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Everything posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I know people who have had it done. One at Bumrungrad......he had insurance so it cost him nothing. He had a great result. A couple of others who had cataract and/or retinal surgery at other hospitals had temporary improvement. I have wonky eyes but am holding out. I'd be tempted to go back home if I really get to need it. I'm a bit funny about my eyes. One slip of the laser and your life is ruined.
  2. Nice to see lots of moral self righteousness in the comments here. God, I'm there is something I hate more than child pornographers, it is sanctimonious, self righteous old men virtue signalling. Makes me want to puke.
  3. They are not missing much. An internet outage will probably do wonders for the mental health of VietNam.
  4. How about some senior RTP members going over there to make sure the British police haven't missed any clues? I'm sure they would enjoy the trip.
  5. Can we all agree to rid ourselves of Prayut, Prawit and Anutin in the next election? Please. These halfwits are killing the country.
  6. Apparently no action taken. Chiang Mai is still burning. Bangkok still full of PM 2.5. This PM doesn't ever make anything happen. He just makes statements and then assumes that the desired action has taken place.....it rarely does, except in command and control environments like the army and other military services. This is why generals make lousy PMs.
  7. Well then I'll stop going out of the country to avoid this new tax that as soon as it gets established will be raised on a regular basis. The authorities will lose the re-entry fee as well.
  8. Anutin = Incompetent.
  9. Whenever there is torture, the cops will simply say the equipment wasn't turned on or is broken.
  10. A forced haircut is assault.
  11. There are no more important questions than the ones you raise. If there is a god and we fail to believe (as I fail to believe) then we are condemned to eternal pain and torture with no parole. Since and early age I was suspicious about how religions were used as tools of control.....with doctrines abandoned and invented to meet the need for control. I was raised in early life as a Catholic and now I look back on the history of the religion as one of almost total hypocrisy and of doing much harm and little (or no) good in the world. That is not to say that there aren't many good Catholics.....my grandmother was one....but she followed the doctrines of Christ, not the warmonging doctrines of the awful Old Testament God (the 10 Commandments, which Jesus preached should be discarded). Despite the awful future in the event that I am wrong about religions and life after death, I cannot subscribe to the superstitious nonsense that is fed to children in order to make them pliable and amenable to control by the hierarchy in later life.
  12. Thailand's politicians urged to pretend to fight graft.
  13. Total stupidity. The war on drugs has failed and has ruined more lives than it has saved.
  14. I'll say it again: generals make disastrously poor politicians. Prawit falling asleep during meetings will be at the low end of generals' performances.
  15. Generals make disastrous political leaders.
  16. Sad but true. I do hope he has excellent security.
  17. Years more spent using up oxygen, eating, driving cars and mopeds and then dying after having done more than their predecessors to destroy the earth and its environment. Humans really are greedy and revolting predators that live too long.
  18. Funny, whenever anyone dies in custody or the police are bribed the body or cell cameras stop functioning.
  19. I renewed mine during the COVID crisis and it went exceptionally smoothly. The agency was deterred and I was seen immediately. I had booked an appoint meant on the agency's website and taken the test there. Shockingly (for I have had zero experience of government websites functioning) the website worked as advertised.
  20. Doesn't the ban on vaping destroy any reputation Thai lawmakers may once have had. The police fail to enforce the need to have a driving licence, speeding or drink driving laws, but enforce the ridiculously harsh penalties for vaping. Go figure.
  21. 6 cops are banged up without bail. How come this piece of scum is roaming free, able to intimidate witnesses etc. Not quite as bad as the cops with were convicted of murder and given the death penalty a few years back. They appealed and were released on bail. Unfortunately a key witness died while their appeal was pending, so they escaped unpunished.
  22. Looking like the era of cheap labour era in Thailand is over. This will impact pretty much everything that is inexpensive in Thailand and push up prices. Clever move.
  23. Most people treat their guests better in their homes, than their own family members. Except for ignorant pigs, of course.
  24. When I first came to Thailand, you couldn't get a cup of coffee that didn't have the equivalent of 4 teaspoonsful of sugar....revoltingly sweet, even for me that has a really sweet tooth. Now I am T2D from all of those years growing up in the UK. Things are ok still in Thailand and things have improved as sometimes waitresses sometimes ask if you want your coffee 'wan'. But the rise of limited numbers of morbidly obese children and young adult here in Thailand is a worrying trend for a major health crisis in the not too distant future.
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