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Everything posted by Pedrogaz

  1. Anyone know a place for male genital enlargement?????
  2. Definitely. They should buy as much discounted Russian Iranian and Venezuelan oil as possible.
  3. Get that parasite Giuliani in jail where he belongs.
  4. Pas a law saying that any new cables have to be underground (excepting electricity cables).
  5. Great idea....I am so sick of western virtue signalling and hypocrisy. Shame our politicos never listen to good ideas.
  6. Move the bike out of the way and park there.
  7. All this celebrating over a few customers in the first half of the year. If the government had done away with the stupid Thai Pass and other idiotic schemes earlier the place would be packed now.
  8. Cue major storm when restoration is finished to wash away the beach. Do it properly, or don't bother doing it.
  9. Surely these people were breaking the law using an agent? The only people I know who use an agent are those who don't have the 800K in the bank. The agent puts 800K in their accounts and then withdraws it immediately but claims to the I/O that it is seasoned. It's pretty clearly fraud. I know a guy been here 17 years, he has used agents to extend his marriage visa for all this time. He is two years on overstay and agents can't do anything for him, and he doesn't have 400K in the bank. I'd lend it to him but I'd never see the money again as I'm guessing two years overstay meaning deportation.
  10. You just might be naive......everyone has a streak of evil somewhere, and most people are super-greedy, just saying! Ass keener minds have said.....one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. Something to ponder on: ports were blocked in Yemen with US assistance and the population as subjected to massive bombing.....who exactly gave a care?
  11. I thought most taxis used either LNG or CNG. Whenever taxis have needed fuel when I have been in them, it is always nat gas, never petrol or diesel.
  12. Who in their right mind would "approve" of what Biden is doing??????? Who are these 40% of ordinary voters that support him and his policies after the total disaster he has made of them? What thoughts go though their minds as they answer the question? Idiots, total idiots.
  13. Phils: TIT, without a sewage smell you would have no toilet in your condo. My advice is" learn to love the sewage smell.....it's part and parcel of being in Thailand, and better that having a smell that you don't know what it is. Just think if it was an unidentifiablele smell, it might well be a rotting corpse......so sewage smell let's you rest easy....it's only a bit of poo for goodness' sakes.
  14. Wow, I have recently been getting lots of Facebook OTP and line OTPs. I have just ignored them. Should I report them to the police?
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