to be very, very effective; just like every other government website. Look forward to mass confusion.
  18. He sounds like arrogant scum (sorry). Punish him to the maximum extent of the law, make an example for others to learn from. A custodial sentence at least.
  19. Indeed, Thailand is the hub of partially explained mystery deaths.
  20. This is my own experience with Thai electricians. When I had my house built I had the overseer of electricity (my friend) for the town to instruct the electrician. Apparently my friend knew the guy who "trained" my electrician. I asked for the system to be earthed. OK that's extra. OK. So I do a little check on one of the socket systems. There is a green wire poking out for where the earth should be.....but sadly for me, it wasn't attached to anything else.....deliberate fraud and dangerous. Remediation has cost me a fortune (500K or so).
  21. Well that's a hard question to answer? Maybe we should answer why there are so many road deaths each year? It has the same answer. The cops in this case probably got a bung from the owner to turn a blind eye to allow him to operate illegally.
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